The Specialized Command for Nuclear Security (CoSSeN), is an organisation created by the French Government in 2016. Supervised by the Interior and Energy ministries and composed of Gendarmerie and Police officers as well as civil servants, it aims to enhance the response of state security forces regarding physical protection of civilian nuclear facilities and transports.
As nuclear operators developed additional protection measures for their facilities, the state also reinforced the nuclear security regime by creating a new service.
The CoSSeN, along with other nuclear security actors, contributes to reinforcing the defense shield around nuclear facilities and transports.
It is the referent of the Interior ministry regarding actions of security forces to protect nuclear facilities and transports from malicious acts.
One of the main tasks of the CoSSeN is to enhance, harmonize and coordinate operational concepts.
In France, the “préfet”, government delegate in the territories, is in charge of defense planning.
This involves the following actions :
· o They have to prepare the Nation, in all its components, state or not, to major crises;
· o They have to ensure the continuity of the State and the essential functions of the Nation.
In this purpose, the CoSSeN is responsible for advising national and local authorities in the development of defense planning and national security.
Considering the great diversity of French nuclear installations, a specific site protection methodology has been elaborate around three axes:
A global approach :
o Coordination and involvement of all state stakeholders for the benefit of the authorities of the nuclear installation
o Risk and threat mapping
o State of the art of existing documents
o Safety engineering study for the four earth-air-sea-cyber dimensions
o Planning on all the functions of: vigilance, prevention, protection, and reaction
An integrated approach :
o Constant search for coherence between the exterior and the interior of the strategic site
o Consideration of the articulation between safety and security dimensions
Assistance dedicated to authorities and agents at the territorial level in their apprehension of the security problem of their site(s) :
o Risks and threats awareness
o Implementation of requirements for the tools dedicated to project management
o Training
o Assistance in monitoring nuclear material transport
o Orientation of Intelligence Search
o Drafting plans
o Planning and organization of exercises
o Dedicated referrers as a consultant
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