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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Design of the Physical Protection Training Laboratory: Strengthening Effort to Sustain Nuclear Security Capacity Building, BATAN’s Experiences

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Role of Nuclear Security Support Centers to support and sustain national nuclear security regimes


Mr Khairul Khairul (BATAN)


Teguh Asmoro1, Khairul Khairul2, Fatmuanis3, Naoko Noro4
1 Center for Informatics and Nuclear Strategic Zone Utilization BATAN, Serpong Nuclear Research Complex, PUSPIPTEK Area, Serpong 15314, Tangerang-Indonesia,
2 Center for Informatics and Nuclear Strategic Zone Utilization BATAN, Serpong Nuclear Research Complex, PUSPIPTEK Area, Serpong 15314, Tangerang-Indonesia,
3 Center for Education and Training, BATAN, Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya, Pasar Jumat, Indonesia,
4Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security/Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan,
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), has the commitment to apply nuclear security in accordance with the requirements set in the Amendment to Convention of Physical of Nuclear Material and Physical Protection and Code of Conduct of Safety and Security of Radioactive Source. In order to develop nuclear security capacity building focus on human resources, based on BATAN Chair Regulation 14/2013, The Center for Education and Training (CET) has the duty to perform education and training, especially in the field of nuclear science and technology including nuclear security. In developing the nuclear security program requires infrastructure in the form of competent human resources, competence based training program and also the adequate training facilities and laboratory that meet IAEA program through Nuclear Security Support Center (NSSC) in order to strengthen nuclear security that is sustainable.
BATAN in cooperation with IAEA, US DOE, ISCN/JAEA in developing a nuclear security program to improve the human resources competence until advance level through regional and international training that organized internally and overseas. Nuclear security in BATAN is a responsibility of Bureau for Legal, Public Relations and Cooperation (BHHK) and supported by technical nuclear facilities while CET is responsible for organizing the training program to fullfil the human resources competence. In addition, CET also has implemented a regional training program with instructors have national and international experience. The cooperation with the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (ISCN/JAEA) for capacity building of Indonesia including BATAN CET began in 2015, and this bilateral cooperation includes ISCN/JAEA assistance for designing and implementing Physical Protection Training Laboratory at CET.
In developing nuclear security capacity building BATAN still has a constraint in providing a laboratory facility to perform the exercise. Physical protection laboratory consists of mock up facility and its physical protection system, detection system lab, delay system lab, assessment system lab, support system maintenance lab, Detection lab for secondary check and Integrated System of PP. This paper will also describe Indonesia-ISCN/JAEA cooperation program and its achievements, and it serve as a good reference of collaboration among training centers.

Keyword: Human Resources, Training, detection, Delay, Assessment, training tool

State Indonesia
Gender Male

Primary author

Presentation materials