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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Adapting to Response - Customized Alarm Response Training

Feb 10, 2020, 12:00 PM
M4 (M building )


M building

Paper PP: Physical protection systems: evaluation and assessment Physical protection systems: evaluation and assessment


Mr Jimmie Williams (US DOE)


The Office of Radiological Security Alarm Response Training (ART) program provides a unique, quality training experience for sites participating in the voluntary security program. The training course is designed to cultivate interoperability of various response elements and offer the opportunity to discuss, develop, and refine their organizations' response plans and strategies.
The three day ORS ART course is held at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN provides the participating site approximately ten slots. The ten slots are divided among on-site security, radiation safety, and local law enforcement personnel to ensure each response agency directly involved is represented. This “diversity of group” is essential in fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and is an element that consistently receives positive feedback in course critiques. However, because each site participating at the Y-12 site is limited to approximately ten slots, the majority of an area’s response personnel, particularly the law enforcement officers most likely to respond, are not afforded the opportunity of attending the training. Often, key leaders ( e.g., police chiefs, city managers, and facility administrators) are unable to attend due to the schedule challenges presented by a weeklong training event held away from their jurisdiction.

Out of this request, the Customized Alarm Response Training Course (cART) was developed. The cART efforts complement, not supplant, the resident Y-12 program as the course often provides the first opportunity for participating sites to create and exercise tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP’s). cART is strategically conducted in select cities across the U.S. In addition to providing on-site training, the cost for attending the cART is less than the current resident ART course since logistical support for approximately 40 participants is not be required.

The cART program also provides the Local Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA) with a mock irradiator and supporting equipment. An example of equipment required includes a mobile camera system to provide central alarm station setups, observer rooms, and the ability to conduct after-action participant reviews.

The ORS program has implemented cART in through 2020 Cities Initiative. The 2020 Cities Initiative focuses on securing the top 20 cities by the year 2020. This paper will present the best practices and lessons learned from these select eve

State United States
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Jimmie Williams (US DOE)

Presentation materials