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10–14 Feb 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Sustainability for capacity building in CBRN security; the EU perspective

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Capacity building (e.g. human resource development and sustainability, nuclear security education and job-specific performance training including for newcomer countries)


Dr Margarida Goulart (European Commission - Joint Research Centre)


Global nuclear security depends strongly on the efforts of international organisations and leading donors, combined with an efficient regional coordination and solid national commitment. While there are several initiatives addressing CBRN risks from different angles, there are few which follow an integrated CBRN approach, despite the definite added value of such a strategy (for example in the coordination of response agencies and front line officers). The EU CBRN Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) is one of the only global initiatives to pursue an integrated CBRN risk mitigation, with proven success. The EU CBRN CoE initiative addresses risks related to CBRN material and agents of any origin: criminal (proliferation, theft, sabotage and illicit trafficking), accidental (industrial catastrophes, in particular chemical or nuclear, waste treatment and transport) or natural (mainly pandemics but also consequence of natural hazards on CBRN material and facilities). This approach reinforces the countries' competences in addressing the CBRN risks not only in a strictly security-related scenario but also in other settings of accidental or natural occurring releases, which enhances the sustainability and endurance of the developed capacities.
The network structure supported by the EU CBRN CoE is also a factor of sustainability: the country hosting the EU CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat designates the Head of the Regional Secretariat, and all Partner Countries of the region designate nominate a National Focal Point and a CBRN National Team, which forms a coordinating and information-sharing working group between the different national institutions involved at various levels in national CBRN risk mitigation. The National Team members provide their experiences from agencies involved in the country's preparation and response in the different CBRN fields, discuss national coordination and, particularly, enhance the relevance and ownership of the implementation of capacity building activities. The involvement of the European External Action Service and of the EU Delegations is a crucial factor of success of the initiative. Also, administrative support and contribution for diplomatic coordination is ensured by staff of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).
One of the first activities implemented by the Initiative at national level is an integrated needs assessment in CBRN, with the effective participation of the National Focal Point and of the National Team. This is also an opportunity for a preliminary discussion of CBRN risks among the national delegates and for the mapping of other existing CBRN initiatives in the country. This exercise allows for the identification of areas for improvement where actions should be taken and, together with a risk assessment component, is the basis for the formulation of a National CBRN Action Plan (NAP). The NAP is an essential tool for national authorities to articulate priorities and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy against CBRN risks for the medium to long term, where the capacity building activities should be nested.
The EU CBRN CoE capacity building activities are tailored to the needs of the individual countries but with a regional dimension, and resort to different mechanisms: revision of the national regulatory framework addressing CBRN risks, training of operational officers, train the trainers of programme coordinators, field and table exercises or demonstrations, networking of existing or new infrastructures and deployment of interoperable, feasible equipment.
In summary, the EU CBRN CoE strategy for promoting sustainability in global CBRN security is the adequate combination of a well-supported bottom-up needs assessment, a consistent network of National Focal Points and National Teams in constant dialogue, the development of a government-endorsed CBRN NAP, the implementation of impactful and well-coordinated projects and a strong local ownership of the capacity building activities.

State Other

Primary authors

Dr Margarida Goulart (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) Dr Said Abousahl (European Commission) Mariana Gonçalves (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) Ivana Oceano (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) Ms Daniela Santopolo (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) Ms Katharina Fietz (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) Ms Kristina Szucsova (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) Ms Ilaria Federici

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