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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Nuclear security education efforts to develop the next generation in Morocco

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation CC: Capacity building (e.g. human resource development and sustainability, nuclear security education and job-specific performance training including for newcomer countries)


Prof. Abdelmajid CHOUKRI (Universiy of Ibn Tofail)


Morocco is an active member of the IAEA and has signed all the protocols and conventions relating to nuclear security and the non-proliferation. Since 2016, Morocco has created its regulatory authority for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security and has continued to undertake activities to establish a reliable nuclear security program concerning the use of radioactive sources and nuclear material used in Morocco or in its region. These activities include efforts by the most Moroccan universities and existing training centers to include nuclear security and non-proliferation courses in masters programs and the development of training programs for professionals.

The University of Ibn Tofail in Morocco is one of the forerunners in this field, having established its educational programme at an early stage in 2010, while taking into account the need for faculty development courses (FDCs) for national, regional and international participants, as well as student’s needs for theoretical and practices oriented programmes.

Equipped with experiences of previous courses and capacities within the country, Morocco requested to hold the first regional school on nuclear security heid in french, based on the joint IAEA-ICTP International School on Nuclear Security.

In this presentation, we will talk about some main activities undertaken by the University of Ibn Tofail in collaboration with national and international universities and organizations :

1- The introduction of nuclear security and non-proliferation courses in the Master's programs in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Science and Technology. These courses cover the various topics of nuclear security such as the national nuclear security regime, the culture of nuclear security, the transportation and management of radioactive sources, information security and cyber security,
2- proposal of the subjects for the projects of end of studies in master cycle which relate to exercises and scenarios of nuclear security,
3- organization of a regional nuclear security school by university of Ibn Tofail in collaboration with the IAEA for young professionals from African countries speaking French with contribution of experts from IAEA, Morocco and other countries and organizations,
4- organization of some workshops, round tables and exercices for academics, students and professionals in nuclear field.
5- Successful associative work within the framework of Student INMM chapter created for the first time nationally, regionally and continentally by University of Ibn Tofail. this association has ensured the organization of activities on nuclear security in several national universities and institutes.

State Morocco
Gender Male

Primary author

Prof. Abdelmajid CHOUKRI (Universiy of Ibn Tofail)

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