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10–14 Feb 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Strong nuclear security framework as an essential element of nuclear new-build programme

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Implementation of national legislative and regulatory frameworks, and international instruments


Mr Kamil Adamczyk (Ministry of Energy)


Establishment of the robust legislative and institutional framework for nuclear power sector, adequately addressing nuclear security, remains one of the main challenges faced by countries embarking on nuclear power. From this point of view, the aim of the paper is to present good practices and lessons-learnt by Poland in that field during implementation of its nuclear power programme
In January 2014 Polish Government adopted Nuclear Power Programme (“PNPP”) which sees 2 nuclear power plants to be constructed in Poland by 2035 with a total capacity of 6000 MWe. The Programme is a strategic, comprehensive document that sets out the scope of measures to be taken to implement nuclear power in Poland. At the very early stage of the nuclear power programme the Government expressed its strong commitment to nuclear security. One of the Programme priorities is “to ensure the highest achievable safety /security for NPPs”. As a result Poland has been undertaking many actions to enhance its nuclear security framework, e.g. it developed its nuclear laws and hosted several missions of International Atomic Energy Agency to ensure that Polish nuclear infrastructure meets all international standards and best practices in that field. Based on Polish experiences in that field, the proposed paper will discuss various ways of how nuclear new-build countries may enhance its nuclear security framework.
The first part of the paper will present how nuclear security has been addressed in Polish Nuclear Power Programme. Chapter 6. of PNPP will be discussed in detail, in which importance is given to physical protection of nuclear facilities is highlighted: “the top priority of PNPP is to ensure nuclear safety radiological protection with respect to the public and the nuclear power facility personnel, including physical protection of any nuclear facilities”.
The second part will present the most important legal and institutional arrangements for nuclear security as prescribed in Atomic law act and secondary legislation.
The third part will outline various types of IAEA review missions, in particular International Physical Protection Advisory service (IPPAS mission), as powerful tools to enhance nuclear security framework in nuclear-new build countries. With this regards it must be noted that, within the last few years Poland hosted various IAEA missions which resulted in series of suggestions, recommendations and good practices identified in various areas of national nuclear policy and law. The most significant and interesting lessons-learnt from those missions that might be applicable also in other nuclear new build countries will be presented in the paper.
In the fourth part of the paper the conclusions will be drawn up on how clear and strong commitment to nuclear security at the very early stage of implementation of nuclear power programme contributed to enhancement of nuclear security framework in Poland as a nuclear new-build country.

State Poland
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Kamil Adamczyk (Ministry of Energy)

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