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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Coordinated Response and Practical Aspects to Nuclear Security Events in Albania.

Not scheduled
Poster MORC: Coordinated response to nuclear security events


Dr Dritan Prifti (Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics)


In Albania, radioactive sources are used in medicine, industry, agriculture, research and teaching process. The basic law for radiation protection in the Republic of Albania is the law "On Protection from Ionizing Radiation ", No. 8025, date 09.11.1995, and also, Law. 9973, date 28.07.2008 "On some amendments and additions to Law no. 8025, dated 09.11.1995 " On Protection from Ionizing Radiation", that approximates the IAEA safety fundamental, which establishes basic safety standards to protect health of workers and the general public environment against the dangers arising from the ionizing radiation.
Radiation Protection Commission (RPC) as the Regulatory Body defines the policies related to the treatment of the radioactive waste and DSRS in collaboration with other institutions. The Radiation Protection Office (RPO) is established as the executive body of the RPC. Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics (IANP) is the institution responsible for the processing and management of all radioactive waste and DSRS, produced in Albania and also of the orphan sources.
In support of safe and secure radioactive materials management and transport a Memorandum of Undertanding no.419 dated 14.01.2009 has been signed between General Customs Directorate and IANP with the aim “For detecting and combating of illicit trafficking on radioactive materials” where is reflected co-operation between institutions, when radioactive materials beyond prescribed norms are determined, technical assistance for the control and prevention of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials and continuous training of front line officers.

In implementation of the Albanian legislation in force, aiming at the protection and security of these types of materials, the response against their illicit trafficking, not only for criminal purposes, but also the consequences of the loss of control over radioactive sources, is approved the regulation "On Standard Procedures of Operations (SOPs) for the detection of radioactive materials "of the General Customs Directorate.

In order to secure the border to prevent the unauthorized entrance - exit and transit of the radioactive sources in the Republic of Albania, the Albanian Customs Service has taken all the due measures to place the necessary devices for automatic and/or manual detection of the radioisotopes in border crossing points. The allocation of such devices should make possible to detect and/or identify strength/nature of source and should be realized in line with the establishment of functional response plans/ procedures prepared by the Customs Service in cooperation with RPC and IANP.

This paper will discuss the present situation on the responsible institutions cooperation to ensure the safety and security in response to nuclear security events in Albania.

State Albania
Gender Male

Primary author

Dr Dritan Prifti (Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics)


Prof. Elida Bylyku (Institute of Applied Nuclear Physcis) Dr Brunilda Daci (Institute of Applied Nuclear Physcis) Dr Kozeta Tushe (Institute of Applied Nuclear Physcis)

Presentation materials