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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Organizational coordination in indonesia for response to nuclear security events

Not scheduled
Poster MORC: Coordinated response to nuclear security events


anet Hayani (BAPETEN)


Indonesia is the largest archipelego state in the world, approximately two thirds of which is water. In the perspective of radioactive sources utilization, especially on security aspect with that large territory and with many different cultures and local rules, the Indonesian goverment should have the right strategy to implement a security requirement that is set on Government Regulation and BAPETEN Chairman Regulation (BCR) regarding the utilization of radioactive sources on different areas (islands) in Indonesia. For radioactive mobile sources movement, transportation will be conduct mainly through the sea or river and land, making the risk for radioactive mobile sources from the security prespective is high. The utilization of radioactive sources in many areas in Indonesia also becoming high risk from the security prespective when it is in remote area.

Under Indonesia regulation, every operator of radioactive sources utilization should meet the security requirements to install, operate and maintain security system in order to detect and delay attempts to steal or sabotage a source. In dealing with security events such as stealing and sabotage of radioactive sources, operator of radioactive sources generally relies on external entities, such as local or national police or local government, national guard force, or some related organizations to respond to these security events. The challenges of faced with the security events are more difficult on Indonesia territorial because Indonesia has not only areas with established infrastructure and communication system but also areas with limited infrastructure and communication system. Therefore, the role of coordination between stakeholders regarding security system is very important.

BAPETEN as the Indonesian nuclear regulatory body has the role of establishing for setting requirements for security of radioactive source in facilities. One of the important requirements is that the operator should provide response function. The response function consists of providing response equipment and emergency response plan. This response function is stated in BCR No. 6 Year 2015. For To assist the operator in implementing response function, BAPETEN should make arragements for achieving effective interagency response coordination among the stakeholders on the radioactive sources security aspect. Up to now, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) guidance on specific recommendations on how to achieve interagency response coordination has not yet developed.

Pertaining with the implementation of the above mentioned BCR, Indonesia, in this case BAPETEN, has made efforts to improve coordination by taking several steps, such as:
1. Identifying stakeholders along with their national duties and functions;
2. Providing education to stakeholders, especially law enforcement officers;
3. Collaborating and socializing with the local government;
4. Making cooperation agreements with stakeholders at the national level; and
5. Performing exercises to respond to nuclear security event based on the procedure at the facility.

For enhancing effectiveness coordination among stake holders related to the response to security events, BAPETEN issued the BCR No.1 Year 2015 on Management of Emergency Response. This regulation states that Indonesia must establish an emergency response organization, establish procedures related to the response of nuclear security events and conduct training related to nuclear security events. At present, emergency response organizations in Indonesia also serves as response to organizations related to nuclear security events. This paper will highlight several efforts that have been taken by the Indonesian Government regarding coordination between stakeholders to respond to nuclear security incidents.

State Indonesia
Gender Female

Primary author

anet Hayani (BAPETEN)

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