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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone


Not scheduled
Paper CC: Nuclear safety and security interfaces


Ms Bahire Göktepe Necmi Dayday


In this paper nuclear security culture development programme (NUSEC) for new comers is presented. NUSEC is the continuation of the safety culture development program designed by NUTEK Inc.
The safety culture development program was created by NUTEK Inc in order to contribute to improve industrial safety and occupational health status in newcomers by building a «safety culture training » along with the «localization activities» starting from the pre-operational phases of NPP projects. During the implementation of the NUSAC one of the main issue was to define and describe clearly the fine line between the safety and security terminology. Both safety and security have the same equivalent meaning in Turkish
Few years after the initiation of this work, there has been a need to address both safety and security and the interface between the two.
The new module on the Nuclear Security Culture Development Program for new comers reflects the strong interface between safety and security culture issues.
NUSAC (NUTEK SAfety Culture Development Program) Methodology: NUSAC consists of various training modules for introducing and progressively developing human and organizational safety and security culture including evaluation of factors influencing safety culture, risk management, emergency preparedness, risk communication. Safety and security leadership awareness issues are also addressed.
NUSAC has short, medium and long term objectives and will be implemented in accordance with the progress of the current Turkish national NPP projects. NUSAC and new module on the nuclear security stipulates the cooperation with key authorities and stakeholders; ministries, regulatory authority, private sector, industrial chambers, universities and related NGOs and public.

State Turkey
Gender Female

Primary author

Presentation materials