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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Evaluation of National Strategies for Regaining Control over Radioactive Material in the United Republic of Tanzania from 2009 to 2018

Not scheduled
Paper MORC: Preventing illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive material


Didasi W. Shao (Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission)


The safety and security record for the application of nuclear technology in the United Republic of Tanzania is admirable although some incidents involving illegal possession of radioactive material in the country have been intercepted by the national police between 1996 - 2012. Latest incidents of illicit trafficking were recorded in 2009 and 2012. In this matter the safety and security of radioactive sources are very important from the initial stage of the source use to its final disposal stage. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the national strategies for regaining control over radioactive material in the Country from 2009 to 2018. The evaluation covers regulatory framework; education and training of regulatory staff, frontline officers and stakeholders; import/export of radioactive sources; scrap metal industries monitoring; security upgrading of facilities with high risk; management of disused sources; search and secure of orphan sources; radioactive sources inventory; security plan during the transport of radioactive sources; collection and conditioning of disused sources; international cooperation ; and implementation of projects and activities Tanzania participated in IAEA from 2009 to 2018.
[1] Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC), The Atomic Energy Act, No.7 of 2003.
[2] Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC), The Atomic Energy (Protection from Ionizing Radiation) Regulations 2004.
[3] Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC), The Atomic Energy (The Packaging and Transport of radioactive material) Regulations 2011.
[4] International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), The Radiological Accident in Goiania 1988.
[5] Shao Didas, Sungita Yesaya and Banzi Firmi; Challenging Issues in the Management of Disused Sources in the United Republic of Tanzania, IAEA, Symposium Proceedings 13-17 Cordoba, Spain.

State Tanzania
Gender Male

Primary authors

Didasi W. Shao (Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission) Wilbrod Muhogora (Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission) Lazaro Busagala (Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission) Mikidadi Gurisha (Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission)

Presentation materials