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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Physical protection systems: evaluation and assessment

Feb 10, 2020, 11:30 AM
M4 (M building )


M building

Poster PP: Physical protection systems: evaluation and assessment Physical protection systems: evaluation and assessment


O Abdelouahed Chetaine (Center of Energy, Faculty of sciences university Mohammed V in Rabat Morocco)


A physical protection system (PPS) integrates people, procedures, and equipment for the protection of assets or facilities against theft, sabotage, diversion, or other malevolent intruder attacks.
The PPS functions are detection, delay and response, before the design of the PPS we must see what we must protect (facility categorization), what I must protect against (against which the PPS must be designed) and level of protection is adequate (facility categorization and data base threats).
The design of the PPS can be implemented during the design of the facility or nuclear material. Before that we can trust the PPS we must make assessment and evaluation of the system to verify the effectiveness and see if the PPS verify the functions (detection, delay and response)
Before that we can trust if the PPS is adequate and effective, it must first be verified that it fulfills the essential functions: detection, delay and response.
This can be done with an assessment and depending on the response, an update is carried out. The assessment and overview must be done on different elements of the PPS and periodically and then evaluates the proposed design to determine how well it meets the objectives. In this work, we can see the assessment of different elements and if necessary the updates of equipment’s or procedures...

State Morocco

Primary authors

O Abdelouahed Chetaine (Center of Energy, Faculty of sciences university Mohammed V in Rabat Morocco) O. Kabbach (Center of Energy, Faculty of sciences university Mohammed V in Rabat Morocco) T. Bouassa (Center of Energy, Faculty of sciences university Mohammed V in Rabat Morocco) A. Saidi (Center of Energy, Faculty of sciences university Mohammed V in Rabat Morocco) H Amsil (Centre nationale de l’énergie des sciences et techniques nucléaires, Morocco)

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