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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Physical Security Proposing for Risk Reduction in Hypothetical Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Pilot Plant

Not scheduled
Poster PP: Physical protection systems: evaluation and assessment


Dr Mohamed Salem (Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority EAEA)


Abstract - Physical security in nuclear fuel cycle facility means detection, prevention and response to threat, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access and illegal transfer involving radioactive and nuclear material. This paper proposes a physical security system designing concepts to reduce the risk associated with variant threats to nuclear fuel fabrication pilot plant. So, we will study the unauthorized removal and sabotage in a hypothetical nuclear fuel fabrication pilot plant considering deter, delay and response layers. Also, we will perform any required upgrading to the security system by investigating the nuclear fuel fabrication pilot plant layout and considering all physical security layers design to enhance the weakness for risk reduction through the fuel fabrication pilot plant inside and outside.

State Egypt
Gender Male

Primary authors

Dr Mohamed Salem (Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority EAEA) Dr Alaa Saleh (EAEA)

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