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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Ghana’s Nuclear Security: p r o g r e s s , c h a l l e n g e s , a n d t h e w a y f o r w a r d

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Use of IAEA and other international guidelines for building national nuclear security regimes


Mr Raymond Agalga (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)Mr Paul Attah Amoah (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)


This work assesses Ghana’s Nuclear Security Regime in the wake of sustained upsurge in the frequency of activities of extremist groups in the west African sub region, highlights the key challenges Ghana is facing in implementing its Nuclear Security regime, and recommends a number of next steps for a forward outlook. The formation of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Physical Protection upgrades in facilities and sustained cooperation with both local and international stakeholders in nuclear security like the Bureau of National Investigation, Immigration Services, Custom Excise and Preventive Services, Ghana Police Service, Ghana Armed Forces and the IAEA, The United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Radiological Security (ORS), the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, ROSATOM and Government of China were found to be major progress made in advancing Nuclear Security in Ghana. Some challenges identified included the delay in the formulation of regulations for nuclear security by the regulator and the lack of realistic force on forces exercises the test the adequacies of the systems provided for security. On the way; forwards the paper proposes some actions including; conducting of a force on force exercise involving all major stake holders, the development of a National DBT based on which facilities could develop their DBT for security implementation and improving security culture through trainings and assessments and improving and expanding the activities of the Nuclear Security Support Centre into a Centre of Excellence for Nuclear Security in the region.

State Ghana

Primary author

Mr Raymond Agalga (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)


Mr Paul Attah Amoah (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission) Mr Daniel Nii Adjei (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission) Mr Daniel Frederick Charles (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)

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