The challenge of the surface microseismic monitoring (MSM) is that small-scale seismic activity which occurs as a result of human activities or industrial processes is often hidden in surface noise on individual seismic records. The monitoring of underground storage facilities also presents the problem that the storage facility will also act as a noise source (from active machinery and...
Muon radiography uses naturally-occurring background radiation in the form of cosmic ray muons to passively inspect the contents of complex structures that cannot be imaged using conventional techniques such as X-rays. Cosmic muons are approximately 10,000 times as energetic as a typical X-ray and as such can penetrate shielded containers and much larger structures. This technology has...
Verification of heavy shielded spent fuel containers in case of loss of Continuity of Knowledge (CoK) is a challenge for the safeguards inspectorates. Stores with such containers are regularly equipped with at least two layers of containment and surveillance (C&S;) technology. While this approach has proven to be very reliable, failures cannot be completely excluded and reverification options...
In 1988, several States began activities supporting the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in developing safeguards policy and approaches for the application of safeguards for the final disposal of spent fuel in geological repositories. These activities were coordinated through IAEA Member State Support Programs, including the multi-member State Program for the Development of Safeguards...