**The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has implemented a Safeguards Quality Management System for more than a decade. This system promotes the development of optimized processes for implementing the IAEA’s safeguards verification mission in order to ensure that safeguards resources are best used to support the IAEA’s conclusions on the peaceful use of nuclear material. In addition to...
By revealing the effects of data collection, analysis of plausible acquisition pathways, safeguards criteria, and conducting safeguards activities on building a reference from safeguards conclusion to evaluation of verification activities and vice versa; valuable input to management will be valid to direct resources and prioritize efforts. This will help to establish clear distinction between...
This paper discusses the role of performance metrics in the safeguards system, including as drivers for improving effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards and the productivity of collaboration between the IAEA and facility operators. The IAEA continues to seek ways to increase productivity and efficiency in implementing safeguards agreements, while preserving effectiveness and independence....
The paper covers the development of new tools and techniques used by the Department of Safeguards to provide greater insight and analysis of available data. The completion of the MOSAIC project has opened the door to Business Intelligence capabilities that were previously unavailable on the legacy Mainframe platform. These can be used with great effect for improved reporting, the monitoring...
Visualization of complex and large data sets has emerged as a powerful mechanism for both improving internal analyses and communicating findings to stakeholders. In support of the Symposium theme of leveraging technical advances for safeguards applications, in particular the analysis, integration and visualization of multi-source data, this paper examines the analytical and communicative...