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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

Status of Nuclear Reactors Nuclear Fuel Cycle and R&D Facilities in Japan

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Panelist (Panel Session) Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW) [NEW] Safeguards for New and Existing Facilities


Dr Masato Hori (JAEA)


The Fukushima Accident following the East Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011 have been affecting Japan’s nuclear energy policy. As of March 2018, 5 units out of 50 nuclear power plants are in operation, 2 out of more than 10 research reactors and critical assemblies are in operation in Japan. After the Fukushima Accident, JAEA has been reviewing their mid–term nuclear R&D plan and has decided to decommission 44 facilities out of 99 facilities, those include, sodium cool fast reactor Monju, Fast Critical Assemblies, JRR-4, Tokai Reprocessing Plant and Plutonium Conversion Development Facility. On the other hand remaining facilities including advanced high temperature gas reactor (HTTR) are in the JAEA's mid-term R&D plans. JAEA is also developing Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for the next generation nuclear fuel cycle. The paper provide background information on the Theme 3 “explore challenges and opportunities for safeguarding new reactor design” and “ safeguards challenges associated with increasing decommissioning activities”. Status of Typical JAEA Facilities Facilities to be decommissioned Fugen, Monju, FCA, TRACY, JRR-2, JRR-4, TPL, CPF, TRP, PCDF, JMTR, DCA, MMF, AGF, NEP, Conversion Facilities required in midterm nuclear R&D plan JRR-3, NSRR, STACY, BECKY WASTEF, Tandem, PPFF, PFPF, Joyo, HTTR, FMF
Topics NEW1
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Primary author

Dr Masato Hori (JAEA)

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