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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

Principles and attributes for positive safeguards culture within the State

6 Nov 2018, 09:35
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Roundtable Member Addressing Growing Safeguards Challenges (CHA) [CHA] Human Resources for Safeguards: Taking the Initiative


Dr Amira Elabd (Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA),)


The international safeguards community has not established yet an official definition for safeguards culture. So, some experts have proposed definitions and the task of safeguards culture to the attention of national and international safeguards communities. The safeguards culture has aimed to raising awareness of safeguards requirements and functions and strengthening technical capacity of staff to meet those requirements to improve safeguards implementation in the State. The paper is introduced the challenges facing safeguards culture which must be recognized, understood and overcome for nuclear newcomers States, especially developing countries, to maintain and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards implementation in the State. These challenges such as: Management systems; Leadership behaviors; Guidance or a code of conduct should be available to all staff concerning the safeguards culture; Assessment methodologies; Continuous improvement and learning; and National culture’s influence on the safeguards culture. Also, it is introduced the proposed principles and attributes for positive safeguards culture within the State, including: First principle is Leadership behaviors (Leaders significantly affect safeguards culture through the priorities they establish, the behaviors and values they model, the reward systems they administer, the trust they create, and the context and expectations they establish for interpersonal relationships, communication and accountability); Attributes are Policy statement; Leaders define individual roles, responsibilities and authority; Work environment; Resources; Recognition of the complexity of safeguards issues; and Promotion of safeguards and associated knowledge. Second principle is Personal accountability (It reflects the fact that individual staff members accept responsibility and take ownership of their performance and decisions so that accountability becomes a fundamental part of the safeguards culture); Attributes are Personal commitment to and accountability for safeguards; Collaboration and co-ordination of activities; and Moral courage. Third principle is encouraged assessment and learning, at all levels in the organization to avoid “blind spots” and identify areas for improvement; Attributes are Qualitative evaluation; Learning from experience, fostering exchanges and increasing knowledge; Knowledge management programme. The challenges, principles and attributes are laid out in more details in the paper. The principles and attributes that could help turn these challenges into opportunities to further strengthen the safeguards culture.
Topics CHA1

Primary author

Dr Amira Elabd (Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA),)

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