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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

Protactinium presents a challenge for safeguarding thorium reactors

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW) [NEW] The Safeguards Challenges of New and Advanced Reactors


Dr Eva Uribe (Sandia National Laboratories)


Since their conception in the 1950s, thorium reactors have been pursued as safer and cleaner alternatives to uranium-fueled reactors. Thorium fuel cycles have the potential to be more proliferation resistant compared to traditional uranium-plutonium fuel cycles, as they could produce less weapons usable plutonium, and the fissile U-233 generated will be protected by co-production of the highly radioactive U-232 isotope. Isotopically pure U-233 is an attractive material to potential proliferators [1]. The IAEA has specified that a significant quantity of U-233 is 8 kg. The proliferation risks of thorium reactors depend on the amount of U-232 present, which varies drastically based on reactor design, fuel burnup, initial fuel composition, and neutron flux and spectrum. While U-232 complicates handling U-233, it is unlikely that a typical reactor will generate U-232 content high enough to meet IAEA requirements for reduced physical protection [2]. This presentation will describe the major pathways by which U-232 is produced in thorium reactors. It will then describe how these pathways might be circumvented. Chemical reprocessing of recently discharged spent fuel would change the quantity of U-232 in the final U-233 product. Protactinium-233 (half-life = 27 days) is an intermediate formed in the production of U-233. Separation of protactinium during chemical reprocessing would be straightforward and may happen by accident. Chemical isolation of Pa-233, intentional or inadvertent, results in the production of isotopically pure U-233. In the future, IAEA Safeguards must verify that Pa-233 is not being diverted from thorium reactors. Therefore, despite their potential for proliferation resistance, thorium reactors will present unique safeguards challenges. [1] C. G. Bathke, et al., The Attractiveness of Materials in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles for Various Proliferation and Theft Scenarios. Nuclear Technology, 179, 5-30 (2012). [2] J. Kang, F. N. von Hippel, U-232 and the Proliferation Resistance of U-233 in Spent Fuel. Science and Global Security, 9, 1-32 (2001). SAND2018-2150 A
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Primary author

Dr Eva Uribe (Sandia National Laboratories)

Presentation materials