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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

UAE Safeguards: A Frontline in Nuclear Non-Proliferation

5 Nov 2018, 17:25
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Leveraging technological advancements for safeguards applications (TEC) [TEC] Recent Examples of Innovation in Safeguards


Mr Luay Qassim (FANR)


ABSTRACT **UAE Safeguards: A Frontline in Nuclear Non-Proliferation** By Luay Qassim, Ali Al Suwaidi, Khaled Al Shehhi and Stephen Brion - *Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates* The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a nuclear newcomer state that actively supports the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and has acceded to and ratified key international treaties and agreements – including an Additional Protocol (AP) to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA). The responsibility for satisfying these obligations inevitably resulted in challenges for FANR as the UAE made AP declarations and transitioned from safeguards based on a Small Quantities Protocol (SQP) to today’s full-scope CSA implementation. Overcoming these challenges to keep pace with a rapidly developing nuclear energy program required a well-managed approach. The approach included early recruitment of experienced staff with safeguards and export control competencies. Development of the State System of Accounting for and Control of nuclear material (SSAC) involved regular engagement with the IAEA, contracting software venders to develop information management systems, and identifying declarable AP activities and holders of nuclear material. Collaboration with the IAEA included technical meetings to develop and monitor an implementation roadmap, making subsidiary arrangements, delivering national workshops, and employing state-of-the-art containment and surveillance systems at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. The UAE’s success in establishing a peaceful nuclear energy program with a strong safeguards function also benefitted from adopting the IAEA milestones approach. Engagement with national and international partners, in conjunction with specialised Emirati development programs, provided important contributions to sustainable capacity building. Establishing arrangements with national competent authorities for short-notice access of safeguards inspectors was essential to ensuring that IAEA verification activities proceeded without delay. Implementing a nuclear non-proliferation program that meets a state’s international obligations requires significant resources, forward planning and a commitment from Government. By meeting these requirements, developing a close partnership with the IAEA and embracing a policy of transparency, the effectiveness and efficiency of the UAE safeguards system was ultimately confirmed by the IAEA International SSAC Advisory Service (ISSAS).
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Primary author

Mr Luay Qassim (FANR)


Mr Ali Al Suwaidi (FANR) Mr Khaled Al Shehhi (FANR) Mr Stephen Brion (FANR)

Presentation materials