Jiří Gerža
(ČEZ, a.s., NPP Dukovany)
For many years, Czech Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany operator cooperates with the IAEA in the area of safeguards. The facility with VVER 440 reactors is suitable for performing of different activities, both technical equipment tests, and safeguards inspectors training. Besides of these activities, the Agency and the operator agreed on a special procedure for spent fuel cask sealing. The operator has been authorized to attach one electronic and one optical seal onto the cask lid. The electronic seal is consequently interrogated before the shipment from the reactor facility and repeatedly after receipt in a storage facility. The seal record is remotely verified in the Agency headquarters. The optical seal image is recorded in a special camera and kept for later verification. The procedure is an example of effective cooperation leading to reduction of inspections and costs.
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Primary author
Jiří Gerža
(ČEZ, a.s., NPP Dukovany)