The core objective of this paper lies in introduction and demonstration of detailed technical features and capabilities of the “SFG - Safeguards application for managing the SSAC”, the software used in the Czech Republic for maintaining the SSAC at both State and operator level. The application, which was created in the early 1990’s and updated several times, has been effectively used by the SRA to manage NMAC and reporting functions, as well as utilising its capability in support of overall safeguards implementation (with regard to all IAEA, Euratom and national obligations). The paper explains the benefits provided by using the SFG in streamlining of day-to-day SRA regulatory operations in the area of NMAC; controlling export and import of other specified items; and submittal of required declarations to the IAEA. Preparation of supporting documents for IAEA verification activities and national inspections in the context of this application is also touched upon. Structurally, the history and purpose of the application is fully explained, then its scope and coverage are addressed, followed by monitoring of exempted, terminated and pre-34(c) nuclear material and finally its compatibility and security aspects are examined. The key functionalities of the SFG will be demonstrated during an ESPACE presentation.
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