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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

New software for HKED densitometer of RT-1 plant.

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Shaping the future of safeguards implementation (SGI) [SGI] Improvements in the Field: Enhancements to Measurement Techniques


Mr Sergey Bogdanov (Alexandrovich)


The Hybrid K-Edge/K-XRF (HKED) densitometer for measurements of U and Pu concentration in input solution was installed in the radiochemical plant RT-1 analytical laboratory of the “Mayak” site on 2007. English version of HKED software developed for OpenWMS hardware platform, has a difficult and complicated interface and lacks option for Pu concentration calculation on XRF and Hybrid modes. The hardware OpenWMS is not supported more the ten years and not satisfied the analytical laboratory requirements. For this reasons the new software was developed by IPPE and Mayak specialists. The new software was designed for Windows platform according the HKED construction features and analytical laboratory specialist preferences. The article presents the description of main functions and testing results of the new software.
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Primary authors

Mr Andrey Levunin (FSUE «PA «Mayak») Mr Dmitriy Volnistov (JSC "SSC RF – IPPE") Mr Sergey Bogdanov (Alexandrovich)


Mrs Svetlana Romadova (FSUE «PA «Mayak») Mrs Yulia Tadevosyan (FSUE «PA «Mayak»)

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