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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

Autonomous Mobile Directionally and Spectrally Sensitive Neutron Detectors

5 Nov 2018, 16:20
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Leveraging technological advancements for safeguards applications (TEC) [TEC] Recent Examples of Innovation in Safeguards


Prof. Robert Goldston (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)


IAEA managed access inspections are limited in time and inspector hours, and by the needs (1) to avoid exposure of sensitive information, (2) to minimize impacts on facility operations, and (3) to conserve inspectorate resources. We are developing autonomous, mobile, directionally sensitive neutron sensors ("inspector bots") to support inspectors in detecting undeclared enriched UF6 through (alpha, n) reactions. Applications of interest for IAEA safeguards include support for Limited Frequency Unannounced Access inspections at large gas-centrifuge enrichment plants and use as Unattended Monitoring Systems at UF6 feed stations. Based on previous work of ours that demonstrated significant directional sensitivity of rows of moderated neutron counters, we are constructing a simple, robust one-foot diameter, two-foot high cylinder of polyethylene moderator, containing three one-inch diameter, 50 cm long, boron-coated-straw neutron counters located 120 degrees apart, half-way between the center-line and the surface of the cylinder. This detector system will be mounted on a robotic transport mechanism to form a prototype inspector bot. MCNP studies show that this system provides high sensitivity and remarkable directionality: 0.37 cps per ng of bare Cf-252 at 2 m and 6:1 signal ratio between a counter directly facing the neutron source and each of the two counters at the back. The bot's search algorithm will adjust its heading to maximize the signal in its most active counter and to balance the signals in the two less active counters, thus facilitating smart mapping of neutron fields. A swarm of cooperative inspector bots could efficiently detect undeclared withdrawal stations in very large centrifuge halls. Strategically located individual bots could rapidly detect undeclared enriched UF6 in feed stations.

This work supported by US Department of State Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Key Verification Assets Fund.

Topics TEC5
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Primary author

Prof. Robert Goldston (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)


Prof. Alexander Glaser (Princeton University) Mr Andrew Carpe (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Mr Evan Leppink (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) Mr George Ascione (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr Moritz Kuett (Princeton University) Prof. Naomi Leonard (Princeton University) Mr Peter Landgren (Princeton University) Mr Raheem Barnett (Princeton University) Ms Soha Aslam (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Presentation materials