Henri Niittymäki
(Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK))
The regulatory control measures of nuclear materials (nuclear safeguards) at the national level in Finland is prerequisite for the peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance to maintain agreements on nuclear non-proliferation, mainly described in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The national level regulatory control of safeguards is implemented by STUK and measures includes minor nuclear material holders and.
STUK maintains a national nuclear materials accountancy system, including the minor nuclear material holders. STUK verifies that the nuclear activities in Finland are carried out in accordance the Finnish nuclear legislations, European Union Safeguards Regulations and international agreements. According to the STUK requirement in the Guide YVL D.1, the minor nuclear material holders are requested to prepare nuclear material handbooks. STUK approves these handbooks and the responsible person for safeguards. In case for minor nuclear material holders, the relevant requirements are carefully discussed together to ensure all perceptions of the needs and expectations to be fulfilled.
Minor nuclear material holder mostly having small quantity of nuclear material, mostly exempted and with no inventory changes. Finding the reliable path to implement of all necessary safeguards measures needed for can be challenging. However STUK has been already taken the essential steps for assisting these holders to fulfill all safeguards . There were total number of 13 minor nuclear material holder in Finland by the end of 2017. The most of these holders whom the European Commission has granted a derogation in respect of the reporting frequency. Almost all of them have nuclear material in the form of depleted uranium (shielding material around transport casks for radioactive sources). The number of minor holders has been dropped from the mid 2000, since the efforts to find out good practices by clarifying requirements and simplifying declarations have been made systematically by STUK.
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Primary author
Henri Niittymäki
(Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK))
Marko Hämäläinen
(Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK))
Timo Ansaranta
(Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK))