Hamda Al Shehhi
**UAE Safeguards Implementation: A Roadmap to 3S Information Management**
By Hamda Al Shehhi and Stephen Brion - *Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates*
Information management (IM) is a vitally important element of an overall State System of Accounting for and Control of nuclear material (SSAC). Efficient and effective IM supports a state in submitting timely, correct and complete information to the IAEA pursuant to its international obligations arising from a Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) and an Additional Protocol.
The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) recognized that developing fit-for-purpose IM systems takes considerable experience, time and effort. FANR therefore developed a stepwise approach that ultimately aims to achieve the vision of a fully integrated 3S (safeguards, safety and security) regulatory system. This approach resulted in a set of deliverables that each supported FANR’s operational needs. The incremental approach addressed time constraints imposed by a rapidly developing nuclear energy program and supported capacity building for sustainability of IM systems. FANR has completed three of four phases in its roadmap for delivering the required safeguards systems. Phase 1 addressed capturing basic information relevant to safeguards implementation and was achieved using standard office software. Phase 2 consisted of developing bespoke software - the Emirates Integrated Accountancy System (EIAS) – that provides sophisticated functionality associated with nuclear material accounting and standard regulatory processes – inspection and licensing. Phase 3 provided for the preparation of “Code 10-formatted” IAEA accounting reports as the UAE made the transition from SQP-based safeguards to full-scope CSA implementation in early 2017. Attention is currently focused on Phase 4 – a 3S regulatory IM system. Phase 4 (currently known as e-Licensing) builds on lessons learned from preceding phases and includes online access for both FANR and licensees.
Developing complex safeguards IM systems pose significant challenges. However, with forward planning, stakeholder engagement and strong Government leadership, FANR continues to both succeed in meeting its international safeguards obligations and support efficient application of IAEA safeguards in the UAE.
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Primary author
Hamda Al Shehhi
Stephen Brion