Russia owns the unique nuclear infrastructure that does not have analogue in the world. Some of the exceptional properties are listed below.
• Nuclear fuel cycle is complete within the State. From ore mining and nuclear fuel production of all type to decommissioning and waste disposal.
• Hugh distances between the nuclear facilities (e.g. the distance between Smolensk NPP and Bilibino NPP is over six thousand kilometers).
• Wide variety of shapes and types of nuclear materials as a result of variety of nuclear energy facilities and research reactors.
• State residence of nuclear material owned by State, domestic companies and foreign companies.
• State residence of nuclear material under international obligations (e.g. the IAEA Safeguards)
These and other exceptional properties had required the establishment of State Control System of Nuclear Materials (SCSNM) which is taking in account the international requirements but still acquires its own unique traits. In particular, along with traditional functions associated with SCSNM, the Russian government empowered the system with following functions.
• Security of nuclear material, prevention and detection of loss, illegal use and steal of nuclear material.
• Control of nuclear material circulation.
• Implementation of international agreements on control of nuclear material.
Independent and important field of activity of SCSNM is development of conditions for IAEA Safeguards implementation.
The paper holds the structure, key elements and exceptional properties of Russian SCSNM. Also the experience obtained during the system establishment, role of the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” and Rostechnadzor in that process, including the IAEA Safeguards implementation in Russian Federation.
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