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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone


Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre


Mr Isaac Mundia (Radiation Protection Board)


Kenya is a small quantity protocol country. However, it is an embarking nation. The Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) came into force in Kenya on 5th May 1970. The Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol entered into force on 18th September 2009. The government has designated the Radiation Protection Board to act as the Safeguards Regulatory Authority (SRA) and to implement the Kenya’s obligations under the IAEA Safeguards agreements. The obligations include; accurate and consistent safeguards reporting and supporting IAEA Safeguards activities, such as safeguards inspection among other obligations. Kenya has established and maintains a state system of accountancy and control of the existing small quantities of nuclear materials. Over the years, safety culture has been promoted in the country. Nuclear Security has steadily gained momentum due to terrorism risk in our country. Safety and Security culture seemed to have overridden safeguards culture. However, pursuant to implementing a Nuclear Power Program, Kenya has taken positive steps towards embracing a strong safeguards culture. This paper will share with the International community the challenges faced in embracing the safeguards culture and positive steps Kenya has undertaken to embrace safeguards culture as part of implementing its Nuclear Power Program.
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Primary author

Mr Isaac Mundia (Radiation Protection Board)

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