S Yakubekov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Control and account of fissionable nuclear materials is based on the following documents: "IAEA safeguards. Guidelines for State Systems for Control and Account of Nuclear Materials and "Regulations on the Structure of the State System for Control and Account of Nuclear Materials", adopted by the Resolution of the Board of the Regulating Authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Control and account of fissionable nuclear materials provide the reliable and timely information about quantity and distribution of nuclear materials, timely detection of the losses, non-authorized use or theft of fissionable nuclear materials.
Control and account of nuclear materials at the WWR-SM reactor INP AS RU are being carried out constantly from the moment of the first obtaining of nuclear fuel. Quarterly control and account of nuclear materials till 1991 was carried out using of a technique of the Ministry of atomic energy and industry of the former USSR. Since 1994 all documents containing the information about the account of nuclear materials, are submitted to the State Inspectorate “SANOATGEOKONTEXNAZORAT” and further by official channels to IAEA.
Main tasks for the control and account of nuclear materials in the Republic of Uzbekistan are to improve the regulatory legal framework of the Republic of Uzbekistan for countering the illegal circulation of nuclear materials and radioactive substances.
Questions on control and account of nuclear materials outside the facilities are solved, all the owners of nuclear materials are identified, measurements of nuclear materials are carried out to more accurately determine the mass and other characteristics; it is planned to discuss the possibility of training course on the ORIGEN and TRITON software to provide practical research information to the specialists of the research reactor of the implementation of IAEA safeguards, methods for calculating the burnout of uranium-235 and plutonium recovery. Basis of this course is the procedure for calculating the burnup of uranium-235 and plutonium recovery in conjunction with a detailed discussion of various methods for calculating the burnup of uranium-235 and the production of plutonium, and will be used at WWR-SM to provide more accurate recordkeeping of nuclear materials.
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Primary authors
Aybek Mukhamedjanov
Djalil Yusupov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
S Yakubekov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)