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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

EC-JRC initiatives to sustain excellence and diversity in science

7 Nov 2018, 09:05
M2 (Vienna International Centre)


Vienna International Centre

Roundtable Member Addressing Growing Safeguards Challenges (CHA) [CHA] Engaging Non-Traditional Sectors in Safeguards




The EC-JRC introduced with its strategy 2030 new initiatives to provide staff with skills and competences sustaining and expanding scientific excellence, stimulating eagerness to learn and intellectual curiosity. This facilitates transferring and sharing of knowledge and skills across nuclear and non-nuclear research areas also with partner DGs, Member States and international organisations, such as the IAEA. The Exploratory Research Programme (ER) and the Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) aim at injecting new ideas and transdisciplinary thinking into the organisation. The Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) brings young researchers into the JRC while the Visiting Researcher Programme (VRP) encourages staff mobility. JRC is in the Consortium for ENEN+ mobility grants for career opportunities in the nuclear fields. By granting open access to selected JRC Research Infrastructure the JRC reaches out for academia, research organisations, industry and the private sector. The JRC’s Art and Science programmes allow scientists to collaborate with artists. While each initiative meets its own target, it is the interactions between them that create a diverse pool of researchers in a multi-disciplinary, environment. Diversity and gender-balance is considered as an asset and the way forward. The EC has set a target of 40% women in management positions and fosters initiatives for 'Women and Girls in Science'. Only organisations that build on the collective intelligence of their staff will be able to meet the challenges of this century. While embedded in a well-defined legal framework, safeguards rely on scientific/technical support, innovation and highly skilled staff. Examples will be given on how the JRC initiatives are engaging people in topics that are growing safeguards challenges such as big data, machine learning, shared ledger, nano-technologies and others. We believe that these JRC initiatives set an exciting example to the benefit of the IAEA and Member States in building future safeguards capabilities.
Topics CHA1
Which "Key Question" does your Abstract address? CHA1.1
Which alternative "Key Question" does your Abstract address? (if any) CHA1.2

Primary author



Mr Arjan Plompen (EC-JRC) Mr Göran Lövestam (EC-JRC) Ms Jutta Thielen-del-Pozo (EC-JRC) Ms Karin ASCHBERGER (EC-JRC) Mr Willem Alfons Marc Janssens (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, ITU, Nuclear Security Unit)

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