To fulfil obligations undertaken under “Agreement between RA and IAEA for Application of Safeguards in Connection with NPT” (SA) and Protocol Additional (AP) to SA SSAC had been established in Armenia.
Main requirements to SSAC are established in Law on Safe Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes and associated guides specifying detailed procedures on nuclear material accounting at facilities and locations outside facilities, measures related to organization of IAEA SG inspections and complementary access and also procedure on provision of information to IAEA. These documents specify responsibilities and functions of entities involved in SSAC, communication between IAEA and state authority and also between state authority and facility, state measurement system, reporting at state and facility level, export/import control measures, personnel training and so on.
ANRA is state authority responsible for organization and coordination of fulfillment of commitments of RA under NPT and other commitments associated with NPT and implements state account for and control of nuclear materials.
In frame of US DOE INSEP program training courses were regularly organized for the personnel of nuclear facilities and LOFs involved in SG implementation to introduce SSAC and to train them on preparation of nuclear materials accounting reports and provision of information for AP declarations and other operational information necessary for SG implementation.
To ensure effective, continuous control over nuclear materials electronic database for nuclear materials - NUCMAT is used by ANRA which allows keeping accurate inventory, recording all changes, and ensuring recovery of the history of all changes related to nuclear materials existing in the country. It is used for LOFs but its application at nuclear facilities is on the stage of development.
Prior to submission of NM accounting reports received from facility to IAEA ANRA makes their quality check through the QSVS. Besides, ANRA organizes inspections, collects information and uses the Protocol Reporter for preparation of declarations for submission to IAEA pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 of AP.
From 2017 ANRA started using SDP, which proves to be an effective tool from the point of view of timeliness and confidentiality of information exchanged between county and IAEA.
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