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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

A generic safeguards approach for a High Level Waste (HLW) repository in Germany

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Preparing for safeguards new facilities, processes and campaigns (NEW) [New] Safeguards Techniques for New Facilities and Campaigns


Dr Christiane Vieh (BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH)


The Act on the Organizational Restructuring in the Field of Nuclear Waste Management in Germany became effective on 30th of July 2016. The act provides that a federally owned company, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE mbH) is formed to carry out the operative tasks of searching for a High Level Waste (HLW) repository, the construction and operation of repositories (Konrad, Morsleben) and of the Asse II mine. The operative tasks that have been carried out by Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) and the tasks of the Asse-GmbH and DBE now are concentrated in the BGE. Experiences in the past with repositories such as the Asse II mine and the Morsleben repository made aware of potential safeguards requirements such as containment considerations, penetrations, camera views, lighting, sealing, locations of potential measurement stations and cabling pre-installation. Ideally, an inclusion of these features in the design of the future HLW repository will lead to substantial benefits in time and costing for the constructors. Besides a continuous interaction and collaboration by providing information to the safeguard authority in order to meet the requirements of the relevant safeguards agreements, will help to avoid construction delays and increasing costs associated with the addition, changes, or retrofitting of safeguards equipment late in the construction phase of a repository and will also facilitate the licensing process. Furthermore, the implementation of the Safeguards by Design approach in order to integrate international safeguard requirements into the design process of a repository from the initial planning through design, construction, operation, and decommissioning are going to be considered but any final safeguard approach is a facility specific combination of safeguards measures and depends on many factors. Therefore, it is important to understand the interplay between operational and regulatory requirements in order to produce an optimum design. In this presentation, the site selection procedure of the planned HLW repository and the implementation of safeguards will be discussed. It will report on the status of the site selection process in Germany and the safeguards approaches. Furthermore, some experiences gained with repositories in operation will be highlighted.
Topics NEW2
Which "Key Question" does your Abstract address? NEW2.2

Primary author

Dr Christiane Vieh (BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH)


Dr Volker Kunze (BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH)

Presentation materials