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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

Regulatory Infrastructure in Nepal

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Wedge Participant Shaping the future of safeguards implementation (SGI) [SGI] Establishing and Strengthening State and Regional Systems


Mr Krishna Prasad Gaihre (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Nepal)


Applications of Nuclear technology in Nepal is being used in some areas such as Medicine, Academic / Research, Agriculture, Industries (quality control and analysis), Mining (Survey), Veterinary (Animal and fish diseases). A survey caried out in 2016 shows that 48 organizations possess radioactive sources. However, Nepal does not have adequate regulatory infrastructure in place to regulate the facilities and practices. Nepal has a National Nuclear Policy, 2007 which has realised the importance of peaceful use of nuclear energy and the outcomes achieved so far from its study and research, to be used for the economic and social prosperity. Similarly, Radioactive Materials Regulatory Directives, 2015 is under implementation in order to protect human health, environment and security from possible hazardous effect to be incurred due to unauthorized used of nuclear materials by regulating import, export, transportation, storage and use of nuclear materials and to abide by the international commitment. Ministry of Education, Science and technology is a main responsible body to Utilise and promote, control and regulate nuclear technology; to implement and regulate policy, law and standards relating to atomic energy; to deal with treaty, agreement, protocol, liaison, coordination with international organizations related to the ministry. A draft bill of Nuclear Safety Act in order to make necessary legal provisions for the beneficial, safe and peaceful uses of nuclear technologies and ionizing radiation; for the protection of people, property and environment against possible harmful effects of ionizing radiation, is in progress and expected to be approved during the year 2018; In the same time, Awareness Campaigns regarding Safety, Security and safeguards in relation to nuclear materials have been conducted in several parts of the country and data collection of radiation using equipment to prepare a national register is ongoing. The future plan and programs are focused on enactment of the Nuclear Act as soon as possible; establishment of the authorities as prescribed by the Act; preparation of an action plan to implement the Act; developing and attracting skilled technical manpower; capacity building of the existing regulatory infrastructure through training and workshops.
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Primary author

Mr Krishna Prasad Gaihre (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Nepal)

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