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5–8 Nov 2018
Vienna International Centre
CET timezone

TThe STEPS Project: Re-engineering, Upgrade and Integration of Safeguards Statistical Tools

Not scheduled
M Building (Vienna International Centre)

M Building

Vienna International Centre

Contributor (Panel Session) Leveraging technological advancements for safeguards applications (TEC) [TEC] Automating and Optimizing Data Collection and Processing at HQ


This paper describes the IAEA Department of Safeguards’ efforts to modernize statistical analysis tools used in planning and evaluating IAEA safeguards activities through the Statistical Testing, Planning, and Evaluation of Safeguards project (STEPS). In the evolving world nuclear landscape, the IAEA needs to continue to draw soundly-based safeguards conclusions and to maintain confidence that States are abiding by their safeguards obligations. This endeavour brings about numerous and complex challenges, inter alia, the need for the Department of Safeguards to collect, process and analyse an increasingly large volume of data from diversifying sources and to maintain its effectiveness under static resource conditions. These multiple challenges call for the use of state-of-the art, versatile and increasingly performant statistical methodologies and tools for the collection, consolidation, evaluation and presentation of data from different sources, e.g. State declarations, inspector verification activities and other relevant information, and for the planning of safeguards activities and the determination of their effectiveness and efficiency.

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Primary author

Ms Claude NORMAN


Mr Jacques Baute Mr Robert Binner Mr Mika Nikkinen (IAEA) Mr Jan Wuester Ms Agatha Walczak-Typke Mr Kamil Krzysztoszek (IAEA) Mr Sebastien Richet Mr Jonetta Ng Mr Oleksandr Maistrenko (IAEA)

Presentation materials

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