4442 / 4442
- in KSTAR 3D Physics Task Force
Arun Prakash A
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Vinaykumar Abbavaram
- Walid Abdel Maksoud
- Walid Abdel-Maksoud
Yuki Abe
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Co-author in Unified Studies of Fast-ignition Scheme Fusion with Counterbeam Configuration
- Ganji Abe
- Hiroyuki Abe
- Ian Abel
- Melissa Abler
- Ivana Abramovic
- T. Abrams
- Paulo Abreu
- K.S. Acharya
- Carlos Ulises Acosta Muñiz
- Armando Acosta Pérez
- Edgardo Acuña-Arias
- Jirka Adamek
- Younès Addab
- J. Adegun
- Asha N Adhiya
- Milan Aftanas
Jyoti Agarwal
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in India’s Pellet fueling program
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Progress Towards Achieving Large Pumping Speed for Exhaust from Fusion Grade Machines
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Rohit Agarwal
- Nancy Ageorges
- Aziz Agharbi
piero agostinetti
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO NBIs: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Matteo Agostini
- D. Aguiam
- Uziel Aguilar Reyes
- Tommy Ahlgren
- Jae-Heon Ahn
Joon-Wook Ahn
- Author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Leena Aho-Mantila
- Author in Diamagnetic MHD equations for plasmas with fast flow and its application to ELM analysis in JT-60U and JET-ILW
- Co-author in First-Principle Simulations Reproduce Multiple Cycles of Abrupt Large Relaxation Events in Beam-Driven JT-60 Plasmas
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Co-author in Simulation study of interaction between runaway electron generation and resistive MHD modes over avalanche timescale
- NOBUYUKI AIBA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Giacomo Aiello
- Gaetano Aiello
- Markus I Airila
Simppa Äkäslompolo
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in High fidelity simulations of fast ion power flux driven by 3D field perturbations on ITER
- Co-author in The effect of plasma response on losses of energetic ions in the presence of 3d perturbations in different iter scenarios
Robert Akers
- Author in High fidelity simulations of fast ion power flux driven by 3D field perturbations on ITER
- Author in High fidelity simulations of fast ion power flux driven by 3D field perturbations on ITER
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Keigo Akimoto
- Noboru Akino
Tsuyoshi Akiyama
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Improved Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP Performance with Active MHD Control and Associated Change in Magnetic Topology in RELAX
- Co-author in Multi-machine experimental investigation of ion cyclotron emission
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
Hyatt Alan
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Manohar Alaparthi
- Thierry Alarcon
- Ferran Albajar
- Raffaele Albanese
Stefano Alberti
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Scattering of EC waves by Edge Turbulence: Measurements and modelling in TCV and TORPEX
- Co-author in The Development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron for the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating System
- Angelines Alberto Morillas
- Team Alcator C-Mod
- Andrey Aleev
- Kuzmin Aleksandrovich
- Andrey Alekseev
- Pavel Alekseev
- Edoardo Alessi
- Tuen Alexis
Pavel Aleynikov
- Author in Generation of runaway electrons during the thermal quench in tokamaks
- Co-author in Assessment of the runaway electron energy dissipation in ITER
- Co-author in Kinetics of Relativistic Runaway Electrons
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Ksenia Aleynikova
- Craig Alford
- Jean-Paul Allain
- Scott Allan
- Scott Allan
S.L. Allen
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Ian Allfrey
- Abdulgader Almagri
- Arturo Alonso
- Javier Alonso
- Barry Alper
Alexey Altukhov
- Co-author in Coupling full-f gyrokinetic studies to experimental measurements of the isotope effect for FT-2 tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of the Transition to Improved Core Confinement Observed in the LHCD Experiment at FT-2 Tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway Electrons Studies with Hard X-Ray and Microwave Diagnostics in the FT-2 Low-Hybrid Current Drive Discharges
- Eduardo Alves
- Giuseppe Ambrosino
- Roberto Ambrosino
- Roberto Ambrosino
- Kirankumar K Ambulkar
- Peter Amendt
- Michael Ames
Luca Amicucci
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Victor Amoskov
- YoungHwa An
- Chan-Yong An
- Himank Anand
- Rohit Anand
- sergey ananyev
Igor Anashkin
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- J.P. Anderson
- Jay Anderson
- Johan Anderson
- Erik Andersson Sundén
- Masami Ando
Robert Andre
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in Feedback Control Design for Non-inductively Sustained Scenarios in NSTX-U Using TRANSP
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
Evgeny Andreenko
- Co-author in Effect of wall light reflection in ITER diagnostics
- Tamara Andreeva
Kukushkin Andrei
- Co-author in Effect of wall light reflection in ITER diagnostics
- Philip Andrew
Clemente Angioni
- Author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Thierry Angot
- Thierry Aniel
Thierry Aniel
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Realtime tokamak simulation with a first-principle-based neural network turbulent transport model
- Michail Anikeev
- Andrey Anikeev
- Steffen Antusch
- Yosuke Aoki
Maria Laura Apicella
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Brian Appelbe
Gerarda Apruzzese
- Co-author in Evidence of thermo-diffusive pinch in particle transport
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- A.V. Apte
- donato aquaro
- Aleksey Arakcheev
- Luis Alonso Araya-Solano
- Frederick Arbeiter
- Alexey Arefiev
- Paula Aresta Belo
- José Martí Arias-Brenes
Yasunobu Arikawa
- Author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Co-author in Unified Studies of Fast-ignition Scheme Fusion with Counterbeam Configuration
- Hugo Arnichand
- Víctor Máximo Arredondo Solís
Jean-François Artaud
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in DEMO Design Using the SYCOMORE System Code: Conservative Designs and Pathways towards the Reactor
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Segiu Artene
- Andrey Arzhannikov
- Yuichi Asahi
- Takashi Asahina
- Tomohiko Asai
Nobuyuki Asakura
- Author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- shiro Asano
- Enrique Ascasibar
- Enrique Ascasibar
- - ASDEX Upgrade Teams
- José Asenjo Castillo
- Maboubeh Asgari-Targhi
Naoko Ashikawa
- Author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Arash Ashourvan
- Leonid Askinazi
- Vitaly Astrelin
- Kumudni Asudani
- Otto Asunta
- Calin Vlad Atanasiu
- Parveen Kumar Atrey
- Ito Atsushi
- Julien Aubert
- Marie-Helene Aumeunier
Max Austin
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Co-author in Validating Extended MHD Models of Plasma Response Against Measurements of Islands in DIII-D
- Fabio Avino
- Liga Avotina
- Kostas Avramidis
- Aleksandr Avrorov
- Kengo Awajitani
- Juan Marcos Ayala
- Ahmet Aydemir
- S. Ayers
- Charlie Ayres
Hiroshi AZECHI
- Author in A Pathway to Laser Fusion Energy: Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX)
- Author in A Pathway to Laser Fusion Energy: Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX)
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
Englen Azizov
- Co-author in Status of DEMO-FNS development
- Hirozumi Azuma
- Nikita Babinov
Gattu Ramesh Babu
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Christian Bachmann
- Aaron Bader
- A Bader
Young-Soon Bae
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Min-Keun Bae
- youngsoon Bae
Seung Gyou Baek
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Seung G Baek
- Martine Baelmans
- Peter Bagryansky
wei Bai
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Xingyu Bai
- Benedetta Baiocchi
- Nitin Bairagi
Jun Gyo Bak
- Author in Characteristics of Halo Current in the KSTAR Tokamak
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparative study of KSTAR and DiPS-2 on the heat flux to the first wall
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental observations of beam-driven Alfvén eigenmodes in KSTAR
- Co-author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Measurements of SOL Density Increase and Poloidal Asymmetry on KSTAR ELMs
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Nikolai Bakharev
- Victor Baklanov
- itziar balboa
- Martin Balden
- Matthew Baldwin
- Juergen Baldzuhn
- Jürgen Baldzuhn
- Sean Ballinger
- Stephane Balme
- Moni Banaudha
- Takahiro Bando
- Indranil Bandyopadhyay
Santanu Banerjee
- Author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Energy Exchange Dynamics across L-H transitions in NSTX
- Co-author in Investigation of Neutral Particle Dynamics in Aditya Tokamak Plasma with DEGAS2 Code
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Eunnam Bang
- Jian Bao
- Marcelo BAquero
- Co-author in Recent Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Vladimir Barabash
- Kshitish Kumar Barada
- Emilia Barbato
- Lucio Barbato
- L. Bardoczi
- Sergey Barengolts
- Johnathon Barhydt
- Laura Barillas-Mora
- Dan Barnes
- Robin Barnsley
- Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec
- Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec
- Jayson Barr
- Nuno Barradas
- Tom Barrett
- M.A. Barrios
- Graciany Barros
Matteo Barruzo
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Marie-France Barthe
- Justin E. Barton
- Joseph BARTON
- U. Baruah
- Ujjwal Baruah
Vincent Basiuk
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- E.M. Bass
- Michele Bassan
- D. Basu
- Bamandas Basu
- Tristan Batal
- Steven Batha
- Vladimir Batkin
- D.J. Battaglia
- Vyacheslav Batyaev
- Camille Baudoin
- Olivier Baulaigue
- Salmaan Baxamusa
- Larry R. Baylor
- L.R. Baylor
- Alexander Bazhenov
- Nicolas Bazin
Boris Bazylev
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- James Beal
- Bertrand Beaumont
- Pierre-Yves Beauvais
Marina Becoulet
- Author in Non-linear MHD modelling of Edge Localized Modes dynamics.
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- Charlotte Becquart
- Wilfried Behr
- Craig Beidler
- Craig D. Beidler
- P. Beiersdorfer
- Alexei Beklemishev
- Alexei Beklemishev
Ronald Bell
- Co-author in Characterization and Forecasting of Unstable Resistive Wall Modes in NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Exploring the Regime of Validity of Global Gyrokinetic Simulations with Spherical Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén modes through additional beam heating
- P.M. Bell
- Luca Bellan
E. A. Belli
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Francesco Belli
- Alexander Belokurov
- Elena Belova
Valery Belyakov
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Valery Belyakov
- Vasily Belykh
- Zhu Ben
Amel Benahmed
- Co-author in Temperature Anisotropy in Magnetized Fusion Plasma
- Golibjon Berdiyrov
- M. Berger
- Herbert Berk
- Matthijs, van Berkel
John Berkery
- Author in Characterization and Forecasting of Unstable Resistive Wall Modes in NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Jean-Michel Bernard
Matthias Bernert
- Co-author in Analysis of the impact of nitrogen- & neon-seeding on ASDEX-Upgrade H-Modes with SOLPS simulations
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Lee Berry
- Miklos Berta
- Luciano Bertalot
Nicola Bertelli
- Author in Towards a self consistent evaluation of the RF wave-field and the ion distribution functions in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Holida Besinbaeva
- R. Bettencourt
- Paolo Bettini
- Paolo Bettini
- Marc Beurskens
- Marc Beurskens
- Manisha K Bhandarkar
- Anil K Bhardwaj
- S.B. Bhatt
- Amitava Bhattacharjee
- Rajendraprasad Bhattacharyay
- James Bialek
- Alessandro Biancalani
- Markus Biberacher
Christoph Biedermann
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Wolfgang Biel
- Andreas Bierwage (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Andreas Bierwage
- Theodore Biewer
- Timothy Bigelow
- Bernard Bigot
- Roberto Bilato
- Roberto Bilato
- Petra Bilkova
- William Bin
- Michl Binderbauer
- Richard Bionta
- Gregor Birkenmeier
Dietrich Birus
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Nirmal Bisai
- Régis Bisson
- Prabal Biswas
- M. Bitter
- João P. S. Bizarro
- Thomas Bjorholm
- Carolina Björkas
- Patrick Blanchard
Emilio Blanco
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma Flow, Turbulence and Magnetic Islands in TJ-II
Thomas Blanken
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Daniel Blazevski
- Maarten Blommaert
Volodymyr Bobkov
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Alexandru Boboc
- Nikolay Bobyr
- Lorenzo Virgilio Boccaccini
- Dariusz Bocian
- Alexander Bock
- Grant Bodner
Jose Boedo
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Co-author in The physics of the heat flux narrow decay length in the TCV scrape-off layer: experiments and simulations
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Co-author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- Jose Boedo
- Alexey Bogachev
- Ondrej Bogar
- John Boguski
- Petr Bohm
- Deirdre Boilson
- Inessa Bolshakova
- Benoît Bolzon
Tommaso Bolzonella
- Author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Nicola Bonanomi
- luca boncagni
- Essex Bond
Eduard Bondarchuk
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Edward Bondarchuk
- Flavia Bonelli
- Daniele Bonfiglio
- Michael Bongard
- Tullio Bonicelli
Xavier Bonnin
- Co-author in Kinetic modeling of tungsten impurity transport using the IMPGYRO code
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Study of detached H-modes in full tungsten ASDEX Upgrade with N seeding by SOLPS-ITER modeling
- Philip Bonofiglo
Paul Bonoli
- Author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Integration of core/edge plasmas in fullwave RF simulation
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Co-author in Towards a self consistent evaluation of the RF wave-field and the ion distribution functions in tokamak plasmas
- Allen Boozer
- Dhiraj Bora
- Duarte Borba
- Michael Borchardt
- Dario Borgogno
Dmitiriy Borodin
- Author in ERO modelling of Be erosion in JET and extrapolation of the data for ITER
- Co-author in Electron-Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Molecules and Ions in Fusion Plasma
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Modelling of Prompt Deposition of Tungsten under Fusion Relevant Conditions
- Co-author in Overview of recent plasma-material interaction studies in the linear plasma device PSI-2
- Irina Borodkina
- Alexander Borschegovskij
Vadim Borsuk
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Alessandro Bortolon
- A. Bortolon
- Wouter Bos
- Hans-Stephan Bosch
G Bosia
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- Jose Botija
- Christine Bottereau
- Alberto Bottino
- Cedric Boulbe
- Francis Bouquey
clarisse bourdelle
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Realtime tokamak simulation with a first-principle-based neural network turbulent transport model
- Co-author in Synergetic effects of collisions, turbulence and sawtooth crashes on impurity transport.
- André Boussaton
- Alexandre Bovet
- George Bowden
- Mark Boyer
- Dennis Boyle
Sergey Bozhenkov
- Co-author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical investigation of 3-D plasma edge transport and heat fluxes including impurity effects in Wendelstein 7-X start-up plasmas with EMC3-Eirene
- Sergey Bozhenkov
- Craig Bradley
- D.K. Bradley
- Rudolf Brakel
- Beatriz Branas
- Harald Braune
- Falk Braunmuller
- R. Bravenec
- Philippe Bredy
Boris Breizman
- Author in Kinetics of Relativistic Runaway Electrons
- Author in Kinetics of Relativistic Runaway Electrons
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Generation of runaway electrons during the thermal quench in tokamaks
- Co-author in Studies of Alfven eigenmodes in the ITER baseline scenario, sawtoothing JET plasmas, and MAST hydrogen-deuterium plasmas
- Sylvain Bremond
- Dylan Brennan
- Joshua Breslau
- Sarah Breton
Sebastijan Brezinsek
- Author in Preparation of PFCs for the efficient use in ITER and DEMO – plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Diagnostic set-up and modelling for investigation of synergy between 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in ERO modelling of Be erosion in JET and extrapolation of the data for ITER
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Fuel Inventory and Deposition in Castellated Beryllium Structures in JET
- Co-author in Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fuelling
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures
- Co-author in Modelling of Prompt Deposition of Tungsten under Fusion Relevant Conditions
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Pulse-resolved measurements of material migration in the JET-ILW divertor by quartz crystal microbalance
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Benoit Brichard
- Dominik Brida
- Dominik Brida
A. Briesemeister
- Author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Assessment of Divertor Heat Load with and without External Magnetic Perturbation & Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Sergio Briguglio
- César Alejandro Briseño Cárdenas
- Mathias Brix
- Mathias Brix
- Christoph Broeckmann
- Giorgio Brolatti
- Giorgio Brolatti
- Leslie Bromberg
- John Brooks
- Albert Brooks
David Brower Brower
- Author in Evidence for Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence in MST Improved Confinement RFP Plasmas
- Co-author in Current Transport and Density Fluctuations at L-H Transition on EAST
- Co-author in Overview of ITPA R&D Activities for Improvement of ITER Diagnostic Performance
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Thomas Brown
- Cyril Brun
- Daniele Brunetti
- D. Brunner
Daniel Brunner
- Author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Stephan Brunner
Vincent Bruno
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Per Brunsell
Alessandro Bruschi
- Author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in The Development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron for the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating System
- Carlo BRUTTI
- Pierluigi Bruzzone
- Wannapa Buangam
Jerome Bucalossi
- Author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in DEMO Design Using the SYCOMORE System Code: Conservative Designs and Pathways towards the Reactor
- Co-author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP
- Co-author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan & Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- James Buchanan
- James Buchanan
Dean Buchenauer
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Robert Budny
Hugo Bufferand
- Co-author in Multiscale modelling of sheath physics in edge transport codes
- Co-author in Progress towards self-consistent treatment of turbulence in edge plasma modelling codes
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in The role of statistical noise in edge plasma transport codes based on kinetic Monte Carlo solvers for neutrals: an analogy with turbulent fluctuations
- Valentin Bukhovets
- Ivan Bukreev
- Sergei Bulanov
- Maxim Bulavin
- Maxim Buldakov
- patrick bunting
Paolo Buratti
- Co-author in Analysis of runaway beam suppression experiments in FTU
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Andreas Burckhart
- Aleksandr Burdakov
- Aleksandr Burdakov
Rainer Burhenn
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Willy Burke
- Marcus Burke
- Vladimir Burmasov
Keith H. Burrell
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
Arturo Buscarino
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Chiara Bustreo
Birger Buttenschön
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
Peter Buxton
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- I. Bykov
- I Bykov
- Victor Bykov
- Pavel Bykov
- Nikolay Bykovsky
- Patrick Byrne
- C.-S. Byun
- Helena Cabal
- Philippe Cacheux
- Jac Caggiano
- Pavel Cahyna
- H.S. Cai
- Lijun Cai
Giuseppe Calabro
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
Giuseppe Calabrò
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Pattrick Calderoni
- Debra Callahan
- Debra Callahan
- J. Callen
- Aida Calvo
- Yann Camenen
- Michael Campanell
David Campbell
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- María Gabriela Campos Fernández
- Gustavo Canal
- Stefany Cancino
Jeff Candy
- Author in Crucial role of zonal flows and electromagnetic effects in ITER turbulence simulations near threshold
- Co-author in Analysis and prediction of momentum transport in spherical tokamaks
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Roberto Caniello
John Canik
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Developing the Science and Technology for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX)
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Kinetic Understanding of Neoclassical Scrape-off Layer Physics, Comparison with Fluid Modeling, and Experimental Validation
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in SOL Effects on the Pedestal Structure in DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in Validating Extended MHD Models of Plasma Response Against Measurements of Islands in DIII-D
- Alejandro Canizales
- Alessandra Canton
- Bruno Cantone
- Jianyong Cao
- Hongrui Cao
- W. Capecchi
A. Cappa
- Co-author in Application of the ECRH radiation for plasma diagnosis in Wendelstein 7‐X
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Plasma Flow, Turbulence and Magnetic Islands in TJ-II
- William Cappechi
- Susanna cappello
- Philippe Cara
- A Cardinali
Dario Carloni
- Co-author in Proposal of the Confinement Strategy for EU DEMO
- Allan Carmona
- Daniele Carnevale
- daniele carnevale
Sophie Carpentier-Chouchana
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
Daniel Carralero
- Author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Lorella Carraro
- Benjamin Carreras
- gianfranco caruso
- Ivo Carvalho
- D. Casey
- Irene Casiraghi
- Thomas Casper
Francis J Casson
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Co-author in Toroidal gyrokinetic studies of the tearing mode in tokamak plasmas
- Francis Casson
- Carmine Castaldo
- Francisco Castejón
- Norberto Catarino
- Selwyn Cats
- Francesca Cau
- Deianeira Caudle
- John Caughman
- Federica Causa
- Genrry Rossvier Cavazos Almaguer
- Roberto Cavazzana
- Kim Cave-Ayland
Marco Cavedon
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Mario Cavinato
- Marco Cecconello
- Peter Celliers
- Antoine Cerfon
- Charles Cerjan
Roberto Cesario
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Seongwoo Cha
- Luis Chacón
- Robert Chahine
- Arun Chakraborty
Arun Chakraborty
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
Clive Challis
- Co-author in Electromagnetic gyrokinetic analysis of the isotope effect
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Boris Chalykh
- Vincent S. Chan
- Vincent Chan
- Vincent CHAN
- Debasis Chandra
Kamya Chandrasekhar
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
Choong-Seock Chang
- Author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Co-author in A New Understanding of the Bootstrap Current in Steep Edge Pedestal and its Effect on the Pedestal Stability
- Co-author in Kinetic Understanding of Neoclassical Scrape-off Layer Physics, Comparison with Fluid Modeling, and Experimental Validation
- Co-author in Neutral Recycling Effect on Edge ITG Turbulence and Transport
- Co-author in Understanding the Blobby Turbulence in Edge Plasma from Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Jiafeng Chang
- Choi Chang-Hwan
- Alex Chankin
- Michel Chantant
- Brett Chapman
Ian Chapman
- Author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Anton Charl
- Boonyarit Chatthong
- Boonyarit Chatthong
- Boonyarit Chatthong
- Prabal K Chattopadhyay
- P.K. Chattopadhyay
- A K Chattopadhyay
- Bhumi Chaudhari
- Vishnu K Chaudhari
- K.N. Chaudhary
- Pradeep K Chauhan
- Nicolas Chauvin
- Riju Chavaramplackil Issac
- Chhaya Chavda
- Rene Mauricio Chávez Rodríguez
- Vladimir Chebotarev
- Stéphane Chel
- Joannis Chelis
- Oulfa Chellai
- Jiale Chen
- Jun Chen
- Ran Chen
Wei Chen
- Author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Fast-Electron Driven Beta-induced Alfven Eigenmodes
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Jin Chen
- J. L. Chen
- Z. M. Chen
- Zhibin Chen
- Jiming Chen
- Jianguo Chen
X. Chen
- Author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in SOL Effects on the Pedestal Structure in DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Yebin Chen
- Yingjie Chen
- Yan Chen
- Chengyuan Chen
- Wenjin Chen
- Liu Chen
- Renkun CHEN
- H. Chen
- Dalong Chen
- Kaiyun Chen
- Donsheng Chen
- Bin Chen
Jun Cheng
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Chio Zong Cheng
Yong Cheng
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Junyi Cheng
- Linjin Cheng
- C.Z. Cheng
- M.S. Cheon
- Dmitry Cherkez
- Pavel Chernakov
- Alexander Chernakov
Fedor Chernyshev
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Fedor Chernyshev
- F Chernyshev
- Maryna Chernyshova
- Takumi Chikada
Mark Chilenski
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- stefano chiocchio
- Jeremy Chittenden
- A. Chmyga
Wonho Choe
- Author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Gyueng Hyuen Choe
- Gyeunghyuen Choe
Minjun Choi
- Author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Direct Destabilizations of Macro/Micro Edge Instabilities by Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Edge-localized modes on KSTAR: global structure and distinct evolution stages involving quasi-steady state and phase transitions
- Co-author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Dahye Choi
- Gyung Jin Choi
Jong Choi
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
In-Sic Choi
- Co-author in Characteristics of Halo Current in the KSTAR Tokamak
- Billal Chouli
M B Chowdhuri
- Author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Investigation of Neutral Particle Dynamics in Aditya Tokamak Plasma with DEGAS2 Code
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Dikens R Christian
- Guillemaut Christophe
- Christopher P. Chrobak
Colin Chrystal
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Co-author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- Colin Chrystal
- Nan Chu
- Yong Chu
- Hitesh H Chudasma
- Igor Chugunov
- Jinil Chung
- Kyu-Sun Chung
- K. J. Chung
- Randy Churchill
- Kilsung Churn
Valery Chuyanov
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Mark Cianciosa
- cesidio cianfarani
Sergio Ciattaglia
- Co-author in Proposal of the Confinement Strategy for EU DEMO
- Marcello Cinque
- Co-author in DEMO Design Using the SYCOMORE System Code: Conservative Designs and Pathways towards the Reactor
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Multiscale modelling of sheath physics in edge transport codes
- Co-author in Progress towards self-consistent treatment of turbulence in edge plasma modelling codes
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in The role of statistical noise in edge plasma transport codes based on kinetic Monte Carlo solvers for neutrals: an analogy with turbulent fluctuations
- Fabio Cismondi
Jonathan Citrin
- Author in Realtime tokamak simulation with a first-principle-based neural network turbulent transport model
- Co-author in Electron Heat Transport in JET from Ion to Electron scales: Experimental Investigation and Gyro-kinetic Simulations
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Frederic Clairet
- Daniel Clark
- Daniel Clark
- Ivo Classen
- Cesar Clauser
- Elliot Claveau
- Susana Clement-Lorenzo
- Paul Coad
- Joseph Paul Coad
- Valter Cocilovo
Stefano Coda
- Author in Overview of the TCV Tokamak Program: Scientific Progress and Facility Upgrades
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of progress in European Medium Sized Tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Rui Coelho
Jan Willem Coenen
- Author in Tungsten Composite Materials for Fusion First Wall applications
- Co-author in Deuterium retention and melting behavior in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten
- Co-author in Preparation of PFCs for the efficient use in ITER and DEMO – plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium
- Co-author in Smart tungsten alloys as first wall material for a future fusion power plant
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of transient tungsten melting experiments at JET
- Ivor Coffey
Laurent COLAS
- Co-author in Experiments and Modelling towards Long Pulse High Confinement Operation with Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive in EAST
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Michael Cole
- Clothilde Colin
- Gilles Colledani
- Bethany Colling (UKAEA)
C. Collins
- Author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Julian Colnel
- Stephen Combs
nicolas commaux
- Author in Shattered Pellet Injection as the Primary Disruption Mitigation Technique for ITER
- Author in Shattered Pellet Injection as the Primary Disruption Mitigation Technique for ITER
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Michele Comunian
- Davis Conka
- Jack Connor
Jack Connor
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Sean Conroy
- Garrard Conway
- Neil Conway
- Neil Conway
- Carson Cook
- C.M. Cooper
- Bruno Coppi
- Elodie Corbel
- Cormac Corr
Claudia Corradino
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- yann corre
- Gerard Corrigan
- Gerard Corrigan
- Antonella L. Costa
- Stefan Costea
David Coster
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Power Handling and Plasma Protection Aspects that affect the Design of the DEMO Divertor and First Wall
- Co-author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
- Co-author in Self-Consistent Coupling of DSMC Method and SOLPS Code for Modeling Tokamak Particle Exhaust
- Co-author in Study of detached H-modes in full tungsten ASDEX Upgrade with N seeding by SOLPS-ITER modeling
- Co-author in The field line map approach for simulations of plasma edge/SOL turbulence
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
Alan Costley
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- Federico Coto-Vílchez
- Brent Covele
E. Coviello
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Darren Craig
Fabio Crescenzi
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Co-author in System Level Design and Performances of the ITER Radial Neutron Camera
- Flavio Crisanti
- Flavio Crisanti
- Lungu Cristian
- Gabriele Croci
- Neal Crocker
- Kristel Crombe
- Brendan J Crowley
- Thomas Crowley
- Nuno Cruz
- L. Cui
- Zhengying Cui
- Shuang CUI
- L. Cui
- Uros Cvelbar
- Agata Czarnecka
- Istvan Cziegler
- Istvan Cziegler
- Guntram Czymek
- Shuyu Dai
- Shuyu Dai
- Masayuki Dairaku
- Saifali Dalakoti
- Samuele Dal Bello
- Hrushikesh Dalicha
- Mauro Dalla Palma
- King Damian
Chandan Danani
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
Chandan Danani
- Author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Caroline Darbos
- O. D'Arcangelo
- Saied Dardour
- Doug Darrow
- Amita Das
- Partha Das
- Filipe da Silva
- Paula da Silva Arresta Belo
- Tristan Daudel
- Jacques David
- Evan Davis
- Evan M Davis
- Sam Davis
- V. Davydenko
- Vladimir Davydenko
Christian Day
- Author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Self-Consistent Coupling of DSMC Method and SOLPS Code for Modeling Tokamak Particle Exhaust
- Christian Day
- Marco De Baar
- Abdel Debbiche
Maarten De Bock
- Co-author in CXRS-edge Diagnostic in the Harsh ITER Environment
- Co-author in Effect of wall light reflection in ITER diagnostics
Christian Dechelle
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
Joan Decker
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- joan decker
- Patrick Decool
J.S. deGrassie
- Author in Dimensionless Size Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- Renaud Dejarnac
- Wouter Dekeyser
- Ephrem Delabie
- Ephrem Delabie
- Ephrem Delabie
Elena de la Luna
- Co-author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fuelling
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Elena De la Luna
- Elena de la Luna (CIEMAT)
- Diego del-Castillo-Negrete
Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio
- Author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
Ana Delicado
- Co-author in Social Research on Fusion
- Mattia Dellabiancia
- Etienne Delmas
- Rita Delogu
- Lina Delpech
- Pascal de Marne
- Gianluca De Masi
- Diane Demers
Daniel Den Hartog
- Author in Enhanced measurements for MHD validation using integrated data analysis on the MST fusion research experiment
- Co-author in Improved Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP Performance with Active MHD Control and Associated Change in Magnetic Topology in RELAX
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
Grigory Denisov
- Author in New Results of Development of Gyrotrons for Plasma Fusion Installations
- Author in New Results of Development of Gyrotrons for Plasma Fusion Installations & Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA & Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Progress of Plasma Confinement Studies in the Gas Dynamic Trap
- Severin Denk
- Peter Denner
- J.L. de Pablos
- Harting Derek
- Tara Desai
- Corinne Desgranges
Shishir Deshpande
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
Gregory De Temmerman
- Co-author in Deuterium retention and melting behavior in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten
- Co-author in Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Gianmaria De Tommasi
- Sean Dettrick
- Stephane Devaux
Peter De Vries
- Author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Generation of the disruption mitigation trigger: developing a preliminary design for ITER
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Passcal Devynck
- Eduard Dewald
- Robert Dewar
- Ritu Dey
Kalpeshkumar R. Dhanani
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Hitesh Dhola
- Jasraj R Dhongde
- Pravesh Dhyani
- Pravesh Dhyani
Ahmed Diallo
- Author in Energy Exchange Dynamics across L-H transitions in NSTX
- Author in Energy Exchange Dynamics across L-H transitions in NSTX
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Identification of characteristic ELM evolution patterns with Alfven-scale measurements and unsupervised machine learning analysis
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Nonlinear dynamics of ELMs with Er shear and collisionality trends
- Co-author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén modes through additional beam heating
Patrick Diamond
- Author in New Results in Negative Viscosity Models for Fusion Plasma Dynamics
- Co-author in Direct identification of Predator-Prey dynamics in Gyrokinetic Simulations
- Co-author in L-H Transition Threshold Physics at Low Collisionality
- Co-author in Nonlinear dynamics of ELMs with Er shear and collisionality trends
- Co-author in Phase Locking, Phase Slips and Turbulence: A New Approach to Mechanisms for Quiescent H-Mode
Patrick H. Diamond
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Transport of parallel momentum by the triplet correlation in drift wave turbulence
- Co-author in Understanding and Predicting Profile Structure and Parametric Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Co-author in Validation of Self-Organisation Dynamics in Fusion Plasmas
- P.H. Diamond
- Riccardo Di Campli
- David Dickinson
- Stephanie Diem
- Guilhem Dif-Pradalier
- Luc Di Gallo
- Andris Dimits
- Rodolphe D'Inca
- R. D'Inca
Xuantong Ding
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Fast-Electron Driven Beta-induced Alfven Eigenmodes
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Study of impurity transport in the HL-2A ECRH plasmas with MHD instabilities
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
Bojiang Ding
- Author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Experiments and Modelling towards Long Pulse High Confinement Operation with Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive in EAST
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
Weixing Ding
- Author in Current Transport and Density Fluctuations at L-H Transition on EAST
- Co-author in Evidence for Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence in MST Improved Confinement RFP Plasmas
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
Rui Ding
- Author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Modelling of Prompt Deposition of Tungsten under Fusion Relevant Conditions
- Co-author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP & Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
Siye Ding
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- R. Ding
- Fang DING
Andreas Dinklage
- Author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated Concept Development of Next-Step Helical-Axis Advanced Stellarators
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Andreas Dinklage
- Luigi Di Pace
- enrico Dipietro
- Dipti Dipti
- Gael Disset
- Claudio Di Troia
- T. Dittmar
- Artem Dmitriev
Kiramov Dmitry
- Co-author in Advances in Numerical Modelling of MGI Mitigated Disruptions in ITER
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Alexei Dnestrovskij
- Yurij Dnestrovskiy
- J.L. Doane
- Louis Doceul
- Russell Doerner
- Dmitry Doinikov
- Vladimir Dokuka
- Phani Kumar Domalapally
- Calvin Domier
Jiaqi Dong
- Author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Current drive with combined electron cyclotron wave and high harmonic fast wave in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Yunbo Dong
- Danilo Dongiovanni
- Peter Donnel
- David Donovan
- Tilo Döppner
- Vicko Doriæ
- B.R. Doshi
- Kalpesh J Doshi
- Peng Dou
- Author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Hubert Dougnac
- Edward J. Doyle
- E.J. Doyle
- Peter Drewelow
- Peter Drewelow
- Philipp Drews
- Huarong Du
- xiaodi du
- Huarong Du
- Shijun DU
Xuru Duan
- Author in Overview of Recent Experiments on HL-2A Tokamak
- Author in Overview of Recent Experiments on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Direct Measurement of ELM related Momentum Transport in the Edge of HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of the second X-point on the hot VDE for HL-2M
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Technical Preparation for Series Production of ITER Enhance Heat Flux FW Panels
- Vinicius Duarte
- Ami DuBois
- Maxim Dubrov
- Jean-Luc Duchateau
- Robert Duckworth
- Anatoly Dudnikov
- Benjamin Dudson
- James Duff
Remi Dumont
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Alexander Dunaevsky
- Daniel Dunai
Mike Dunne
- Author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- E. Du Toit
- Someshwar Dutta
Pramit Dutta
- Co-author in Concept Design of the Heavy Duty Multi-Purpose Deployer For ITER
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
Basil Duval
- Author in Neutral Beam Heating on the TCV Tokamak
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in Study of the fast-ion distribution function in the TCV tokamak based on FIDA spectroscopy and the TRANSP code
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
Ralph Dux
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Valeriy Dyachenko
- Herve Dzitko
- Tim Eade
- Luke Easy
- Yuto Ebashi
- Fatima Ebrahimi
- Mark Eckart
Eric Edlund
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Takahiro Edo
Michael John Edwards
- Author in The Quest For Laboratory Inertial Fusion Ignition in the US
- Author in The Quest For Laboratory Inertial Fusion Ignition in the US
- Co-author in Adapting high resolution x-ray spectroscopy from MFE to temperature and density measurements in ICF*
- Co-author in Observations of residual bulk-fluid motion and low-mode areal-density asymmetries at peak convergence in NIF implosions through spectral measurements of DD and DT neutrons
- Co-author in The Role of Beryllium Ablators in Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Florian Effenberg
- P.C. Efthimion
- Jan Egedal
- Taku Eguchi
Thomas Eich
- Co-author in Assessment of Divertor Heat Load with and without External Magnetic Perturbation
- Co-author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Overview of progress in European Medium Sized Tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution
- Co-author in Power Handling and Plasma Protection Aspects that affect the Design of the DEMO Divertor and First Wall
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
Nicholas Eidietis
- Co-author in A multi-machine analysis of non-axisymmetric and rotating halo currents
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Plasma Disruption and VDE modeling in support of ITER
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Co-author in Shattered Pellet Injection as the Primary Disruption Mitigation Technique for ITER
Akira Ejiri
- Author in Plasma Start-up Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Mitsuru Ejiri
Annika Ekedahl
- Author in First Experiments in H-mode Plasmas with the Passive-Active Multijunction LHCD Launcher in HL-2A and Impact on Pedestal Instabilities
- Co-author in Experiments and Modelling towards Long Pulse High Confinement Operation with Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive in EAST
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- A.A. Eksaeva
- Didier Elbeze
- J.D. Elder
David Eldond
- Author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- S. Elgriw
- Laila El-Guebaly
- Leonid Eliseev
Rajendrakumar Ellappan
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Ron Ellis
- R. Ellis
- Sarah Elmore
- W. Elwasif
Ola Embréus
- Co-author in Kinetic modelling of runaways in fusion plasmas
- Masahiko Emoto
- Masahiko Emoto
- Melvin John F. Empizo
Michael Endler
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Yasuei Endo
- Yoichi Endo
Paul Ennever
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- David Ennis
- Mikio Enoeda
- Boglarka Erdos
- Göran Ericsson
- Jacob Eriksson
- Anastasiya Ermolaeva
- Darin R Ernst
- Dominique Escande
- Alexandre Escarguel
Frederic Escourbiac
- Co-author in Material Properties and Their Influence on the Behavior of Tungsten as Plasma Facing Material
- Co-author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Co-author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Lev Esipov
Basilio Esposito
- Author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Analysis of runaway beam suppression experiments in FTU
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in System Level Design and Performances of the ITER Radial Neutron Camera
- Rolando Esquivel Sancho
- Hans Günter Esser
- Damien Esteve
- Teresa Estrada
- S. Ethier
- . EUROfusion MST1 Team
Todd E. Evans
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in The Contribution of Perturbation Coil Geometry Induced Sidebands and MHD Response in KSTAR and DIII-D
- Co-author in Validating Extended MHD Models of Plasma Response Against Measurements of Islands in DIII-D
- Llion Evans
- Christopher Everson
- Patrice Eymard-Vernein
Koichiro Ezato
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Naomichi Ezumi
- Naomichi Ezumi
Garcia F.
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Manque Fabian
- Emiliano Fable
Emiliano Fable
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Alberto Facco
- Emrico Fagotti
- Frederic Faisse
- Michael Faitsch
- Michael Faitsch
- Gloria Falchetto
Ursel Fantz
- Author in Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI system
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO NBIs: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Long-pulse acceleration of 1MeV negative ion beams toward ITER and JT-60SA neutral beam injectors & Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI system
- Co-author in The ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility toward SPIDER operation
- Ricardo Farengo
- daniela farina
- Tom Farley
- Jonathan Farthing
- Ambrogio Fasoli
- alessandro fassina
- Eric Faudot
- H. Faugel
- Helmut Faugel
- Blaise Faugeras
- Blaise Faugeras
Ian Faust
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Paolo Favuzza
- Gianfranco FEDERICI
- Gianfranco Federici
Eliot Feibush
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
- Jost-Heinrich Feist
Federico Felici
- Author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Realtime tokamak simulation with a first-principle-based neural network turbulent transport model
- Robert Felton
Yuhe Feng
- Co-author in EMC3-EIRENE Simulations for the Impact of External Magnetic Perturbations on EAST Edge Plasma
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Numerical investigation of 3-D plasma edge transport and heat fluxes including impurity effects in Wendelstein 7-X start-up plasmas with EMC3-Eirene
- Wei Feng
- Yuehe Feng
Hansheng Feng
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Beibin Feng
- Hao Feng
- Changle Feng
- Xiande Feng
M.E. Fenstermacher
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- Christel Fenzi
- Fabien Ferlay
- Ana Fernandes
- H. Fernandes
- Iván Fernández-Berceruelo
- Francisco Fernández-Marina
- Jhoel Fernández Vega
Marco Ferrari
- Author in How Tokamak Interface Requirements are Driving the Design of TBM Systems in ITER towards Breeding Blanket Design in DEMO
- Co-author in Lessons learned for the Breeding Blanket designers from the design development of the European Test Blanket Module Systems (He, Tritium, Liquid Metal Systems)
- Hugo Ferrari
- Nathaniel M. Ferraro
N.M. Ferraro
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in The Contribution of Perturbation Coil Geometry Induced Sidebands and MHD Response in KSTAR and DIII-D
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Co-author in Validating Extended MHD Models of Plasma Response Against Measurements of Islands in DIII-D
- nathaniel ferraro
- Jorge Ferreira
- Isabel Maria Ferreira Nunes
- Isabel Maria Ferreira Nunes
- giuseppe ferrò
J.R. Ferron
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Olivier Fevrier
- Ondřej Ficker
- Ondrej Ficker
- Anthony Field
Sina Fietz
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Daniel Figat
Lorenzo Figini
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- H. Figueiredo
- Antonio Figueiredo
Alexander Fil
- Author in Modeling and Simulation of Pedestal Control Techniques for NSTX-U
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D M3D-C1 Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Crossing a MHD Linear Stability Boundary
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
Oleg Filatov
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Peter Fimognari
- Mehdi Firdaouss
- Rainer Fischer
- Ulrich Fischer
Rainer Fischer
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Rainer Fischer
- Reuben Fisher
- Michael Fitzgerald
- Ian Fitzgerald
- Michael Fitzgerald
- Joanne Flanagan
S. Flanagan
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Alexander Fletcher
- Ludovic Fleury
- Giuliana Fogaccia
Raymond Fonck
- Author in H-mode and Non-Solenoidal Startup in the Pegasus Ultralow-A Tokamak
- Author in H-mode and Non-Solenoidal Startup in the Pegasus Ultralow-A Tokamak
- Co-author in ELM Characterization and Dynamics at Near-Unity A in the Pegasus ST
- Co-author in Identification of characteristic ELM evolution patterns with Alfven-scale measurements and unsupervised machine learning analysis
- Eleanor Forbes
- Laurent Forest
- Cary Forest
- Alessandro Formisano
Tomasz Fornal
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
Luigi Fortuna
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Elzbieta Fortuna-Zalesna
- Jorge Fradera
- Manaure Francisquez
- Joachim Franck
- Thomas Francke
- Thomas Franke
Paolo Franz
- Co-author in Enhanced measurements for MHD validation using integrated data analysis on the MST fusion research experiment
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Co-author in Progress in Theoretical RFP Studies: New Stimulated Helical Regimes and Similarities with Tokamak and Stellarator
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
Lorenzo Frassinetti
- Author in Effect of external magnetic perturbations on the EXTRAP T2R reversed-field pinch plasma
- Co-author in Contribution to the multi-machine pedestal scaling from COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Diamagnetic MHD equations for plasmas with fast flow and its application to ELM analysis in JT-60U and JET-ILW
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Co-author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
Eric Fredrickson
- Author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Coupling of Neutral-beam-driven Compressional Alfvén Eigenmodes to Kinetic Alfvén Waves in NSTX and Energy Channelling
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén modes through additional beam heating
- Jeffrey Freidberg
- Michaele Freisinger
- Johan Frenje
- H. Frerichs
- Heinke Frerichs
- Richard Fridström
- Richard Fridström
- Roland Friedl
- Pierre-Etienne Frigot
- Markus Fröschle
Peng Fu
- Author in Recent Progress of ITER Package in ASIPP
- Author in Recent Progress of ITER Package in ASIPP
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Research and Development Progress of the ITER PF Converter System
- Jia Fu
- Guoyong Fu
- Haiying Fu
- Golo Fuchert
- Christoph Fuchs
- Helmut Fuenfgelder
- H. Fuenfgelder
- Keisuke Fuji
- Keisuke Fujii
- Yasushi Fujimoto
- Yuho Fujimura
- Shigeru Fujino
Shinsuke Fujioka
- Author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Akihide FUJISAWA
- Akihide Fujisawa
- Takaaki Fujita
- Hisanori Fujita
- Yusuke Fukai
- Makoto Fukuda
- Masakatsu Fukumoto
- Naoyuki Fukumoto
Atsushi Fukuyama
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Overview of simulation results using computation resources in the framework of IFERC-CSC
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Simulations of Runaway Electron Generation including Hot-Tail Effect
Tünde Fülöp
- Author in Kinetic modelling of runaways in fusion plasmas
- Co-author in Edge Flow from Momentum Transport by Neutrals
- H. Funaba
- Hisamichi Funaba
- Jacky Furlan
Ivo Furno
- Author in Basic studies of blob dynamics in X-point configurations and interaction with suprathermal ions in the TORPEX device
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO NBIs: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Scattering of EC waves by Edge Turbulence: Measurements and modelling in TCV and TORPEX
- Co-author in The physics of the heat flux narrow decay length in the TCV scrape-off layer: experiments and simulations
- Hirokazu Furui
- Tomohiro Furukawa
- Valeria Fusco
- Shimpei Futatani
- Antonio Gabrielli
- Elena Gaio
- Matthew Galante
- Davide Galassi
- Krzysztof Galazka
- Joaquin Galdon
- Sergio Galeani
- Sergio Galeani
- Laurent Gallais
Cristian Galperti
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Andrey Galyuzov
- Rajaraman Ganesh
- Ranjana Gangradey
- Gerd Gantenbein
- Chi Gao
- Ge Gao
- Zhe Gao
- Yu Gao
- L. Gao
- Wei Gao
- Jinming Gao
- Chi Gao
- Wei Gao
- Xiang Gao
- Eusebio Garate
- Saul Garavaglia
Saul Garavaglia
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
Xavier Garbet
- Author in Synergetic effects of collisions, turbulence and sawtooth crashes on impurity transport
- Author in Synergetic effects of collisions, turbulence and sawtooth crashes on impurity transport.
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD modelling of Edge Localized Modes dynamics.
- Co-author in Validation of Self-Organisation Dynamics in Fusion Plasmas
Jeronimo Garcia
- Author in Electromagnetic gyrokinetic analysis of the isotope effect
- Author in Electromagnetic gyrokinetic analysis of the isotope effect
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
A Garcia
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- Luis Garcia
- Raul Garcia
- Alvaro Garcia Carrasco
- Pablo Garcia-Martinez
M. Garcia-Munoz
- Author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Carmen Garcia-Rosales
- Jean-Laurent Gardarein
- Atul Garg
Laurent Gargiulo
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Igor Garkusha
A. M. Garofalo
- Author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Extending the Validation of Multi-Mode Model for Anomalous Transport to High Poloidal Beta DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode pedestal in DIII-D and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Lauren Garrison
Luca Garzotti
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD Simulations of Pellet Triggered ELMs
- Co-author in Numerical analyses of baseline JT-60SA design concepts with the COREDIV code
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Scrape Off Layer and Divertor Physics Advances in MAST
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Luca Garzotti
- Jonathan Gaspar
- Maurizio Gasparotto
David Gates
- Author in Recent Advances in Stellarator Optimization
- Co-author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Feedback Control Design for Non-inductively Sustained Scenarios in NSTX-U Using TRANSP
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in Minerva Bayesian Analysis of X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Data for Temperature and Density Profile Inference at Wendelstein 7-X
- Orlando Alexander Gatica Valle
- Maria Gatu Johnson
- eric gauthier
- Pierre Gavila
- Dmitri Gavrilenko
- Stephane Gazzotti
- Jian Ge
Benedikt Geiger
- Author in Study of the fast-ion distribution function in the TCV tokamak based on FIDA spectroscopy and the TRANSP code
- Co-author in Advances in Neutral Beam Current Drive Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Phase-space resolved measurements of the influence of RF heating and MHD instabilities on the fast-ion distribution in ASDEX Upgrade
- Joachim Geiger
- Florian Gellert
- Paul Genesio
- Shaofei Geng
- Laurent Genini
Siju George
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Sergei Gerasimov
Stefan Gerhardt
- Co-author in A multi-machine analysis of non-axisymmetric and rotating halo currents
- Co-author in Characterization and Forecasting of Unstable Resistive Wall Modes in NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in Feedback Control Design for Non-inductively Sustained Scenarios in NSTX-U Using TRANSP
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D M3D-C1 Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Crossing a MHD Linear Stability Boundary
- Co-author in NSTX-U Contributions to Disruption Mitigation Studies in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
Stefan Gerhardt
- Co-author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
- Dominique Gex
- Philippe Ghendrih
Abdenasser Ghezal
- Co-author in Temperature Anisotropy in Magnetized Fusion Plasma
- Francesco Ghezzi
- Florin Ghiorghiu
- Nasr Ghoniem
- Kristel Ghoos
Joydeep Ghosh
- Author in Upgradation of Aditya Tokamak with Limiter Configuration to Aditya Upgrade Tokamak with Divertor Configuration
- Co-author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Joydeep Ghosh
- Joydeep Ghosh
- Debashis Ghosh
- Keii Gi
- Keii Gi
- Jean-Claude Giacalone
- Luca Giacomelli
- Luca Giacomelli
Luca Giacomelli
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
Luciano Giancarli
- Co-author in How Tokamak Interface Requirements are Driving the Design of TBM Systems in ITER towards Breeding Blanket Design in DEMO
- Co-author in Lessons learned for the Breeding Blanket designers from the design development of the European Test Blanket Module Systems (He, Tritium, Liquid Metal Systems)
- Louis Giannone
- Hanns Gietl
- Christophe Gil
- Mark Gilbert
- Erik P Gilson
- Dmitry Gin
- Francesco GIORGETTI
- Edmondo Giovannozzi
Carine Giroud
- Author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in Diamagnetic MHD equations for plasmas with fast flow and its application to ELM analysis in JT-60U and JET-ILW
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
Gerardo Giruzzi
- Author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Electromagnetic gyrokinetic analysis of the isotope effect
- Co-author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in Numerical analyses of baseline JT-60SA design concepts with the COREDIV code
- Dominic Giuliano
- Alan Glasser
- Cristian Gleason-Gonzalez
- Cristian Gleason-Gonzalez
- Vladimir Glebov
- Stephan Glöggler
- Marco Gobbin
Marco Gobbin
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Progress in Theoretical RFP Studies: New Stimulated Helical Regimes and Similarities with Tokamak and Stellarator
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Raphaël Gobin
- John Goetz
- P. Gohil
- Robert Goldston
Theodore Golfinopoulos
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Raymond Golingo
- Viktor Goloborod'ko
- Anna Golubeva
- Rui Gomes
Pavel Goncharov
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Rene Gonde
Xianzu Gong
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Experiments and Modelling towards Long Pulse High Confinement Operation with Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive in EAST
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Xueyu Gong
Marc Goniche
- Author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Experiments and Modelling towards Long Pulse High Confinement Operation with Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive in EAST
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- César Gonzalez
- Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal
- Sehila M Gonzalez de Vicente
- Jorge Alberto González Guevara
- Joel González Marroquín
Timothy Goodman
- Author in Scattering of EC waves by Edge Turbulence: Measurements and modelling in TCV and TORPEX
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- M V Gopalakrishna
- Aleksander Gorbovsky
- Yuri Gordienko
- Nuria Gordillo
N.N. Gorelenkov
- Author in Suppression of Alfvén modes through additional beam heating
- Co-author in Coupling of Neutral-beam-driven Compressional Alfvén Eigenmodes to Kinetic Alfvén Waves in NSTX and Energy Channelling
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Marina Gorelenkova
- Marina Gorelenkova
- Giuseppe Gorini
- Tobias Görler
- Alexander Gorodetsky
- Aleksey Gorshkov
- Mateusz Gospodarczyck
- Egor Gospodchikov
- Niranjanpuri S. Goswani
- Hiroshi Gota
- Hiroshi Gota
Krishnan Gotewal
- Author in Concept Design of the Heavy Duty Multi-Purpose Deployer For ITER
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
Motoshi goto
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Formation of impurity transport barrier in LHD plasmas with hollow density profile
- Co-author in Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Motoshi Goto
- Motoshi Goto
Takuya Goto
- Author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
- Yuki Goto
- François Gougnaud
- Richard Goulding
- Francesco Gracceva
- Margaret Graham
- Virginie Grandgirard
- Luca Grando
Robert Granetz
- Author in Developing Disruption Warning Algorithms Using Large Databases on Alcator C-Mod and EAST Tokamaks
- Co-author in A multi-machine analysis of non-axisymmetric and rotating halo currents
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Plasma Disruption and VDE modeling in support of ITER
- Author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in DEMO Port Plug Design and Integration Studies
- Co-author in EU DEMO Heating and Current Drive: Physics and Technology
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Sergey Grashin
- Daniela Grasso
- Jonathan Graves
- Van Graves
Travis Gray
- Co-author in High-temperature, liquid metal plasma-facing component research and development for the NSTX-U
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- David Green
David Green
- Author in Verification of a Configuration Space Method for Evaluating the All-Orders Linear Kinetic Plasma Response to RF Power
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Towards a self consistent evaluation of the RF wave-field and the ion distribution functions in tokamak plasmas
Martin Greenwald
- Co-author in An analytic scaling relation for the maximum tokamak elongation against n=0 MHD resistive wall modes
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Smaller & Sooner – Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors for a more attractive fusion energy development path
- Henri Greuner
- Michel Grézaud
- Yury Gribov
B.A. Grierson
- Author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- Author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Demonstrating the Multi-scale Nature of Electron Transport Through Experimentally Validated Simulations
- Co-author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Extending the Validation of Multi-Mode Model for Anomalous Transport to High Poloidal Beta DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- Co-author in Understanding and Predicting Profile Structure and Parametric Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Brian Grierson
- Eduard Grigore
- Gary Grim
- Larry Grisham
- Christian Grisolia
R.J. Groebner
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in Nonlinear dynamics of ELMs with Er shear and collisionality trends
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Poul Grohnheit
- Friedrich Gröschel
- Giovanni Grossetti
- Giovanni Grosso
- Heinz Grote
Mathias Groth
- Co-author in ERO modelling of Be erosion in JET and extrapolation of the data for ITER
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fuelling
- Co-author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Ondrej Grover
- Olaf Grulke
- Olaf Grulke
- H.J. Grunloh
- Mikhail Gryaznevich
- Mikhail Gryaznevich
- Justyna Grzonka
- Justyna Grzonka
- Shuai Gu
- Wenhai Guan
- Anja Gude
- Sibylle Guenter
- Carlo Guerrero
- Bin Gui
- Dominique Guilhem
- Christophe Guillemaut
- Remy Guirlet
- Hitesh Kumar Gulati
- James Paul Gunn
- Xuehan Guo
- Houyang Guo
- Dong Guo
H.Y. Guo
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- wenfeng guo
Zehua Guo
- Co-author in Plasma particle and energy exhaust to and recycling at a tungsten surface
- Co-author in Turbulent Current Drive Mechanisms
- Shi Chong GUO
- M. Gupta
- Chet Narayan Gupta
- Girish K Gupta
- Sandeep Gupta
- Snehlata Gupta
- Ozgur Gurcan
- Alexey Gurchenko
- Alexey Gurchenko
- Mikhail Gurevich
- Satheeswaran Guruparan
Evgeniy Gusakov
- Author in Low-Threshold Two-UH-Plasmon Decay as a Reason for Anomalous Backscattering and Absorption in Second Harmonic ECRH Experiments
- Co-author in Coupling full-f gyrokinetic studies to experimental measurements of the isotope effect for FT-2 tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Effect of the Transition to Improved Core Confinement Observed in the LHCD Experiment at FT-2 Tokamak
Vasily Gusev
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Co-author in Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2: Design, Integration, Construction
- J. Guterl
- Sven Gutruf
- Walter Guttenfelder
- José Valentín Guzmán González
- Yoosung Ha
- Steven Haan
- Pavel Hacek
- Sebastien Hacquin
- Kazuyoshi Hada
- Robert Hager
Taik Soo Hahm
- Author in ExB Shear and Precession Shear Induced Turbulence Suppression
- Co-author in Excitation of zonal flows and their impact on dynamics of edge pedestal collapse
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulations of electrostatic microinstabilities with bounce-averaged kinetic electrons for shaped tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
Sang-hee Hahn
- Author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Characteristics of Halo Current in the KSTAR Tokamak
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Ammar Hakim
Antti Hakola
- Author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Co-author in Overview of progress in European Medium Sized Tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution
- Co-author in Preparation of PFCs for the efficient use in ITER and DEMO – plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Mihails Halitovs
- Klaus Hallatschek
- Federico Halpern
- Chris Ham
- Yasuji Hamada (NIFS)
- Dai Hamaguchi
- Shinji Hamaguchi
Yukinori Hamaji
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Fabrication of Divertor Mock-up with ODS-Cu and W by Improved Brazing Technique
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Fujihiro Hamba
- B.A. Hammel
Greg Hammett
- Co-author in Recent Advances towards a Lithium Vapor Box Divertor
- Greg Hammett
- Wentuo Han
- Hyunsun HAN
- Xiang Han
- S. H. Han
- Masaya Hanada
Kazuaki Hanada
- Author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Ryohei Hanayama
- Christopher Hansen
- Jeremy Hanson
- James Hanson
- Guangzhou Hao
- Tim Happel
- Masanori Hara
- Francis Harrault
Jeff Harris
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
James Harrison
- Co-author in Investigation of merging/reconnection heating during solenoid-free startup of plasmas in the MAST spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Scrape Off Layer and Divertor Physics Advances in MAST
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Derek Harting
Dirk Hartmann
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
Dirk Hartmann
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Edward Hartouni
- Gregory Hartwell
- Zachary Hartwig
- R.W. (Bob) Harvey
Akira Hasegawa
- Co-author in Development of dissimilar-metals joint of oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) and non-ODS reduced-activation ferritic steels
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Small Specimen Test Technology Development Towards Design of Fusion DEMO Reactors and Future Direction Plan
- Jun Hasegawa
- Hiroki Hasegawa
- Koichi Hasegawa
Hidetoshi Hashizume
- Author in Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas & Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets & Lessons Learned from the Eighteen-Year Operation of the LHD Poloidal Coils Made from CIC Conductors
- S. Haskey
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Ahmed Hassanein
- Jim Hastie
- Masayasu Hata
- Hirohisa Hata
Yuji Hatano
- Author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Investigation on irradiation effects on highly integrated leading edge electronic components of diagnostics and control systems for the LHD deuterium operation
- Robert Hatarik
- Akiyoshi Hatayama
- David Hatch
- Jean-Claude Hatchressian
- Roman Hatzky
- Volker Hauer
- Josef Havlicek
- Eva Havlickova
- Nick Hawkes
- Atsuro Hayakawa
Nobuhiko Hayashi
- Author in Core-edge coupled predictive modeling of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state plasma with impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Full-f gyrokinetic simulation including kinetic electrons
- Co-author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Reduction of CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up on DEMO reactor
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Yuuta Hayashi
- Yuki Hayashi
- Takumi Hayashi
- Xiaoxue He
- Hongdz He
- Girish Hebbar
- Jonathan Hebert
- Chris Hegna
- C. Hegna
- Chris C. Hegna
W.W. Heidbrink
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Roland Heidinger
- Martin Heilmaier
- Bernd Heinemann
- Kalle Heinola
Kalle Heinola
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Fuel Inventory and Deposition in Castellated Beryllium Structures in JET
- Co-author in Pulse-resolved measurements of material migration in the JET-ILW divertor by quartz crystal microbalance
- Per Helander
- Carl Hellesen
- Walid Helou
Tim Hender
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
Mark Henderson
- Co-author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in The Development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron for the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating System
- Stuart Henderson
- Pascale Hennequin
- Maaßberg Henning
- R. B. Henriques
- Stanislav Herashchenko
- Jeffrey Herfindal
- Virgile Hermann
- Kersti Hermansson
- Caroline Hernadez
- Julio Hernandez
Francisco Hernandez
- Co-author in DEMO Port Plug Design and Integration Studies
- Albrecht Herrmann
- M.C. Herrmann
- Patrick HERTOUT
- Jason Hess
- Andreas Hetzenecker
- Stephane Heuraux
Carlos Hidalgo
- Author in On the influence of ECRH on neoclassical and anomalous mechanisms using a dual Heavy Ion Beam probe Diagnostic in the TJ-II stellarator
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma Flow, Turbulence and Magnetic Islands in TJ-II
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Masataka Higuchi
- D.N. Hill
Kenneth Hill
- Author in Adapting high resolution x-ray spectroscopy from MFE to temperature and density measurements in ICF*
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Julien Hillairet
Jon Hillesheim
- Author in Role of stationary zonal flows and momentum transport for L-H transitions in JET
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Jon Hillesheim
- Donald Hillis
- Haruhiko Himura
- Denise Hinkel
- Jesus A. Hinojosa
Tatsuya Hinoki
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- E.T. Hinson
- Tatsumi Hioki
Takeshi Hirai
- Co-author in Material Properties and Their Influence on the Behavior of Tungsten as Plasma Facing Material
- Co-author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP
- Co-author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan
- Yasushi Hirakawa
- Yutaka HIRAOKA
- Mafumi Hirata
- Mafumi Hirata
- Takahiro HIRATA
- JUNICHI HIRATSUKA (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Tomoyuki Hirayama
- Yoichi Hironaka
- Yoshishiko HIROOKA
- Akira Hirose
- Takanori Hirose
- Matthias Hirsch
- Steven Hirshman
- Eero Hirvijoki
- Ryoji Hiwatari (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Ryoji Hiwatari
- Ryoji Hiwatari
- Kyriakos Hizanidis
- Anders Hjalmarsson
- Christine Hoa
- Tuong Hoang
- Jörg Hobirk
- Joerg Hobirk
- Etienne Hodille
Udo Hoefel
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Hauke Hoelbe
Matthias Hoelzl
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD Simulations of Pellet Triggered ELMs
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode pedestal in DIII-D and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Olivier Hoenen
- Till Hoeschen
- Nelson Hoffman
- Dick Hogeweij
- Jean-Philippe Hogge
C. Holcomb
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D
- Co-author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Matthew John Hole
Christopher Holland
- Author in Demonstrating the Multi-scale Nature of Electron Transport Through Experimentally Validated Simulations
- Author in Demonstrating the Multi-scale Nature of Electron Transport Through Experimentally Validated Simulations
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- C. Holland
- Klaus-Peter Hollfeld
- E.M. Hollmann
- E.M. Hollmann
- Jonathan Hollocombe
- Donald Holly
- Ihor Holod
- E. Holzhauer
- Yuki Homma
- Masayuki Homma
- Hiroto Homma
- Daiki Honda
Mitsuru Honda
- Author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Core-edge coupled predictive modeling of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state plasma with impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Diamagnetic MHD equations for plasmas with fast flow and its application to ELM analysis in JT-60U and JET-ILW
- Co-author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Multi-species ITG-TEM driven turbulent transport of D-T ions and He-ash in ITER burning plasmas
- Takumi HONDA
- Joohwan Hong
S. -H. Hong
- Author in Comprehensive Study on Deposition inside the Gap of Castellated Tungsten Blocks of Different Shapes
- Co-author in Comparative study of KSTAR and DiPS-2 on the heat flux to the first wall
- Co-author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- R. Hong
- Cyrille Honore
- Denise Hoover
Christian Hopf
- Author in Advances in Neutral Beam Current Drive Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO NBIs: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI system
- Jan Horacek
- Kazuhiko Horioka
- Ritoku Horiuchi
Ritoku Horiuchi
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- William Hornsby
- Grégoire Hornung
- Niels Horsten
- Wendell Horton
- Laszlo Horvath
- Daniel Höschen
- Joel Hosea
- Arata Hoshino
Kazuo Hoshino
- Co-author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Core-edge coupled predictive modeling of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state plasma with impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Kinetic modeling of tungsten impurity transport using the IMPGYRO code
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Tsuyoshi Hoshino
- Masanari Hosokawa
- Aaron Hossack
Host Country Representative
- Author in Conference Closing
- Author in Welcome Address
- Yumei Hou
- Michael Houry
- S. Houshmandyar
- Richard Howard
- N.T. Howard
- Nathan Howard
- Olena Hronova
- W.W. Hsing
- Pei-Chun Hsu
- Liqin Hu
- Chundong Hu
- Ruiji Hu
- liangbing hu
Liqun Hu
- Author in Progress on Design and R&D of ITER Diagnostic-Radial X-ray Camera
- Co-author in Current Transport and Density Fluctuations at L-H Transition on EAST
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Recent Progress of ITER Package in ASIPP
- Juan Huang
- Botsz Huang
- Haibo Huang
- lianshen Huang
- Yiyun Huang
- Xianli Huang
Bill Huang
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Qunying Huang
- Yuan Huang
- Zhihui HUANG
Amanda Hubbard
- Author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
Alexander Huber
- Author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of recent plasma-material interaction studies in the linear plasma device PSI-2
- Co-author in Pulse-resolved measurements of material migration in the JET-ILW divertor by quartz crystal microbalance
- Stefan Huber
- Valentina Huber
Stuart Hudson
- Author in Penetration and amplification of resonant perturbations in 3D ideal-MHD equilibria
- Author in Penetration and amplification of resonant perturbations in 3D ideal-MHD equilibria
- Co-author in Fluid models for burning and 3D plasmas: challenging the kinetic paradigm
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D M3D-C1 Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Crossing a MHD Linear Stability Boundary
Jerry Hughes
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Nonlinear dynamics of ELMs with Er shear and collisionality trends
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Michal Hughes
- Jerry Hughes
- Paul Hughes
Jan Hugill
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
Guido Huijsmans
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD modelling of Edge Localized Modes dynamics.
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode pedestal in DIII-D and implications for ITER
Guido Huijsmans
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD Simulations of Pellet Triggered ELMs
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
David Humphreys
- Author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Generation of the disruption mitigation trigger: developing a preliminary design for ITER
- Co-author in Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Disruption and VDE modeling in support of ITER
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Omar Hurricane
- Shahid Hussain
- Philippe Huynh
Y.S. Hwang
- Co-author in Development of a Systematic, Self-consistent Algorithm for K-DEMO Steady-state Operation Scenario
- Co-author in ECH-assisted Plasma Start-up Experiment using Trapped Particle Configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Study on EBW assisted start-up and heating experiments via direct XB mode conversion from low field side injection in VEST
Matteo Iafrati
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
Kenzo Ibano
- Author in Particle simulation of plasma heat-flux dissipation by evaporated wall materials
- Co-author in Deuterium retention and melting behavior in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten
- Co-author in Modeling Fuel Retention in Tungsten Plasma-Facing Materials under Realistic Tokamak Operation including Plasma Impurities
- Angel Ibarra
Alsu Iblyaminova
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Hisashi Ichige
- Masahiro Ichikawa
- Roy Ichimiya
- Kazuya Ichimura
- Makoto Ichimura
Katsumi Ida
- Author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of High-beta Plasma Operation to low collisional Regime
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Plasma Flow, Turbulence and Magnetic Islands in TJ-II
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Katsumi Ida
Shunsuke Ide
- Co-author in Active control/stabilization of locked mode in tokamaks at high magnetic Reynolds number
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Core-edge coupled predictive modeling of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state plasma with impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Reduction of CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up on DEMO reactor
Hiroshi Idei
- Author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Yasuhiro Idomura
Hiroe Igami
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Hiroe Igami
- Ieva Igaune
- Roberto Iglesias
- Daniel Iglesias
- Valentin Igochine
- Takaaki Iijima
Atsuo Iiyoshi
(Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto, Kasugai, Aichi, 487-8501 Japan)
- Author in Fusion for Sustainable World Development
- Ryosuke Ikeda
Ryosuke Ikeda
- Co-author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in High Power Testing of Water-cooled Waveguide for ITER ECH Transmission Lines
- Co-author in New Results of Development of Gyrotrons for Plasma Fusion Installations & Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA & Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
Ryuya Ikezoe
- Author in Spatial Structure of Spontaneously Excited ICRF Waves and Relevant High-Energy Ion Loss in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Margarita Iliasova
- Margarita Iliasova
- Stefan Illy
- Kihak IM
- Kenji Imadera
- kenji Imadera
- Shinsaku Imagawa
Tsuyoshi Imai
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Ryota Imazawa (National Institutes for Quantun and Radiological Science and Technology)
Frédéric Imbeaux
- Co-author in DEMO Design Using the SYCOMORE System Code: Conservative Designs and Pathways towards the Reactor
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Realtime tokamak simulation with a first-principle-based neural network turbulent transport model
- Co-author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
- Martin Imrisek
Yongkyoon In
- Author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Effects of Localized Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Effects on the Toroidal Rotation Profile in KSTAR
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Loss of Pre-disruptive Runaway Electrons by Magnetic Perturbation and Its Effect on Plasma Disruption
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Role of explosive instabilities in high-beta disruptions in tokamaks
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Shigeru Inagaki
Shigeru Inagaki
- Co-author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
Nikolay Injutin
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Nutchaphol Inklin
- Paolo Innocente
- Shuntaro Ino
- Michiaki Inomoto
- Haruyuki Inoue
- Shizuo Inoue
- Shizuo Inoue
- Zisis Ioannidis
- Zisis Ioannidis
- Codrina Ionita
Jim Irby
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Michail Irzak
Akihiko Isayama
- Co-author in Active control/stabilization of locked mode in tokamaks at high magnetic Reynolds number
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Plasma Disruption and VDE modeling in support of ITER
- Akio Ishida
- Masato Ishida
- Seiji Ishiguro
- Katsuhiro Ishii
- Yasutomo Ishii
Akihiro Ishizawa
- Author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic analysis of the effects of electron-scale turbulence on ion-scale micro-instabilities
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Md. Maidul Islam
- Md. Shahinul Islan
- Ruslan Ismailov
Mitsutaka Isobe
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Investigation on irradiation effects on highly integrated leading edge electronic components of diagnostics and control systems for the LHD deuterium operation
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Kanetsugu Isobe
- Masami Isozaki
- Junpei Itagaki
- Kiyoshi Itami (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Kiyoshi Itami
- Satoshi Ito
- Atsushi Ito
- Satoshi Ito
- Satoshi Ito
- Yuzuru Ito
Sanae Itoh
- Co-author in A new branch of geodesic acoustic modes driven by fast ions
- Co-author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Transport of parallel momentum by the triplet correlation in drift wave turbulence
Kimitaka Itoh
- Author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in A new branch of geodesic acoustic modes driven by fast ions
- Co-author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Transport of parallel momentum by the triplet correlation in drift wave turbulence
A. Ivanov
- Co-author in Achievement of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma Sustainment via 10 MW Neutral-Beam Injection on the C-2U Device
- Co-author in An island-induced Alfven eigenmode and effects of nonaxisymmetry on fast ions in the RFP
- Co-author in Progress of Plasma Confinement Studies in the Gas Dynamic Trap
- Andrey Ivanov
- Andrey Ivanov
- Alexander Ivanov
- Nikolay Ivanov
- Ivan Ivanov
- Irena Ivanova-Stanik
- Akifumi Iwamoto
- Natsumi Iwata
- Yasushi Iwata
- Nobuhiko Izumi
- V.A. Izzo
- Jean Charles Jaboulay
Stefan Jachmich
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of transient tungsten melting experiments at JET
Gary L. Jackson
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- David Jackson
- Asger Jacobsen
- Craig Jacobson
- Sylvie Jacquemot
- Philippe Jacquet
- Jonathan Jacquot
- K.A. Jadeja
- Erwin Jaeger
- E. F. Jaeger
- Sevnsson Jakob
Marcin Jakubowski
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Subrata Jana
- Guenter Janeschitz
- Seowon Jang
- Juhyeok Jang
- Thomas Jarboe
Stephen jardin
- Author in Nonlinear 3D M3D-C1 Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Crossing a MHD Linear Stability Boundary
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Modeling and Simulation of Pedestal Control Techniques for NSTX-U
- Co-author in NSTX-U Contributions to Disruption Mitigation Studies in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Plasma Disruption and VDE modeling in support of ITER
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- Co-author in Validation of q(0)≥1.0 in the MHD Quiescent Time after Crash of the Sawtooth Instability in KSTAR
- Aaro Einari Järvinen
- Bruno Jasper
Michael Jaworski
- Author in High-temperature, liquid metal plasma-facing component research and development for the NSTX-U
- Co-author in ELM Pacing with High Frequency Multi-species Impurity Granule Injection in NSTX-U H-Mode Discharges
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Co-author in Recent Advances towards a Lithium Vapor Box Divertor
- Snehal P Jayaswal
- Hanill Je
- John Jelonnek
- Ian Jenkins
- Thomas Jenkins
- Frank Jenko
YoungMu Jeon
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Direct Destabilizations of Macro/Micro Edge Instabilities by Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- T.C. Jernigan
- Karol Ješko
- Akhil Jha
- Ratneshwar Jha
Hogun Jhang
- Author in Excitation of zonal flows and their impact on dynamics of edge pedestal collapse
- Author in Excitation of zonal flows and their impact on dynamics of edge pedestal collapse
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulations of an electron temperature gradient turbulence-driven current in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical calculations of plasma response to external magnetic perturbations
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Residual Stress and Momentum Transport in Electromagnetic ITG Turbulence
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
- Co-author in Study of toroidal rotation and ion temperature pedestals between ELM bursts on KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Tokamak Turbulence Simulations using BOUT++ in Core Region
Xiaoquan JI
- Author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Study of impurity transport in the HL-2A ECRH plasmas with MHD instabilities
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Hantao Ji
- Xiang Ji
Manni Jia
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in EMC3-EIRENE Simulations for the Impact of External Magnetic Perturbations on EAST Edge Plasma
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Xiang Jian
Min Jiang
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Jieqiong Jiang
- Li Jiang
- Weihua Jiang
- Y.X. Jie
- Carmen Jimenez-Ramos
- David Jimenez-Rey
- Xue Zhou Jin
- Zhao Jin
- Jianbo Jin
- Ming Jin
- Fanya Jin
- Yosuke Jinno
Takahisa Jitsuno
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Gahyung Jo
- J Jo
- JongGab Jo
- Hosea Joel
Emmanuel Joffrin
- Author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Emmanuel Joffrin
Thomas Johnson
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Studies of Alfven eigenmodes in the ITER baseline scenario, sawtoothing JET plasmas, and MAST hydrogen-deuterium plasmas
- Irena Johnson
- Jay Johnson
- Robert Johnson
- Jay Johnson
Jane Johnston
- Co-author in Proposal of the Confinement Strategy for EU DEMO
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Y Shankara Joisa
- Sebastien Jolliet
- O.S. Jones
- Rogerio Jorge
- Fontdecaba Josep
- Kaushal Joshi
- Mi Joung
- Michel Jouve
- Songqing Ju
- Philippe Jucker
- June-Woo Juhn
- Hari JVS
- Helen H Kaang
Shinichiro Kado
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Investigation of Detached Recombining Plasmas in a Linear Device Pilot-PSI and its impact on Plasma Detachment in Fusion Devices
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Kazutake Kadowaki
- Nischal Kafle
- Grisha Kagan
- Muhammad Waqas Mehmood Kahn
- Feng Kaiming
- Alexander Kaiser
Robert Kaita
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in High-temperature, liquid metal plasma-facing component research and development for the NSTX-U
- Co-author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Robert Kaita
- Shin Kajita
- Ken Kajiwara
- Alexey Kakurin
- M.B. Kalal
- Parth Kalaria
- Aleksey Kalashnikov
- David Kaljun
Arne Kallenbach
- Author in Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
- Author in Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
Johannes-Peter Kallmeyer
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Denis Kalupin
Yutaka Kamada
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Recent Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Co-author in Reduction of CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up on DEMO reactor
- Kei Kamada
Yutaka Kamada
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Author in Summary EX/C, EX/S & PPC
- Richard Kamendje
- Atsushi Kaminaga
Shuji Kamio
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Formation of Closed Flux Surfaces in Reconnection Current Layer by Accelerated Electrons during Merging Start-up of Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Kensaku Kamiya
- Dirk Kampf
Hirofumi Kan
- Co-author in Fast heating of an imploded core under counter beam irradiation by using a repetitive IFE driver HAMA
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Present Operation Status of Target Injection System
- Co-author in Unified Studies of Fast-ignition Scheme Fusion with Counterbeam Configuration
- Devenkumar H Kanabar
- Igor Kandaurov
Osamu Kaneko
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Takuji Kanemura
Chan Soo Kang
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Kab Seok Kang
- Jisung Kang
- In Je Kang
Wittawat Kanjanaput
- Co-author in Simulation of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in JET
- Michail Kantor
- Ryszard Kantor
- Nikolay Kargin
Tsuyoshi Kariya
- Author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in New Results of Development of Gyrotrons for Plasma Fusion Installations & Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA & Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Alexander Karpushov
- Ryuta Kasada
- Ryuta Kasada
Hiroshi Kasahara
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Plasma Start-up Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Alexander Kasatov
- Alexander Kasatov
- Mieko Kashiwagi
Ankur Kashyap
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- Walter Kasparek
- Srinivasan Kasthurirengan
- Atsushi Kasugai
- Naohiro Kasuya
- Isao Katanuma
- Kazunari Katayama
- Daiji Kato
- Shuichi Kato
- Yusuke Kato
Yutai Katoh
- Co-author in Developing the Science and Technology for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX)
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Recent Advances in Radiation Materials Science from the US Fusion Reactor Materials Program
- R.L. Kauffman
- Rajwinder Kaur
- Elizaveta Kaveeva
- Andrey Kavin
Predhiman Kaw
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Role of neutral gas in Scrape-off Layer of tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Predhiman Kaw
- Koji Kawabata
- Toshihide Kawaharada
- Yuhei Kawakami
- ryoichi Kawamata
- Yoshinori Kawamura
Gakushi Kawamura
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control
Junji Kawanaka
- Author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
- Author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Yasunori Kawano
- Yasunori Kawano (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Tetsuji Kawasaki
- Hisato Kawashima
- Taketsugu Kawashima
- Toshiyuki Kawashima
- Toshiyuki Kawashima
- Shigeo Kawata
Yohei Kawazura
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
Stanley Kaye
- Co-author in Analysis and prediction of momentum transport in spherical tokamaks
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Exploring the Regime of Validity of Global Gyrokinetic Simulations with Spherical Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Identification of characteristic ELM evolution patterns with Alfven-scale measurements and unsupervised machine learning analysis
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Statistical validation of transport models on baseline discharges in preparation for the extrapolation to JET D-T
- Yevgen KAZAKOV
Yevgen Kazakov
- Co-author in Experimental results from three-ion species heating scenario on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Studies of Alfven eigenmodes in the ITER baseline scenario, sawtoothing JET plasmas, and MAST hydrogen-deuterium plasmas
- Fabienne Kazarian
- Andrew Kaziev
- Rui Ke
David Keeling
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Richard Kembleton
- Richard Kemp
Naoki Kenmochi
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Leigh Ann Kesler
Charles Kessel
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Progress in K-DEMO Heating/Current Drive and Tokamak Configuration Development
- Shahab Khan
- Riaz Khan
Mohammad Shoaib Khan
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
Ziauddin Khan
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Maheboob Khan
- Rajabbay Khaydarov
- Ravshan Khaydarov
Rustam Khayrutdinov
- Co-author in Advances in Numerical Modelling of MGI Mitigated Disruptions in ITER
- Co-author in Assessment of the runaway electron energy dissipation in ITER
- Co-author in Effect of the second X-point on the hot VDE for HL-2M
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- rustam khayrutdinov
Evgenii Khilkevitch
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in On Fast Ions Diagnostics with Gamma-Ray Spectrometry in ITER
- Co-author in Runaway Electrons Studies with Hard X-Ray and Microwave Diagnostics in the FT-2 Low-Hybrid Current Drive Discharges
Sameer Khirwadkar
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- S. Khrebtov
- Yohan S Khristi
Petr Khvostenko
- Author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Peter Khvostenko
- Mitsuru Kikuchi
- Takashi Kikuchi
- J.D. Kilkenny
- Joseph Kilkenny
Jayhyun Kim
- Author in Direct Destabilizations of Macro/Micro Edge Instabilities by Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Characteristics of Halo Current in the KSTAR Tokamak
- Co-author in ECH-assisted Plasma Start-up Experiment using Trapped Particle Configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
Hyun-Seok Kim
- Author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Experimental observations of beam-driven Alfvén eigenmodes in KSTAR
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Physics-based integrated modeling of the energy confinement time scaling laws in tokamaks
- Bonghan Kim
Juhyung Kim
- Author in Numerical calculations of plasma response to external magnetic perturbations
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Helical electric potential modulation via Zonal Flow coupling to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Residual Stress and Momentum Transport in Electromagnetic ITG Turbulence
Sung Sik Kim
- Author in Tokamak Turbulence Simulations using BOUT++ in Core Region
- Co-author in Excitation of zonal flows and their impact on dynamics of edge pedestal collapse
- Co-author in Numerical calculations of plasma response to external magnetic perturbations
- Co-author in Residual Stress and Momentum Transport in Electromagnetic ITG Turbulence
- Co-author in Study of toroidal rotation and ion temperature pedestals between ELM bursts on KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Hyun-Tae Kim
- Jin Yong Kim
- Junghee Kim
Kimin Kim
- Author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Kyungmin Kim
Sun Hee KIM
- Author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- S. K. Kim
- Heung-Su Kim
- H. S. Kim
- Hongtack Kim
- Keeman Kim
- Chang-Bae Kim
- Jungha Kim
- Doohyun Kim
- Jom Sool Kim
- Jae-Hwan Kim
- Kyungjin Kim
- Jun Young Kim
- Minwoo Kim
- Sun-Ho Kim
- Yongsun Kim
- Minwoo Kim
- Doohyun Kim
Tae-Kyu Kim
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Minho Kim
- Jun-Young Kim
Akihiko Kimura
- Author in Structural Material Innovation for Advanced Blanket Design--Current status and future prospect of ODS steels R&D--
- Co-author in Development of dissimilar-metals joint of oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) and non-ODS reduced-activation ferritic steels
- Co-author in Small Specimen Test Technology Development Towards Design of Fusion DEMO Reactors and Future Direction Plan
- Jacob King
David Kingham
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
Vasili Kiptily
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Co-author in Runaway Electrons Studies with Hard X-Ray and Microwave Diagnostics in the FT-2 Low-Hybrid Current Drive Discharges
- Vasili Kiptily
- Demid Kirilenko
- Mitsuaki KIRIMOTO
Andrew Kirk
- Author in Overview of recent physics results from MAST
- Author in Overview of recent physics results from MAST
- Co-author in Assessment of Divertor Heat Load with and without External Magnetic Perturbation
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in Scrape Off Layer and Divertor Physics Advances in MAST
- K Kirov
Andreas Kirschner
- Author in Modelling of Prompt Deposition of Tungsten under Fusion Relevant Conditions
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in ERO modelling of Be erosion in JET and extrapolation of the data for ITER
- Co-author in Fuel Inventory and Deposition in Castellated Beryllium Structures in JET
- Co-author in Preparation of PFCs for the efficient use in ITER and DEMO – plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium
- Co-author in Pulse-resolved measurements of material migration in the JET-ILW divertor by quartz crystal microbalance
- Author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Hideki Kishikawa
- Yasuaki Kishimoto
- Yoneyoshi Kitagawa
- Hisao Kitamura
- Sin-iti Kitazawa
- Timo Kiviniemi
- Gunta Kizane
- Kaname Kizu
- Felix Klein
- Chris Klepper
- Michael Klimenkov
- Nikolay Klimov
- John Kline
Sören Klose
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
Soren Klose
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Patrick Kluth
- Leonid Klyuchnikov
Juan Knaster
- Author in Overview of the IFMIF/EVEDA Project
- Author in Overview of the IFMIF/EVEDA Project
- Co-author in Progress on the Development of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and the Beam Commissioning
- Co-author in Small Specimen Test Technology Development Towards Design of Fusion DEMO Reactors and Future Direction Plan
- Co-author in The Accomplishments of Lithium Target and Test Facility Validation Activities in the IFMIF/EVEDA Phase
- Co-author in Validation of Liquid Lithium Target Stability for Intense Neutron Source
- James Knauer
Jens Knauer
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Martin Knaup
- stephen knowlton
Jin Seok Ko
- Author in Current Profile Evolutions with External Current Drive for KSTAR
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Co-author in Validation of q(0)≥1.0 in the MHD Quiescent Time after Crash of the Sawtooth Instability in KSTAR
Won Ha Ko
- Author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Fluctuation signatures of rotation reversals and non-local transport events in KSTAR L-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Co-author in Study of toroidal rotation and ion temperature pedestals between ELM bursts on KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Sehoon Ko
- Thorsten Kobarg
Takayuki Kobayashi
- Co-author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
Shinji Kobayashi
- Author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Tatsuya Kobayashi
Tatsuya Kobayashi
- Author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
Masahiro Kobayashi
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Sakuji Kobayashi
- Sumire Kobayashi
- Masahiro Kobayashi
- Takashi Kobuchi
- Martin Kocan
- Mikhail Kochergin
- Gabor Kocsis
- Gabor Kocsis
Florian Koechl
- Author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Co-author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in ITER Fuelling Requirements and Scenario Development for H, He and DT through JINTRAC Integrated Modelling
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
Ralf Koenig
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical investigation of 3-D plasma edge transport and heat fluxes including impurity effects in Wendelstein 7-X start-up plasmas with EMC3-Eirene
- Junko Kohagura
- A. Köhn
- Haruhiko Kohno
- Gordon Kohse
- yoshihiko Koide
- Seppo Koivuranta
- Atsushi Kojima
Sadaoki Kojima
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Robert Kolasinski
E. Kolemen
- Author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Self-consistent optimization of neoclassical toroidal torque with anisotropic perturbed equilibrium in tokamaks
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Egemen Kolemen
- Egemen Kolemen
- A.D. Komarov
- Manabu Komatsuzaki
- Osamu Komeda
- Michael Komm
- Akio Komori
- Sosuke Kondo
- Hiroo Kondo (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Kiminiori Kondo
- Hiroo Kondo
- Keitaro Kondo
- Kotaro Kondo
- Defeng Kong
- Hong Jin Kong
- Axel Könies
- R. Konig
- satoshi konishi
- Chikara Konno
- Alexander Konobeev
Shigeru Konoshima
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Sergey Konovalov
- Sergey Konovalov
- Risse Konrad
- Olesia Korchuganova
- Sergey Korepanov
Petra Kornejew
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Vladimir Kornev
- Olga Korobeynikova
- Kirill Korobov
- Tuomas Korpilo
- Søren Bang Korsholm
- Mariya Korzhavina
- Leon KOS
- Tuomas Koskela
Tuomas Koskela
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Yaroslav Kost
- Ana Kostic
M. Kostuk
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Y. Kosuga
Yusuke Kosuga
- Author in Transport of parallel momentum by the triplet correlation in drift wave turbulence
- Co-author in A new branch of geodesic acoustic modes driven by fast ions
- Co-author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Vladislav Kotov
Mike Kotschenreuther
- Co-author in MHD stability of ITER H-mode confinement with pedestal bootstrap current and diamagnetic effects taken into account
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- Jerzy Kotula
- Denis Kouprienko
- Jernej Kovacic
- Alexander Koval
- Ricards Kovaldins
- Yury Kovalenko
- Erbol Koyanbaev
- A.S. Kozachek
- Yasuji Kozaki
- Bernard Kozioziemski
Gerrit J. Kramer
- Author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Andreas Krämer-Flecken
- Sergei Krasheninnikov
- Galina Krashevskaya
- anatoli Krasilnikov
- Vitaly Krasilnikov
- Stepan Krat
- S. Kraus
- Werner Kraus
Natalia Krawczyk
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Jaroslav Krbec
- Isabel Krebs
- Janez Krek
- Arkadi Kreter
- Karl Krieger
- David Kriete
- Aditya Krishna Swamy
- Andrea Kritcher
- Arnold Kritz
Yuri Krivchenkov
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
Alena Krivska
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
Uron Kruezi
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Uron Kruezi
- Scott Kruger
- Vadim Krupin
- L.I. Krupnik
- Maciej Krychowiak
- Sergey Krylov
Vyacheslav Krylov
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
Irek Ksiazek
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Seung-Hoe Ku
- Adam Kuang
Adam Kuang
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Stephanie Kubala
Maia Kubkowska
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
Shin Kubo
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Hirotaka Kubo
- Ondrej Kudlacek
- Ondrej Kudlacek
- Hironobu Kudou
- Thomas Kuech
- Konstantin Kuklin
- Andrei S. Kukushkin
- Alexander B. Kukushkin
- Timur Kulevoy
- Animesh Kuley
- Nikolay Kulik
- Sergey Kulikov
- Sanjay V Kulkarni
- Timur Kulsartov
- Aveg Kumar
- Sameer Kumar
- Ajay Kumar
- Manoj Kumar
- Ajai Kumar
Rajendra Kumar
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Mritunjay Kumar
- Rajnish Kumar
- Rohit Kumar
- Krishna Kumari
- Tomoaki Kunugi
Tahsin Kurc
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
- Hiroaki Kurishita
- Takashi Kurita
- Takashi Kurita
- Taina Kurki-Suonio
- Viktor Kurkuchekov
- Victor Kurkuchekov
- Kengoh Kuroda
- Hironiri Kurotaki
- Gleb Kurskiev
- Richard Kurtz
- Uwe Kurutz
- Bernd Kurzan
- Boris Kuteev
- Arseniy Kuzmin
- Vladimir Kuznetsov
Jong-Gu Kwak
- Author in The assessment of the neutron yield and the toroidal distribution of neutron emission on deuterium beam-plasma interaction dominated KSTAR operation
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
Jaemin Kwon
- Co-author in Direct Destabilizations of Macro/Micro Edge Instabilities by Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Fluctuation signatures of rotation reversals and non-local transport events in KSTAR L-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulations of an electron temperature gradient turbulence-driven current in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulations of electrostatic microinstabilities with bounce-averaged kinetic electrons for shaped tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
- Co-author in Study of toroidal rotation and ion temperature pedestals between ELM bursts on KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Sungjin Kwon
- Saerom Kwon
- George Kyrala
- Author in The physics of the heat flux narrow decay length in the TCV scrape-off layer: experiments and simulations
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
Brian LaBombard
- Author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Assessment of X-point target divertor configuration for power handling and detachment front control
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Smaller & Sooner – Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors for a more attractive fusion energy development path
- Alexey Labusov
- Karl Lackner
- Karl Lackner
- Benoit LACROIX
- Guillaume Laffont
- Florian Laggner
- Florian Laggner
- Florian Laggner
- R.J. La Haye
- Aki Lahtinen
- Vladimir Lakhin
- Valérie Lamaison
- M. Lampert
- Leandro Lampugnani
- Evgeny Lamzin
- Tao Lan
- T. Lan
Matthew Lanctot
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Nyquist analysis of kinetic effects on the plasma response in NSTX and DIII-D experiments
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- M. Lanctot
- O.L. Landen
Matthew Landreman
- Co-author in Recent Advances in Stellarator Optimization
- Peter Lang
- Jianying Lang
Andreas Langenberg
- Author in Minerva Bayesian Analysis of X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Data for Temperature and Density Profile Inference at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Pascal Languille
Lang L Lao
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Predictions of the baseline operation scenario in Chinese fusion engineering test reactor
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Heinrich Peter Laqua
Heinrich Laqua
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Olivier Larroche
- Sebastien Larroque
- Ane Lasa
Sergey Lashkul
- Author in Effect of the Transition to Improved Core Confinement Observed in the LHCD Experiment at FT-2 Tokamak
- Co-author in Coupling full-f gyrokinetic studies to experimental measurements of the isotope effect for FT-2 tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Runaway Electrons Studies with Hard X-Ray and Microwave Diagnostics in the FT-2 Low-Hybrid Current Drive Discharges
C.J. Lasnier
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Shattered Pellet Injection as the Primary Disruption Mitigation Technique for ITER
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- George P. Latsas
- Guillaume Latu
- C. Lau
- Philipp Lauber
P. Lauber
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in On the structure of wave-particle interactions and nonlinear Alfvénic fluctuation dynamics
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Co-author in Turbulence characteristics of the I-mode confinement regime in ASDEX Upgrade
King Fai Farley Law
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Wei-Siang Lay
- Brett Layden
Samuel Lazerson
- Author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in Recent Advances in Stellarator Optimization
- Enzo Lazzaro
- Enzo Lazzaro
Roland Le
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Hoang Bao Le
- Sergei Lebedev
Benoit LeBlanc
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
Benoit LeBlanc
- Co-author in Exploring the Regime of Validity of Global Gyrokinetic Simulations with Spherical Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Identification of characteristic ELM evolution patterns with Alfven-scale measurements and unsupervised machine learning analysis
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén modes through additional beam heating
- Rick Leccacorvi
- Yolanda Lechon
- Carsten Lechte
- Michael Leconte
- Y.S. Lee
Woochang Lee
- Author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Edge-localized modes on KSTAR: global structure and distinct evolution stages involving quasi-steady state and phase transitions
- Co-author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Co-author in Validation of q(0)≥1.0 in the MHD Quiescent Time after Crash of the Sawtooth Instability in KSTAR
Sang Gon Lee
- Author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Role of explosive instabilities in high-beta disruptions in tokamaks
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
Hyungho LEE
- Author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Effects of Localized Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Effects on the Toroidal Rotation Profile in KSTAR
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Role of explosive instabilities in high-beta disruptions in tokamaks
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
Jungpyo Lee
- Author in An analytic scaling relation for the maximum tokamak elongation against n=0 MHD resistive wall modes
- Co-author in Integration of core/edge plasmas in fullwave RF simulation
- Co-author in Towards a self consistent evaluation of the RF wave-field and the ion distribution functions in tokamak plasmas
J. H. Lee
- Co-author in Effects of ECH and RMP on Argon Impurity Transport in KSTAR Plasmas
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Measurements of SOL Density Increase and Poloidal Asymmetry on KSTAR ELMs
- Jungpyo Lee
- Jihun A. Lee
- Tae Goo Lee
Heun Tae Lee
- Author in Modeling Fuel Retention in Tungsten Plasma-Facing Materials under Realistic Tokamak Operation including Plasma Impurities
- Co-author in Deuterium retention and melting behavior in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten
- Co-author in Particle simulation of plasma heat-flux dissipation by evaporated wall materials
- Kyu Dong Lee
- Hyunyong Lee
- Hae June Lee
- Jieun Lee
Jaehyun Lee
- Author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Direct Destabilizations of Macro/Micro Edge Instabilities by Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Edge-localized modes on KSTAR: global structure and distinct evolution stages involving quasi-steady state and phase transitions
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- S. H. Lee
X. Lee
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Wonjae Lee
- Jeongwon Lee
- Kwan Chul Lee
- Hosun Lee
- Jieun Lee
- HyunYeong Lee
June-Eok Leem
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Susan Leerink
- Huw Leggate
Michael Lehnen
- Author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Co-author in Advances in Numerical Modelling of MGI Mitigated Disruptions in ITER
- Co-author in Assessment of the runaway electron energy dissipation in ITER
- Co-author in Current profile shape effects on the formation and termination of runaway beams in tokamak disruptions and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Generation of the disruption mitigation trigger: developing a preliminary design for ITER
- Co-author in Modelling ITER Asymmetric VDEs through Asymmetries of Toroidal Eddy Currents
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
Michael Lehnen
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Dieter Leichtle
- Frank Leipold
- Igor Lengar
A.W. Leonard
- Author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Kinetic Understanding of Neoclassical Scrape-off Layer Physics, Comparison with Fluid Modeling, and Experimental Validation
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in SOL Effects on the Pedestal Structure in DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- Vladimir Leonov
- Oleg Leontev
- Sebastien LePape
Ernesto Augusto Lerche
- Co-author in Electron Heat Transport in JET from Ion to Electron scales: Experimental Investigation and Gyro-kinetic Simulations
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Andris Lescinskis
- Timothy Lessard
- Alexander Lessig
- Alexander Lessig
- Alexandre Lessing
- Jeffrey Lestz
- Maxime Lesur
- Maxime Lesur
- Jeffrey Levesque
Igor Levin
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
F Levinton
- Co-author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
- Matthew Leyland
- Matthew Leyland
Guoqiang Li
- Author in Predictions of the baseline operation scenario in Chinese fusion engineering test reactor
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Key Issues Towards Long Pulse High beta-N Operation on EAST Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Jiacong Li
- Yingying Li
Jiangang Li
- Author in Summary FIP, FNS, MPT & SEE
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Overview of the Present Progresses and Activities on the Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor
- Co-author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP
- Qian Li
- Yazhou Li
Miaohui Li
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
Hong Li
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
Yonggao Li
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Qiang Li
- Hang Li
- Zeyu Li
- Yang Li
- Qiang Li
- Ding Li
- Dehui Li
- Chikang Li
- Jingchun Li
- Weiming Li
- Jiquan Li
- Huidong Li
- Jinchao Li
- Shi Li
- Yongchun Li
- Youyun Lian
Yunfeng Liang
- Author in Diagnostic set-up and modelling for investigation of synergy between 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Investigation of turbulence rotation in limiter plasmas at W7-X with a new installed Poloidal Correlation Reflectometry
- Co-author in Measurement of the plasma edge profiles using the combined probe on W7-X
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Yunfeng Liang
- D.A. Liedahl
- Jari Likonen
- Jumras Limtrakul
Z. Lin
- Author in Nonlinear Interactions of Low Frequency Alfven Eigenmodes
- Co-author in Achievement of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma Sustainment via 10 MW Neutral-Beam Injection on the C-2U Device
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak edge plasmas
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Microturbulence in DIII-D pedestal
- Co-author in Nonlinear Particle Simulation of Radio Frequency Waves in Tokamak
- Liang Lin
- Liang Lin
Yijun Lin
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Experimental results from three-ion species heating scenario on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Jingbo Lin
- Yu Lin
- Rainer Lindau
- Jochen Linke
Christian Linsmeier
- Co-author in Diagnostic set-up and modelling for investigation of synergy between 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in ERO modelling of Be erosion in JET and extrapolation of the data for ITER
- Co-author in Modelling of Prompt Deposition of Tungsten under Fusion Relevant Conditions
- Co-author in Overview of recent plasma-material interaction studies in the linear plasma device PSI-2
- Co-author in Smart tungsten alloys as first wall material for a future fusion power plant
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in Tungsten Composite Materials for Fusion First Wall applications
- Manfred Lipa
Bruce Lipschultz
- Co-author in Approaches for the qualification of exhaust solutions for DEMO-class devices
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Scrape Off Layer and Divertor Physics Advances in MAST
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Antonella Li Puma
- Steve W. Lisgo
Jonathan Bryan Lister
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- xavier Litaudon
- Andrey Litnovsky
- Alexander Litvak
Yi Liu
- Author in Mitigation of Runaway Current with Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Author in Mitigation of Runaway Current with Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection on HL-2A Tokamak
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
Sheng Liu
- Co-author in Progress of EAST Neutral Beam Injection System
Wandong Liu
- Author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
Yueqiang Liu
- Co-author in Effect of the second X-point on the hot VDE for HL-2M
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Nyquist analysis of kinetic effects on the plasma response in NSTX and DIII-D experiments
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Co-author in The effect of plasma response on losses of energetic ions in the presence of 3d perturbations in different iter scenarios
- Huan Liu
- Xing Liu
- Xiang Liu
- Yong Liu
Ahdi Liu
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Danhua Liu
- Jianbin Liu
- Deyong Liu
- Zixi Liu
- G. H. Liu
- Xiaoju Liu
- Zixi Liu
- Li Liu
- Haiqing LIU
- Yaqi Liu
- Hairui Liu
- Yong Liu
- Yong LIU
- Yueqiang Liu
- Jie Liu
- Zhetian Liu
- Fukun Liu
- Yangqing Liu
- Chang Liu
- Shaocheng Liu
- Liang Liu
Chen Liu
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Pengfei Liu
- Yang Liu
- X. Liu
- Andrey Lizunov
- Irene Llerena
Alberto Loarte
- Author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Current profile shape effects on the formation and termination of runaway beams in tokamak disruptions and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Co-author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in ITER Fuelling Requirements and Scenario Development for H, He and DT through JINTRAC Integrated Modelling
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD Simulations of Pellet Triggered ELMs
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode pedestal in DIII-D and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in System Level Design and Performances of the ITER Radial Neutron Camera
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Lynda LoDestro
- Thorsten Loewenhoff
N. Logan
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Self-consistent optimization of neoclassical toroidal torque with anisotropic perturbed equilibrium in tokamaks
- Roland Lohner
- Joaquim Loizu
Peter Lomas
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Peter Lomas
- Ting Long
- Maurizio Lontano
- Antonio Lópe-Fraguas
- Niek Lopes-Cardozo
Daniel Lopez Bruna
- Author in Confinement modes and magnetic-island driven modes in the TJ-II stellarator
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Plasma Core Fuelling by Cryogenic Pellet Injection in the TJ-II Stellarator
- Co-author in Studies of magnetic islands in the TJ-II Heliac and the related transport
J.D. Lore
- Author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in SOL Effects on the Pedestal Structure in DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in Validating Extended MHD Models of Plasma Response Against Measurements of Islands in DIII-D
- Rita Lorenzini
- Ulises Losada
- Markus Losert
- Philippe Lotte
Fabrice Louche
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Fabrice Louche
Christopher Lowry
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Power Handling and Plasma Protection Aspects that affect the Design of the DEMO Divertor and First Wall
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Z. X. Lu
Xiangxun Lu
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Bo Lu
- Lei Lu
T.C. Luce
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Jean-François Luciani
- Neville Luhmann
- N.C. Luhmann, Jr.
Victor Lukash
- Author in Advances in Numerical Modelling of MGI Mitigated Disruptions in ITER
- Co-author in Development of Regulators Synthesis Method for Magnetic Plasma Control System of the T-15 Tokamak
- Co-author in Effect of the second X-point on the hot VDE for HL-2M
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Arnold Lumsdaine
- Amelia Lunniss
- Robert Lunsford
- Tilmann Lunt
- lixiang luo
- Author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP
- Author in Overview on Decade Development of Plasma-Facing Components at ASIPP & Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Comprehensive Study on Deposition inside the Gap of Castellated Tungsten Blocks of Different Shapes
- Co-author in Developing the Science and Technology for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX)
- Co-author in Fishtail Divertor: A New Divertor Concept on EAST For Active Control of Heat Load on Divertor Plate
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
Bing Luo
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
Zhengping Luo
- Co-author in Developing Disruption Warning Algorithms Using Large Databases on Alcator C-Mod and EAST Tokamaks
- Co-author in Predictions of the baseline operation scenario in Chinese fusion engineering test reactor
- Co-author in Study of the Effect of Magnetic Expansion in Snowflake Divertor on Impurity Screening for CFETR
- Xueli Luo
Ivan Lupelli
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Scrape Off Layer and Divertor Physics Advances in MAST
- Co-author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Ivan Lupelli
- Hinrich Lütjens
- B.C. Lyons
- Sergei Lysenko
- Mark Lyttle
- Bo Lyu
- Igor Lyublinski
Himabindu M
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Ruirui Ma
- Chenhao Ma
- Chenhao Ma
- Xinxing Ma
T. Ma
- Co-author in Adapting high resolution x-ray spectroscopy from MFE to temperature and density measurements in ICF*
- Co-author in Observations of residual bulk-fluid motion and low-mode areal-density asymmetries at peak convergence in NIF implosions through spectral measurements of DD and DT neutrons
- Co-author in The Role of Beryllium Ablators in Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Qian Ma
- Henning Maassberg
- Harsha Machchhar
- Andrew Mackinnon
- A.G. MacPhee
Giorgio Maddaluno
- Co-author in Analysis of runaway beam suppression experiments in FTU
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Gabriel Madrigal Boza
Jens Madsen
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
- Co-author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Tetuya Maejima
- Tetsuya Maejima
- Takashi Maekawa
- Shoo Maeta
- Shinya Maeyama
- Author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Synergetic effects of collisions, turbulence and sawtooth crashes on impurity transport.
- Costanza Maggi
Costanza Maggi
- Author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Role of stationary zonal flows and momentum transport for L-H transitions in JET
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- R. Maggiora
- Roland Magne
S. Mahajan
- Co-author in MHD stability of ITER H-mode confinement with pedestal bootstrap current and diamagnetic effects taken into account
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- Kirti Mahajan
- Gaurang I Mahsuria
- Thana Maihom
- J Mailloux
Rajesh Maingi
- Author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in ELM Pacing with High Frequency Multi-species Impurity Granule Injection in NSTX-U H-Mode Discharges
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Co-author in Kinetic Understanding of Neoclassical Scrape-off Layer Physics, Comparison with Fluid Modeling, and Experimental Validation
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Co-author in Modeling and Simulation of Pedestal Control Techniques for NSTX-U
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- R. Maingi
- David Maisonnier
- Omar Maj
- Omar Maj
Richard P. Majeski
- Author in Observation of an isothermal electron temperature profile with low recycling lithium walls in LTX
- Co-author in Development of a 3-m HTS FNSF Device and the Qualifying Design and Engineering R&D needed to meet the Low AR Design Point
- Co-author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Co-author in Liquid Metal Flow Control Simulation at Liquid Metal Experiment
- Vadym Makhlai
- Ryohei Makino
- Ryohei Makino
- RYOHEI Makino
M. Makowski
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Azadsinh R Makwana
- M.N. Makwana
- M. N. Makwana
- Artur Malaquias
- Bert Maljaars
- Mikhail Malkov
Ranjana Manchanda
- Co-author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Investigation of Neutral Particle Dynamics in Aditya Tokamak Plasma with DEGAS2 Code
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- A. Mancini
- Gabriele Manduchi
- Bitter Manfred
ManoahStephen Manuelraj ManoahStephen Manuelraj
- Author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Concept Design of the Heavy Duty Multi-Purpose Deployer For ITER
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Dennis Mansfield
- Imran A Mansuri
Paola Mantica
- Author in Electron Heat Transport in JET from Ion to Electron scales: Experimental Investigation and Gyro-kinetic Simulations
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Mervi Mantsinen
- Peter Manz
- Yiran mao
- Yuzhou Mao
Wenzhe Mao
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Shifeng Mao
- Nathan MARA
Yannick Marandet
- Author in The role of statistical noise in edge plasma transport codes based on kinetic Monte Carlo solvers for neutrals: an analogy with turbulent fluctuations
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Multiscale modelling of sheath physics in edge transport codes
- Co-author in Progress towards self-consistent treatment of turbulence in edge plasma modelling codes
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Marc Maraschek
- Marc Maraschek
- Marc Maraschek
- Giuseppe Marchiori
- Oleksandr Marchuck
M. Margo
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Jaime Marian
- Michael Marinak
- Claudio Marini
- Alessandro Marinoni
- Massimo Marinucci
- Boyer Mark
- Sabina Markelj
- Andrey Markin
- Tomas Markovic
Earl Marmar
- Author in Overview of High-Field Divertor Tokamak Results from Alcator C-Mod
- Author in Overview of High-Field Divertor Tokamak Results from Alcator C-Mod*
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Co-author in Smaller & Sooner – Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors for a more attractive fusion energy development path
- Daniele Marocco
- Y. Maron
- Alvaro Marqueta
Lionello Marrelli
- Co-author in Extended scenarios opened by the upgrades of the RFX-mod experiment
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Overview of the RFX-mod fusion science activity
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Jacques Marroncle
- Stefan Marsen
- Stephan Marsen
- Author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of progress in European Medium Sized Tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution
- Céline Martin
- Yves Martin Martin
- Piero Martin
- Elijah Martin
- Adriana Martin
- Ignacio Martin-Bragado
- Julio Martinell
- Andre Martinez
Jean-Marc Martinez
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Julio Martínez Torres
- Jose Ramon Martin-Solis
- Michele Martone
- Alexander Martynov
- Y. Martynova
- Nikolai Marushchenko
- So Maruyama
- Toshiyuki Maruyama
- Alain Marx
- Domenico Marzullo
- Kei Masaki
- Sadao Masamune
- Harish Masand
- Mikael Maslov
- Mikhail Maslov
- Vincent Massaut
Stefano Mastrostefano
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- . MAST Team
- Akihiro Masui
Suguru Masuzaki
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
- Sergey Masyukevich
- Mayer Matej
- Shuto Matsubara
- Hirotsugu Matsuda
- Yuichi Matsuda
- Tadafumi Matsumoto
Go Matsunaga
- Co-author in Active control/stabilization of locked mode in tokamaks at high magnetic Reynolds number
- Co-author in First-Principle Simulations Reproduce Multiple Cycles of Abrupt Large Relaxation Events in Beam-Driven JT-60 Plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
Kazuki Matsuo
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Satoshi Matsuo
- Hideaki Matsuo
- Seikichi Matsuoka
Akinobu Matsuyama
- Author in Simulation study of interaction between runaway electron generation and resistive MHD modes over avalanche timescale
- Co-author in Nonlocal Plasma Response to Edge Perturbation in Tokamak
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Simulations of Runaway Electron Generation including Hot-Tail Effect
- Shigeo Matsuyama
Massimiliano Mattei
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Power Handling and Plasma Protection Aspects that affect the Design of the DEMO Divertor and First Wall
Guy Matthews
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures
- Co-author in Overview of Fuel Inventory in JET with the ITER-Like Wall
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of transient tungsten melting experiments at JET
- Dmitry Matveev
- Michael Mauel
- David Maurer
- Roberto Maurizio
- Francesco Maviglia
- Vladimir Maximov
- P. N. Maya
- Rafael Mayo-Garcia
- Marie-Line Mayoral
- Christophe Mayri
- Didier Mazon
- Giuseppe Mazzitelli
- Giuseppe Mazzone
- Cristina Mazzotta
- Patrick J. Mc Carthy
- Patrick McCarthy
- Kieran Joseph McCarthy
- Ken McClements
- J. McClenaghan
Karsten McCollam
- Co-author in An island-induced Alfven eigenmode and effects of nonaxisymmetry on fast ions in the RFP
- Co-author in Enhanced measurements for MHD validation using integrated data analysis on the MST fusion research experiment
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Karsten McCollam
- Oisin McCormack
Rachael McDermott
- Co-author in Advances in Neutral Beam Current Drive Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
Chris McDevitt
- Author in Turbulent Current Drive Mechanisms
- Darren McDonald
Adrian McFarland
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- Meghan McGarry
- William McGinnis
George R. McKee
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Dominant role of turbulence in determining particle transport and confinement
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
George McKee
- Author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Identification of characteristic ELM evolution patterns with Alfven-scale measurements and unsupervised machine learning analysis
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- George McKee
A.G. McLean
- Author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- Harry McLean
- Alex Meakins
- Mercedes Medrano
Sergey Medvedev
- Author in Single Null Divertor in Negative Triangularity Tokamak
- Co-author in Assessment of the runaway electron energy dissipation in ITER
- Co-author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Anna Medvedeva
- Nathan Meezan
- Kush R Mehta
- Hendrikus Meiden
- Andy Meigs
- Andrew Meigs
- Carlo Meineri
- Gerd Meisl
- Steven Meitner
- Konstantin Mekler
- Adriano Mele
- Philippe Meliga
- Vittoria Mellera
- Nicolas Mellet
- A Melnik
Andrei Melnik
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
Alexander Melnikov
- Author in Study of interactions between GAMs and broadband turbulence in the T-10 tokamak
- Co-author in Contribution of Joint Experiments on Small Tokamaks in the framework of IAEA Coordinated Research Projects to mainstream Fusion Research
- Co-author in Equilibrium solutions of MHD equations for GAMs in the edge tokamak plasma
- Co-author in On the influence of ECRH on neoclassical and anomalous mechanisms using a dual Heavy Ion Beam probe Diagnostic in the TJ-II stellarator
- Alexandr Melnikov
- Pablo Mena Ceciliano
Jon Menard
- Author in Overview of First Results from NSTX-U and Analysis Highlights from NSTX
- Author in Overview of First Results from NSTX-U and Analysis Highlights from NSTX
- Co-author in Development of a 3-m HTS FNSF Device and the Qualifying Design and Engineering R&D needed to meet the Low AR Design Point
- Co-author in Feedback Control Design for Non-inductively Sustained Scenarios in NSTX-U Using TRANSP
- Co-author in High-temperature, liquid metal plasma-facing component research and development for the NSTX-U
- Co-author in NSTX-U Contributions to Disruption Mitigation Studies in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Nyquist analysis of kinetic effects on the plasma response in NSTX and DIII-D experiments
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Purificacion Mendez
O. Meneghini
- Author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Predictions of the baseline operation scenario in Chinese fusion engineering test reactor
- Luis Meneses
- Luis Meneses
- Orso Menghini
- Sheena Menmuir
- Sheena Menmuir
Vinay Menon
- Author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Antoine Merle
- M. Merola
- Philippe MERTENS
Gaston Meskens
- Co-author in Social Research on Fusion
Andre Messiaen
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Maximilian Messmer
- Gennady Mesyats
- William H Meyer
- Olivier Meyer
- Hendrik Meyer
- W. Meyer
- Gioacchino Micciche
- Clive Michael
- Clive Michael
- Craig Michoski
- Juho Miettunen
- Pierluigi Migliano
- Kazuhiro Miki
- David Mikkelsen
- Ryszard Miklaszewski
- Vyacheslav Mikov
- D. Milanesio
- Fulvio Militello
- Elina Militello Asp
D. Miller
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Gennady Miloshevsky
- Miloš Milovanović
- Jose Milovich
- Kunioki Mima
- Byunghoon Min
- Vladimir Minaev
Takashi MInami
- Author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Ryutaro MINAMI
- Anatoly Mineev
Joseph Minervini
- Co-author in Determination of Radiation Damage Limits to High-Temperature Superconductors in Reactor-Relevant Conditions to Inform Compact Fusion Reactor Design
- Co-author in Smaller & Sooner – Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors for a more attractive fusion energy development path
- Tingfeng Ming
- Marco Minissale
- Arman Miniyazov
- Jean-Luc Miquel
- Vladimir Mirnov
Maxim Mironov
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Oleksiy Mishchenko
- kishore mishra
- Pabitra Kumar Mishra
- Jyotishankar Mishra
Jyotishankar Mishra
- Author in India’s Pellet fueling program
- Marc Missirlian
- Osamu Mitarai
- Osamu Mitarai
- Toshiyuki Mito
- Toshiyuki Mito
- Yoshika Mitsunaka
Raphael Mitteau
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Eisuke Miura
- Hideaki Miura
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Kenji Miyamoto
Noriaki Miyanaga
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Yoshiaki Miyata
- Naoaki Miyato
Junichi Miyazawa
- Author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
- Yasuhiko Miyo
- Naoki Mizuguchi
- Shoichi Mizumaki
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Improved Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP Performance with Active MHD Control and Associated Change in Magnetic Topology in RELAX
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
Jan Mlynar
- Author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in System Level Design and Performances of the ITER Radial Neutron Camera
- Alexander Mlynek
- Mikhail Modestov
- Charles, P Moeller
- Kazuhiko Mogaki
- Kartik Mohan
- Diego Molina
- Joaquin Molla
- Patrick Mollard
- Albert Mollén
- S. Möller
- Igor Monakhov'
- Victor Moncada
- Juan Ignacio Monge-Colepicolo
- Pascale Monier-Garbet
- Ivar Montellano
- J.D. Moody
- Jaime Mora
Alessio Morace
- Author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Sara Moradi
- Sara Moradi
- Jorge Morales
- Diana Morales Hidalgo
- Iván Esteban Morales Niño
- Saskia Mordijck
- Vipul More
- Philippe Moreau
- Pierre Morel
- Joel Moreno
Raul Moreno
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Jean-Marc Moret
- Thomas Morgan
- Kyle Morgan
Guy Morgan
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Yoshitaka Mori
- Tamotsu Morimoto
- Noboru Morio
- Tomohiro Morisaki
Tomohiro Morisaki
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
Shigeru Morita
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Formation of impurity transport barrier in LHD plasmas with hollow density profile
- Co-author in Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control
- Co-author in Study of impurity transport in the HL-2A ECRH plasmas with MHD instabilities
- Shigeru Morita
- Jerome Moritz
- Sadatomo Moriuchi
Shinichi Moriyama
- Co-author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
Alessandro Moro
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Fabio Moro
- José Rubén Morones Ibarra
- William Morris
- Philip Morrison
- Lucas Morton
- Dmitry Moseev
A.L. Moser
- Co-author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in SOL Effects on the Pedestal Structure in DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Annamaria Mosetto
- Anton Möslang
- Tomoyoshi Motohiro
Gen Motojima
- Author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Makoto Motoshima
- Jonathan Mougenot
- David Moulton
R.A. Moyer
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Shattered Pellet Injection as the Primary Disruption Mitigation Technique for ITER
- Co-author in The Contribution of Perturbation Coil Geometry Induced Sidebands and MHD Response in KSTAR and DIII-D
- Dennis Mueller
- David Muir
Kiyofumi Mukai
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Investigation on irradiation effects on highly integrated leading edge electronic components of diagnostics and control systems for the LHD deuterium operation
- Aparajita Mukherjee
- Samiran Mukherjee
- Eugene Mukhin
- Hans Werner Müller
Bob Mumgaard
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- R. Mumgaard
- Stephano Munaretto
- Omar Alejandro Muñoz Ovalle
- David Munro
- Izumi Murakami
Sadayoshi Murakami
- Author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Improvements of ion energy confinement in helium rich plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- M. Murakami
- Koichiro Murakami
- Izumi Murakami
- Hidetoshi Murakami
- Sergey Murakhtin
Andrea Murari
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
Andrea Murari
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
- Andrea Muraro
- Takanori Murase
- Takahiro Murata
Takeo Muroga
- Co-author in Development of dissimilar-metals joint of oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) and non-ODS reduced-activation ferritic steels
- Co-author in Fabrication of Divertor Mock-up with ODS-Cu and W by Improved Brazing Technique
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Tomas Murphy
- C.M. Muscatello
Toshiki Mushiake
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- Nikita Mustafin
Takashi Mutoh
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Plasma Start-up Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Luigi MUZZI
- Clayton Myers
- Volodymyr Mykhaylenko
- Volodymyr Mykhaylenko
Harry Mynick
- Co-author in Recent Advances in Stellarator Optimization
- James Myra
DongHyeon Na
- Author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
- Co-author in Development of a Systematic, Self-consistent Algorithm for K-DEMO Steady-state Operation Scenario
- Co-author in Fluctuation signatures of rotation reversals and non-local transport events in KSTAR L-mode plasmas
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
Yong-Su Na
- Author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Development of a Systematic, Self-consistent Algorithm for K-DEMO Steady-state Operation Scenario
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in ECH-assisted Plasma Start-up Experiment using Trapped Particle Configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Experimental observations of beam-driven Alfvén eigenmodes in KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Nicolas Nace
- Tomoyuki Nagano
Kenichi Nagaoka
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Improvements of ion energy confinement in helium rich plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Kenichi Nagaoka
- Takuya Nagasaka
Kazunobu Nagasaki
- Author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Masayoshi Nagata
- Shinji NAGATA
- Takahiro NAGATA
- Daisuke Nagata
Hideo Nagatomo
- Author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
Yoshio Nagayama
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Yoshio Nagayama
- Michael Nagel
- Umeshkumar C Nagora
- Umesh Nagora
- Alex Nagy
- A. Nagy
- Victor Naidenov
- Osamu Naito
Mitsuo Nakai
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- M. Nakajima
- Noriyoshi Nakajima
- Motoki Nakajima
- Masaru Nakamichi
Yuji Nakamura
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Yukio Nakamura
- Nobuyuki Nakamura
- Kenta Nakamura
- Makoto Nakamura
- Hiroaki Nakamura
- Hideya Nakanishi
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
Tomohide Nakano
- Co-author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Yuichiro Nakano
- Suguru Nakano
- Shun Nakanobo
Yousuke Nakashima
- Author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Hydrogen Isotope Retention in Tungsten Surface-modified by Heavy Ion Irradiation, Helium bubbles and Tungsten Deposition
- Co-author in Spatial Structure of Spontaneously Excited ICRF Waves and Relevant High-Energy Ion Loss in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Hisatoshi NAKASHIMA
Yoshiki Nakata
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
Motoki Nakata
- Author in Multi-species ITG-TEM driven turbulent transport of D-T ions and He-ash in ITER burning plasmas
- Co-author in Anomalous and Neoclassical Transport of Hydrogen Isotope and Impurity Ions in LHD Plasmas
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic analysis of the effects of electron-scale turbulence on ion-scale micro-instabilities
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Strong suppression of impurity accumulation in steady-state hydrogen discharges with high power NBI heating on LHD
- Motoki Nakata
Masataka Nakatsuka
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- Suisei Nakayama
- Yunbum Nam
- Y. U. Nam
Eric Nardon
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between plasma rotation and interchange modes
- Wlodzimierz Natorf
Dirk Naujoks
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Dirk Naujoks
- Volker Naulin
- Nikolai Naumenko
- Maria Filomena Nave
- Gerald Navratil
- Pratik Nayak
Raffi Nazikian
- Author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Microturbulence in DIII-D pedestal
- Co-author in Kinetic Understanding of Neoclassical Scrape-off Layer Physics, Comparison with Fluid Modeling, and Experimental Validation
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
R. Nazikian
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- I. S. Nedzelskiy
- George Neilson
- Brian Nelson
- Brian Nelson
- Narguess Nemati
- Anton Nemets
- Shuji Nemoto
- Narek Nersesyan
- Federico Nespoli
- Gregor Neu
Rudolf Neu
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
Olaf Neubauer
- Co-author in Diagnostic set-up and modelling for investigation of synergy between 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Investigation of turbulence rotation in limiter plasmas at W7-X with a new installed Poloidal Correlation Reflectometry
- Co-author in Measurement of the plasma edge profiles using the combined probe on W7-X
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Sergey Neudatchin
Vladislav Neverov
- Co-author in Effect of wall light reflection in ITER diagnostics
- Vladimir Neverov
- Sarah Newton
- Jacob Nichols
- Dirk Nicolai
Albert Nicolai
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- Timothée Nicolas
- Timothée Nicolas
- Lin Nie
- Stefan Kragh Nielsen
- Anders Henry Nielsen
- Holger Niemann
- Alejandro Nieto Cuarenta
- Anton Nikiforov
- Alexander Nikitin
- Valentina Nikoleava
- Abbas Nikroo
- Hiren D Nimavat
- Teppei Nishi
- Daisuke Nishijima
- Hayato Nishikata
- Ryo Nishikiori
Hiroaki Nishimura
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Arata Nishimura
- Teruki Nishimura
- seiya nishimura
- Yasuhiko NISHIMURA
- Nobuhiro NISHINO
- Shu Nishioka
- Kenji Nishioka
- Takeo Nishitani
- Masaki Nishiura
- Tomokazu Nishiyama
- Takashi Nishizawa
- Paavo Niskala
- Francesco Nitti
- Luying Niu
- Erwu Niu
Boniface N'Konga
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Yuji Nobuta
Massimo Nocente
- Author in Conceptual design of the Radial Gamma Ray Spectrometers system for alpha particle and runaway electron measurements at ITER
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Riccardo Nocentini
- Jacques Noé
- Shuhei Nogami
- Sanghoon Noh
- Kunpei Nojiri
- Paul Nonn
Paul Noonan
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- R.C. Nora
D. Norausky
- Co-author in ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication
- Hans Nordman
Takayoshi Norimatsu
- Author in Conceptual design and issue analysis of Laser Fusion Experiment Reactor (LIFT)
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Mark Nornberg
- Ryan Norval
Jean-Marie Noterdaeme
- Author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Dimensionless Size Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Co-author in EU DEMO Heating and Current Drive: Physics and Technology
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- Co-author in IShTAR: a dedicated facility to characterize the interactions between ICRF waves and plasma
Gennady Notkin
- Co-author in Review of Recent Experiments on the T-10 Tokamak with All Metal Wall
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Hiroyuki NOTO
Remy Nouailletas
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
Silvana Nowak
- Author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Yoshitaka Nozawa
- Takashi Nozawa
- Hideo Nuga
- Tomoharu Numakura
Masanori Nunami
- Author in Anomalous and Neoclassical Transport of Hydrogen Isotope and Impurity Ions in LHD Plasmas
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic analysis of the effects of electron-scale turbulence on ion-scale micro-instabilities
- Co-author in Multi-species ITG-TEM driven turbulent transport of D-T ions and He-ash in ITER burning plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical Diagnostics of Turbulent Transport in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Configurations
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
Isabel Nunes
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
- Co-author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Francois NUNIO
- Maxim Nurgaliev
- Marc Nusbaum
- Asavathavornvanit Nuttasart
- Martin Oberkofler
- Kevin Obrejan
- M A Ochando
- Kentaro Ochiai
Roman Ochoukov
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in IShTAR: a dedicated facility to characterize the interactions between ICRF waves and plasma
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
Yasuhisa Oda
- Co-author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in High Power Testing of Water-cooled Waveguide for ITER ECH Transmission Lines
- Yuki Oda
- Gennosuke Oda
- Daisuke Oda
- Robert Odette
Tomas Odstrcil
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Kunihiro Ogawa
Kunihiro Ogawa
- Author in Investigation on irradiation effects on highly integrated leading edge electronic components of diagnostics and control systems for the LHD deuterium operation
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Hiroaki Ogawa
- Takahisa Ogawa
- Thomas O'Gorman
- Koichi Ogura
- Yoshiyuki Oguri
Y. K. Oh
- Author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Seungtae Oh
- Jungsuk Oh
Satoshi Ohdachi
- Author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Extension of High-beta Plasma Operation to low collisional Regime
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between plasma rotation and interchange modes
- Takeru Ohgo
- Shigeru O'hira
- Shigeru Ohira
Makoto Ohno
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
Noriyasu Ohno
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of Detached Recombining Plasmas in a Linear Device Pilot-PSI and its impact on Plasma Detachment in Fusion Devices
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
Shinsuke OHSHIMA
- Author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Masayuki Ohta
- Hiroaki Ohtani
- Satoshi Ohtsuka
- Takeo Oi
Tetsutarou Oishi
- Author in Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control
- Author in Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Formation of impurity transport barrier in LHD plasmas with hollow density profile
- Tetsutaro Oishi
- Amit Ojha
- Michio Okabayashi
Hiroyuki Okada
- Author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Takuya Okada
- Kohta Okada
- Atsushi Okamoto
- Katsuya Okamura
- Masahiro Okamura
- Kunihiko Okano
- Fuminori Okano
- Takanari Okuda
- Yoshikazu Okumura
- Toshirisa Okuyama
- Steven Oliva
- James Oliver
- Richard Olson
- Toshimichi Omori
- John Omotani
- Martin O'Mullane
Takumi ONCHI
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- T. Onchi
- R.C. O'Neill
- Jozef ONGENA
thawatchai Onjun
- Author in Predicted fusion performance for ITER and DEMO plasmas using a BALDUR code with predictive tritium influx model
- Co-author in A model for predicting tritium flux from blanket mock-up in Tokamak fusion reactors
- Co-author in Effects of Heat and Particle Sources Perturbations on L-H-L Transitions Based on Bifurcation Concept
- Co-author in Evaluation of Predictive Capability for Hydrogenic and Impurity Density in L- and H-mode Tokamak Plasma using Multimode Transport Model
- Co-author in Simulation of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in JET
- Co-author in The Development of SOL Transport Model for Integrated Core-SOL Simulation of L-Mode Plasma
- Yasushi Ono
Masayuki Ono
- Author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Author in Liquid lithium loop system to solve challenging technology issues for fusion power plant
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in High-temperature, liquid metal plasma-facing component research and development for the NSTX-U
- Co-author in NSTX-U Contributions to Disruption Mitigation Studies in Support of ITER
- Kouki Ooba
- Johan Wilhelm Oostebeek
- Francois Orain
- Francois Orain
- Nerea Ordas
- Nikolay Orlov
Dmitri Orlov
- Author in The Contribution of Perturbation Coil Geometry Induced Sidebands and MHD Response in KSTAR and DIII-D
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Francesco Orsitto
Masaki Osakabe
- Co-author in Abrupt excitation of intense geodesic acoustic mode in the LHD
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Global gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle-driven instabilities in 3D systems
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Investigation on irradiation effects on highly integrated leading edge electronic components of diagnostics and control systems for the LHD deuterium operation
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Masaki Osakabe
- Masaki Osakabe
T. Osborne
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
Yoshiki Otani
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Carlos Otárola Zuñiga
- Matthias Otte
- Larry Owen
- Michal Owsiak
- Michal Owsiak
Yasuhisa Oya
- Author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
Makoto Oya
- Author in Deuterium retention and melting behavior in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Makoto Oyaidzu
Satoshi Ozaki
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in Unified Studies of Fast-ignition Scheme Fusion with Counterbeam Configuration
- Takahisa Ozeki
- Ajesh P
- Bharthi P.
Novimir Pablant
- Author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Minerva Bayesian Analysis of X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Data for Temperature and Density Profile Inference at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
Dr. Paccagnella
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Improved Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP Performance with Active MHD Control and Associated Change in Magnetic Topology in RELAX
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
D.C. Pace
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Multi-machine experimental investigation of ion cyclotron emission
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- D.C. Pace
- Shrishail B Padasalagi
- Ioannis Pagonakais
- Vasile Pais
- Elina Pajuste
- R. Pal
- Bartek Palak
- Iole Palermo
- Timothy Palmer
- Stanislas Pamela
- Ou Pan
- Chuanjie Pan
- Nerea Panadero
- Stephanie Panayotis
- Dobromir Panayotov
- V.K. Panchal
- Ramkrushna Panchal
- Rohitkumar N Panchal
- Arun G Panchal
- Pradip N Panchal
- Paresh Panchal
- Manish K Pandey
- Shwetang N Pandya
- Mihir Pandya
- Radomir Panek
- Anatoly PANIN
- Miguel Panizo-Laiz
Alexei Pankin
- Author in Extending the Validation of Multi-Mode Model for Anomalous Transport to High Poloidal Beta DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in New Nonlinear Microtearing Mode Transport Model for Tokamak Plasmas*
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
Gergely Papp
- Author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in First experimental results of runaway beam control in TCV
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Richard Paprok
Vassili Parail
- Co-author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Co-author in The effect of plasma response on losses of energetic ions in the presence of 3d perturbations in different iter scenarios
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Vassili Parail
Yuvakiran Paravastu
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Tejas J Parekh
Jong-Kyu Park
- Author in Self-consistent optimization of neoclassical toroidal torque with anisotropic perturbed equilibrium in tokamaks
- Co-author in Analysis and prediction of momentum transport in spherical tokamaks
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Nyquist analysis of kinetic effects on the plasma response in NSTX and DIII-D experiments
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
Young-Seok Park
- Author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Characterization and Forecasting of Unstable Resistive Wall Modes in NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
Hyeon K. Park
- Author in Validation of q(0)≥1.0 in the MHD Quiescent Time after Crash of the Sawtooth Instability in KSTAR
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Edge-localized modes on KSTAR: global structure and distinct evolution stages involving quasi-steady state and phase transitions
- Co-author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Sangwoo Park
- Sun-A Park
- Byeongho Park
- Jong-kyu Park
- J. M. Park
Hyun Park
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Jae Sun Park
- J.M. Park
- Gunyoung Park
- JongSung Park
- Kap-rai Park
Eli Parke
- Co-author in Enhanced measurements for MHD validation using integrated data analysis on the MST fusion research experiment
- Co-author in Evidence for Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence in MST Improved Confinement RFP Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
C. Parker
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
Ronald Parker
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- scott parker
- Paul B. Parks
- Pramod R Parmar
- Navin Parmar
Matthew Parsons
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
- Paola Paruta
- Jean-Yves Pascal
Ekkehard Pasch
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Chantal Passeron
- Alexander Pasternak
Patrick Pastor
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Nilesh Patel
- Sharvil Patel
- D.R. Patel
- K.M. Patel
- V.K. Patel
- Praveshkumar Patel
- Mahesh Patel
- N.C. Patel
- P. Patel
- Manoj Patel
- Amit Patel
- Hriday Patel
- Kiritkumar B Patel
- Hitesh Patel
- Nisarg Patel
- J C Patel
- Kirankumar G Patel
- Ketan M Patel
- Rakeshkumar J Patel
- Paresh J Patel
- Hitesh S Patel
- Suraya Kumar Pathak
- Siddhartha PATHAK
Firozkhan S Pathan
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
Michael Patrov
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Co-author in Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2: Design, Integration, Construction
- M. Patterson
Alessandro Pau
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
Gabriella Pautasso
- Author in Generation of the disruption mitigation trigger: developing a preliminary design for ITER
- Co-author in A multi-machine analysis of non-axisymmetric and rotating halo currents
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Plasma Disruption and VDE modeling in support of ITER
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Kirill Pavlov
Carlos Paz-Soldan
- Author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
- C. Paz-Soldan
- Morten Stejner Pedersen
- M A Pedrosa
- W.A. Peebles
- Arthur Peeters
- Arthur Peeters
- Bernard Pégourié
- Grzegorz Pelka
- Benjamin Penaflor
- Nicolas Péneau
- Qian Peng
- Rita Costa Pereira
Augusto Pereira
- Co-author in Big Data Machine Learning for Disruption Predictions
- Claubia Pereira
- Enrico Perelli Cippo
- Pavel Pereslavtsev
- Arture Perevalov
- Alexander Perevezentsev
- Mario Perez
- Christian Perez Von Thun
- Stanislav Perfilov
- S.V. Perfilov
- Vincenzo Pericoli
- Vincenzo Pericoli-Ridolfini
- Rory Perkins
Tanja Perko
- Co-author in Social Research on Fusion
- Jose Manuel Perlado
- Theodore Perry
- Justin Perry
- Simone Peruzzo
Sergey Pestchanyi
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
Traverso Peter
- Co-author in Control of sawtooth oscillation dynamics using externally applied stellarator transform
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in Minerva Bayesian Analysis of X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Data for Temperature and Density Profile Inference at Wendelstein 7-X
- Matej Peterka
- Michael Peters
- Byron Peterson
- Byron Peterson
- Per Petersson
- Per Petersson
- Richard Petrasso
Thomas W. Petrie
- Author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
Yuriy Petrov
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Co-author in Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2: Design, Integration, Construction
- Yuri Petrov
C. Petty
- Author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in SOL Effects on the Pedestal Structure in DIII-D Discharges
- Co-author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Yves Peysson
- David Pfefferle
- P. Phillips
- Cynthia Phillips
- Guy Phillips
- Zachary Piazza
- Roppon Picha
- Néstor Piedra-Quesada
- Alexander Pigarob
- Leonardo Pigatto
Simon Pinches
- Author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in High fidelity simulations of fast ion power flux driven by 3D field perturbations on ITER
- Co-author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
- Co-author in System Level Design and Performances of the ITER Radial Neutron Camera
- Robert Pinsker
- Gerald Pintsuk
- Egor Pinzhenin
Paolo Piovesan
- Author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Progress in Theoretical RFP Studies: New Stimulated Helical Regimes and Similarities with Tokamak and Stellarator
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Elina Piraga
- Chiara Piron
- Lidia Piron
- Alfredo Pironti
- Alexander Pirozhkov
Fabio Pisano
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Andrea Pisent
Richard Pitts
- Co-author in Comparative study of KSTAR and DiPS-2 on the heat flux to the first wall
- Co-author in ERO modelling of Be erosion in JET and extrapolation of the data for ITER
- Co-author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Kinetic modeling of tungsten impurity transport using the IMPGYRO code
- Co-author in Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- Co-author in The physics of the heat flux narrow decay length in the TCV scrape-off layer: experiments and simulations
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of transient tungsten melting experiments at JET
- Paola Platania
Vladislav V Plyusnin
- Author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Christine Pocheau
- Ivan Podadera
- Salvatore Podda
M. Podesta
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Parametric dependence of EPMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén modes through additional beam heating
Yves Poitevin
- Co-author in How Tokamak Interface Requirements are Driving the Design of TBM Systems in ITER towards Breeding Blanket Design in DEMO
- Co-author in Lessons learned for the Breeding Blanket designers from the design development of the European Test Blanket Module Systems (He, Tritium, Liquid Metal Systems)
- Gergo I. Pokol
- Author in Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in System Level Design and Performances of the ITER Radial Neutron Camera
Francesca Poli
- Author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Feedback Control Design for Non-inductively Sustained Scenarios in NSTX-U Using TRANSP
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
Emanuele Poli
- Author in Toroidal gyrokinetic studies of the tearing mode in tokamak plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Emanuele Poli
- Serge Poli
- Dragan Poljak
- Sergey Polosatkin
- Peter Zsolt Poloskei
- Igor Polunovskiy
Neil Pomphrey
- Co-author in Recent Advances in Stellarator Optimization
- Franck Pompon
- Jean-Marc PONCET
- Yuri Ponkratov
- Nopporn Poolyarat
- Alexei Popov
- Sergey Popov
- Vladimir Popov
- zana popovic
Miklos Porkolab
- Author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Co-author in Experimental results from three-ion species heating scenario on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- M. Porkolab
- Corneliu Porosnicu
- G.D. Porter
- Florentino Portero (Foundation Isaac Albéniz)
- Alfredo Portone
- Yuri Poshekhonov
- A. Pospieszczyk
- Vladimir Postupaev
Steffen Potzel
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Alejandro Prada
Ana Prades
- Author in Social Research on Fusion
Subrata Pradhan
- Author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1 & Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Low Density Plasma Regimes in SST-1 with and without Supra-Thermal Electrons
- Co-author in MHD Phenomena and Disruption Characteristics in SST-1 Early Plasma
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Observation/Study of Lock mode characteristics in SST-1 plasma
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma start-up studies and electromagnetic field computation for SST-1 tokamak.
- Co-author in Techno-economic aspects of high current leads for fusion devices
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Bhadresh R Praghi
- V. Prahlad
- Ashokkumar Prajapati
- Valson Pranay
Upendra Prasad
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- R. Prater
- E. V. Praveenlal
- Italo Predebon
- Melanie Preynas
- Melanie Preynas
D. Priddie
- Co-author in ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication
- Vadim Prikhodko
- Dmitrii Prisiazhniuk
- Priti Priti
- Michael Probst
- Josephine H.E. Proll
- Jiraporn Promping
- Giuseppe Pruneri
- Gianluca Pucella
- M.J. Pueschel
- Moritz Pueschel
Thomas Puetterich
- Author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Maria Ester Puiatti
- Shishir Purohit
- Vladimir Pustovitov
- Vladimir Pustovitov
István Pusztai
- Co-author in Edge Flow from Momentum Transport by Neutrals
- Co-author in Kinetic modelling of runaways in fusion plasmas
- Anton Putrik
- Sergei Putvinski
- Abdul Qayyum
- Lei Qi
- Minzhong Qi
Jinping Qian
- Author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Current Transport and Density Fluctuations at L-H Transition on EAST
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Fishtail Divertor: A New Divertor Concept on EAST For Active Control of Heat Load on Divertor Plate
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- S. G. Qin
- Shijun Qin
- C.M qin
- Yuefeng Qiu
- Zhiyong Qiu
- Zhisong Qu
Michael Rack
- Co-author in Diagnostic set-up and modelling for investigation of synergy between 3D edge physics and plasma-wall interactions on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Measurement of the plasma edge profiles using the combined probe on W7-X
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of transient tungsten melting experiments at JET
- Hari Radhakrishnan
- Tariq Rafiq
- Tariq Rafiq
R Ragona
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- R. Ragona
Kian Rahbarnia
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Harshita Raj
- Milan Rajkovic
Daniel Raju
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Upgradation of Aditya Tokamak with Limiter Configuration to Aditya Upgrade Tokamak with Divertor Configuration
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Joseph Ralph
- Abhay Ram
Nilam K Ramaiya
- Co-author in Design of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on SST-1 Tokamak
- Co-author in Investigation of Neutral Particle Dynamics in Aditya Tokamak Plasma with DEGAS2 Code
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- R. Raman
R. Raman
- Author in NSTX-U Contributions to Disruption Mitigation Studies in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Physics of flux closure during plasmoid-mediated reconnection in Coaxial Helicity Injection
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Giuseppe Ramogida
- Vaibhav Ranjan
- C V S Rao
- T. Srinivas Rao
- David Rapisarda
- Juergen Rapp
Chris Rapson
- Co-author in Generation of the disruption mitigation trigger: developing a preliminary design for ITER
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Christopher Rapson
- Marcin Rasinski
- David Rasmussen
- Jesper Rasmussen
- Jens Juul Rasmussen
Naveen Rastogi
- Co-author in Concept Design of the Heavy Duty Multi-Purpose Deployer For ITER
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Kulav Rathod
- Gerhard Raupp
- Gerhard Raupp
- Dilip C Raval
- Jayesh V Raval
- Tusharkumar Y Raval
- Nathalie Ravenel
- Timo Ravensbergen
- Rajdeep Singh Rawat
- Holly Ray
- Aleksey Razdobarin
- Marica Rebai
- Juan Redondo
- S.P. Regan
Matthias Reich
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Advances in Neutral Beam Current Drive Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Roger Reichle
- Allan Reiman
Holger Reimerdes
- Author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
Felix Reimold
- Author in Analysis of the impact of nitrogen- & neon-seeding on ASDEX-Upgrade H-Modes with SOLPS simulations
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Study of detached H-modes in full tungsten ASDEX Upgrade with N seeding by SOLPS-ITER modeling
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Michael Reinhart
Matthew Reinke
- Author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
Matthew Reinke
- Co-author in Disruption Mitigation in the Presence of Pre-existing MHD Instabilities
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Matthew Reinke
- Dirk Reiser
- Detlev Reiter
- Yang Ren
- Q. Ren
- X. Ren
- Bertrand Renard
- Marvin Rensink
IAEA Representative
- Author in Closing Address
Joshua Reusch
- Co-author in ELM Characterization and Dynamics at Near-Unity A in the Pegasus ST
- Co-author in Enhanced measurements for MHD validation using integrated data analysis on the MST fusion research experiment
- Co-author in H-mode and Non-Solenoidal Startup in the Pegasus Ultralow-A Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Lisa Reusch
- Arnd Reutlinger
Cedric Reux
- Author in DEMO Design Using the SYCOMORE System Code: Conservative Designs and Pathways towards the Reactor
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Cedric Reux
- Tongnyeol Rhee
Terry Rhodes
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
T. Rhodes
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Dominant role of turbulence in determining particle transport and confinement
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Co-author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Dov Rhodes
Italo Ricapito
- Author in Lessons learned for the Breeding Blanket designers from the design development of the European Test Blanket Module Systems (He, Tritium, Liquid Metal Systems)
- Author in Lessons learned for the Breeding Blanket designers from the design development of the European Test Blanket Module Systems (He, Tritium, Liquid Metal Systems)
- Bruno Riccardi
- Valeria riccardo
- Valeria Riccardo
- Valeria Riccardo
Paolo Ricci
- Author in Progress in first-principles simulation of SOL plasma turbulence and neutral atom dynamics with the GBS code
- Co-author in Basic studies of blob dynamics in X-point configurations and interaction with suprathermal ions in the TORPEX device
- Co-author in The physics of the heat flux narrow decay length in the TCV scrape-off layer: experiments and simulations
Daria Ricci
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Observation of Short Time-scale Spectral Emissions at Millimeter Wavelengths with the New CTS Diagnostic on the FTU Tokamak
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
John Rice
- Author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Co- and Counter Current Rotation in Tore Supra LHCD Plasmas: Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Processes
- Co-author in Dimensionless Size Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in L-H Transition Threshold Physics at Low Collisionality
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Neal Rice
- Marianne Richou
- Rudi Riedl
- Johann Riesch
- Michael Rieth
- Davide Rigamonti
- Daniel Riley
Fernanda Rimini
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Co-author in Studies of Alfven eigenmodes in the ITER baseline scenario, sawtoothing JET plasmas, and MAST hydrogen-deuterium plasmas
- Fernanda Rimini
- Esther Rincon
- Hans Rinderknecht
- Peter Rindt
- Natale Rispoli
- David Rittich
- Marco Riva
- Fabio Riva
- Antonio Rivera
H. Rizvi
- Co-author in Observation and simulation of TAEs in KSTAR plasmas
- Colin Roach
- Christian Robert
- Nicholas Roberts
- Harry Robey
- François Robin
- riccardo roccella
- massimo roccella
- G. Rocchi
- Helene Roche
- Thomas Roche
- Ronan Rochford
- Paulo Rodrigues
- Mauricio Rodriguez-Ramos
- Barrett Rogers
- T. Rognlien
- Sergey Rogozhkin
- Volker Rohde
- Akbar Rohollahi
- Benedikt Roidl
- Jose Rojas-Calderón
- Ana Marcela Rojas-Loaiza
- Michele Romanelli
Michele Romanelli
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER
- Co-author in ITER Fuelling Requirements and Scenario Development for H, He and DT through JINTRAC Integrated Modelling
- Co-author in Numerical analyses of baseline JT-60SA design concepts with the COREDIV code
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Co-author in Statistical validation of transport models on baseline discharges in preparation for the extrapolation to JET D-T
- Co-author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Juri Romazanov
A. Lane Roquemore
- Co-author in Effectiveness of high-frequency ELM pacing with D2 and non-fuel pellets in DIII-D
- Co-author in ELM Pacing with High Frequency Multi-species Impurity Granule Injection in NSTX-U H-Mode Discharges
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Joel Rosato
- Michael Rosenberg
- Alexander Ross
- Michael Ross
- J.C. Rost
- Pascale Roubin
- Andrey Rovenskikh
- William Rowan
- Mikhail Rozenkevich
- Vladimir Rozhansky
- Vladimir Rozhdestvensky
- Yoann Rozier
Marek Rubel
- Author in Fuel Inventory and Deposition in Castellated Beryllium Structures in JET
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Detailed Survey of Dust Particles from JET with the ITER Like Wall: Origin, Composition and Internal Structure
- Co-author in Overview of Fuel Inventory in JET with the ITER-Like Wall
- Giulio Rubino
D. Rudakov
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
Neu Rudolf
- Co-author in Numerical analyses of baseline JT-60SA design concepts with the COREDIV code
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Power Handling and Plasma Protection Aspects that affect the Design of the DEMO Divertor and First Wall
- Co-author in Tungsten Composite Materials for Fusion First Wall applications
- Thomas Rummel
- Christian Ruset
- David Ruzic
- David Ryan
- James Rygg
Francois Ryter
- Co-author in Advances in Neutral Beam Current Drive Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Phase-space resolved measurements of the influence of RF heating and MHD instabilities on the fast-ion distribution in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Turbulence characteristics of the I-mode confinement regime in ASDEX Upgrade
- Chang-Mo Ryu
- D.D. Ryutov
- Dmitri Ryzhakov
- Jacek Rzadkiewicz
- Tomasz Rzesnick
- Samuli Saalerma
Samuli Saarelma
- Co-author in Diamagnetic MHD equations for plasmas with fast flow and its application to ELM analysis in JT-60U and JET-ILW
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Co-author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Francis Sabathier
- Adrian Sabau
Steven Sabbagh
- Author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Characterization and Forecasting of Unstable Resistive Wall Modes in NSTX and NSTX-U
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Identification of characteristic ELM evolution patterns with Alfven-scale measurements and unsupervised machine learning analysis
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Neoclassical Toroidal Plasma Viscosity with Effects of Finite Banana Width in Finite Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Roland Sabot
- Seyed mahmood Sadat Kiaii
- D.H. Sadharakiya
- Asghar Sadighzadeh
Akio Sagara
- Author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
- Author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas & Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets & Lessons Learned from the Eighteen-Year Operation of the LHD Poloidal Coils Made from CIC Conductors
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Development of dissimilar-metals joint of oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) and non-ODS reduced-activation ferritic steels
- Co-author in Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in Fabrication of Divertor Mock-up with ODS-Cu and W by Improved Brazing Technique
- Co-author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Akito Sagisaka
- S. Saha
- Sümer Şahin
- Srikanta Sahu
- Gabriella Saibene
- Julien Said
Bipul Jyoti Saikia
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Alain Saille
- Kenji Saito
- Masahiro Saito
Haruhiko Saitoh
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
Hitoshi Sakagami
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Akira Sakai
- Ryosuke Sakai
Satoru Sakakibara
- Author in Extension of High-beta Plasma Operation to low collisional Regime
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Satoru Sakakibara
Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
Mizuki Sakamoto
- Author in Hydrogen Isotope Retention in Tungsten Surface-modified by Heavy Ion Irradiation, Helium bubbles and Tungsten Deposition
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- Co-author in Spatial Structure of Spontaneously Excited ICRF Waves and Relevant High-Energy Ion Loss in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Kinzo Sakamoto
Keishi Sakamoto
- Co-author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in High Power Testing of Water-cooled Waveguide for ITER ECH Transmission Lines
- Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Takayasu Sakamoto
- Keishi Sakamoto
- Yoshiteru Sakamoto
- Ryuichi Sakamoto
- Akira Sakasai
Shohei Sakata
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Hiroyuki A. Sakaue
Nikolai Sakharov
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Co-author in Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2: Design, Integration, Construction
Shinji Sakurai
- Co-author in Assembly Technologies of the Superconducting Tokamak on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Mirko Salewski
- Antti Salmi
- Jay Salmonson
- Max Salvador Hernández
- Debasmita Samaddar
- Frank Samaille
- Ulrich Samm
- Dmitry Samsonov
- Dmitrii Samsonov
- C. Samuell
- Jorge Sanchez-Castro
- Lucia Sanchis-Sanchez
- Sarbjeet Singh Sandhu
- Norbert Sandri
- C. Sang
- Siriyaporn Sangaroon
- Craig Sangster
- Deepak Sangwan
- giulio sannazzaro
- Fuminori Sano
- Ryuichi Sano
- Takayoshi Sano
- Akio Sanpei
- Marco Antonio Sanromán Reséndiz
- Marko Santala
- Pandya Santosh
- Prosenjit Santra
- Benjamin Santraine
- bernard saoutic
- Abhishek Saraswat
- Yanick SARAZIN
John Sarff
- Author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Co-author in An island-induced Alfven eigenmode and effects of nonaxisymmetry on fast ions in the RFP
- Co-author in Enhanced measurements for MHD validation using integrated data analysis on the MST fusion research experiment
- Co-author in Evidence for Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence in MST Improved Confinement RFP Plasmas
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- Konsta sarkimaki
emanuele sartori
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO NBIs: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Roberta Sartori
- Filippo Sartori
- Nobuhiko Sarukura
- Dmitrii Sarychev
- Dmitri Sarychev
- tadayuki Sasajima
- Makoto Sasaki
- Shunichi Sasaki
- M. Sasaki
- Toru Sasaki
- mario sassano
Shinsuke Satake
- Co-author in Anomalous and Neoclassical Transport of Hydrogen Isotope and Impurity Ions in LHD Plasmas
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Global kinetic effect on the collisionality dependence of the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in the superbanana-plateau regime
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- K. Sathyanarayana
- Satoshi SATO
Masahiko Sato
- Co-author in Anomalous and Neoclassical Transport of Hydrogen Isotope and Impurity Ions in LHD Plasmas
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between plasma rotation and interchange modes
- Mamoru Sato
Nakahiro Satoh
- Co-author in Fast heating of an imploded core under counter beam irradiation by using a repetitive IFE driver HAMA
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Present Operation Status of Target Injection System
- Co-author in Unified Studies of Fast-ignition Scheme Fusion with Counterbeam Configuration
- Fabio Sattin
- Joshua Sauppe
Olivier Sauter
- Co-author in Distributed digital real-time control system for the TCV tokamak and its applications
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron power management in ITER, the path from the commissioning phase to demonstration discharges
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in First Principle Fluid Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and of their Control
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Co-author in Single Null Divertor in Negative Triangularity Tokamak
- Alexandr Saveliev
- Valery Savkin
- Michel Savoie
- Petr Savrukhin
- Petr Savrukhin
- Keiji SAWADA
- Kiyonobu Sawai
- Y.C. Saxena
- Daniel Sayre
- Matthieu Scannapiego
Rory Scannell
- Co-author in Investigation of merging/reconnection heating during solenoid-free startup of plasmas in the MAST spherical tokamak
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Reconnection Heating Experiments and Simulations for Torus Plasma Merging Startup
- Co-author in Scrape Off Layer and Divertor Physics Advances in MAST
- Francescco Scantamburlo
- Andrea Scarabosio
- Paolo Scarin
- Jörg Schacht
K. Schaubel
- Co-author in ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication
- Mark Scheffer
- Stef Schenkelaars
- Theo Scherer
- Loic Schiesko
- David Schissel
- Christian Schlatter
- David Schlossberg
- Klaus Schmid
- Martin Schmid
- Andrea Schmidt
Luisa Schmidt
- Co-author in Social Research on Fusion
- John Schmitt
L. Schmitz
- Author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Co-author in Achievement of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma Sustainment via 10 MW Neutral-Beam Injection on the C-2U Device
- Co-author in Dominant role of turbulence in determining particle transport and confinement
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
Oliver Schmitz
- Author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in H-mode divertor target heat load measurements on KSTAR
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical investigation of 3-D plasma edge transport and heat fluxes including impurity effects in Wendelstein 7-X start-up plasmas with EMC3-Eirene
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
Mireille Schneider
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Kai Schneider
- Philip A. Schneider
- M.B. Schneider
- Bernd Schneider
- Mirjam Schneller
- Roman Schrittwieser
Timo Schröder
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
Martin Schubert
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Eugenio Schuster
- Frederic Schwander
- Jacob Schwartz
- Thomas Schwarz-Selinger
- Bernd Schweer
Josef Schweinzer
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Bruce D. Scott
- H.A. Scott
- Steve Scott
Steven Scott
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Massidda Scott
Filippo Scotti
- Author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
- F. Scotti
- Petr Sdvizhenskii
- Stephanie Sears
- Kamil SEDLAK
- Fredrick Seguin
- Sascha Seils
Yohji Seki
- Author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan
- Author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan & Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
Tetsuo Seki
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Plasma Start-up Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
Ryosuke Seki
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Yohji Seki
- Norikatsu Seki
- Junichi Sekiguchi
- Takashi Sekine
- Andrew Seltzman
- Vladimir Semenov
Pratibha Semwal
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Abhijit Sen
- Abhijit Sen
- Frank Senee
- Ilya Senichenkov
- Yasuhiko Sentoku
- Dongcheol Seo
JaeChun Seol
- Author in Effects of Localized Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Effects on the Toroidal Rotation Profile in KSTAR
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Role of explosive instabilities in high-beta disruptions in tokamaks
- Seegyoung Seol
- C. R. Seon
- Dmitri Sergeev
Gennady Sergienko
- Author in Pulse-resolved measurements of material migration in the JET-ILW divertor by quartz crystal microbalance
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of recent plasma-material interaction studies in the linear plasma device PSI-2
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Antonis Sergis
- Hisashi Serizawa
Vadim Serov
- Co-author in CXRS-edge Diagnostic in the Harsh ITER Environment
- Goncalo Serra
Eric Serre
- Co-author in Multiscale modelling of sheath physics in edge transport codes
- Co-author in Progress towards self-consistent treatment of turbulence in edge plasma modelling codes
- Co-author in The role of statistical noise in edge plasma transport codes based on kinetic Monte Carlo solvers for neutrals: an analogy with turbulent fluctuations
- Marco Sertoli
- Silvestar Šesnić
- David Sestak
- Agung Chris Setiadi
Lee Seungho
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Toshiko Sezaki
- A Shabelsky
Morgan Shafer
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Morgan Shafer
- K.S. Shah
- K. Shah
- Pankilkumar Shah
- K. C. Shaing
- Alexander Shalashov
S.E. Sharapov
- Author in Studies of Alfven eigenmodes in the ITER baseline scenario, sawtoothing JET plasmas, and MAST hydrogen-deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Multi-machine experimental investigation of ion cyclotron emission
- Rajiv Sharma
- Deepti Sharma
Aashoo N Sharma
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Dinesh Kumar Sharma
- Pramod K Sharma
- Manika Sharma
- Atish L Sharma
- S.K. Sharma
- Sergey Shatalin
- Guinevere Shaw
Peter Shchegolev
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Co-author in Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2: Design, Integration, Construction
- Oleg Shcherbinin
- Umar Sheikh
- Dmitrii Shelukhin
- Junsong Shen
- Biao Shen
- Huagang Shen
- He Sheng
- Zhicai Sheng
- Xiuli Sheng
- Mark Shephard
- Evgeny Shestakov
- V. Shevchenko
Vladimir Shevchenko
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
Alexander Shevelev
- Author in Runaway Electrons Studies with Hard X-Ray and Microwave Diagnostics in the FT-2 Low-Hybrid Current Drive Discharges
- Co-author in Comparison of Runaway Electron Generation Parameters in Small, Medium-sized and Large Tokamaks – A Survey of Experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET
- Co-author in On Fast Ions Diagnostics with Gamma-Ray Spectrometry in ITER
- Tonghui Shi
- Peiwang Shi
Zhongbing Shi
- Author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
Yuejiang Shi
- Author in Fluctuation signatures of rotation reversals and non-local transport events in KSTAR L-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Rotation Reversal in KSTAR and Its Turbulence and Transport Characteristics
Shanshuang Shi
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Eric Shi
- Y. L. Shi
- Yusuke Shibama
- Naoki Shibata
- Naoki Shibata
- Hiroyuki Shidara
- Keisuke Shigemori
Masashi Shimada
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
Katsuhiro Shimizu
- Co-author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Core-edge coupled predictive modeling of JT-60SA high-beta steady-state plasma with impurity accumulation
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Toshihiko Shimizu
- Akihiro Shimizu
- Akihiro Shimizu
- Tatsuo Shimizu
Akihiro Shimizu
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
Takashi Shimozuma
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
Koji Shinohara
- Co-author in Experimental observations of beam-driven Alfvén eigenmodes in KSTAR
- Co-author in First-Principle Simulations Reproduce Multiple Cycles of Abrupt Large Relaxation Events in Beam-Driven JT-60 Plasmas
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in The assessment of the neutron yield and the toroidal distribution of neutron emission on deuterium beam-plasma interaction dominated KSTAR operation
- Katsuhiro Shinto
- Takahiro Shinya
- Takahiro Shinya
Hiroyuki Shiraga
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Conceptual design and issue analysis of Laser Fusion Experiment Reactor (LIFT)
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
Hiroshi SHIRAI
- Author in Recent Progress of JT-60SA Project
- Author in Recent Progress of JT-60SA Project
Junya Shiraishi
- Author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Active control/stabilization of locked mode in tokamaks at high magnetic Reynolds number
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Reduction of CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up on DEMO reactor
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
Syun'ichi SHIRAIWA
- Author in Integration of core/edge plasmas in fullwave RF simulation
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- D. Shiraki
Deshpande Shishir
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Nuclear Design Analyses of SST-2
- Dmitry Shmelev
- Mamoru Shoji
- Michael Short
- Andrey Shoshin
- Andrei Shoshin
- Melissa Showers
Yuri Shpanskiy
- Author in Status of DEMO-FNS development
- Author in Status of DEMO-FNS development
- B. K. shukla
- G. Shukla
- Braj Kumar Shukla
- Uri Shumlak
- Remir Shurygin
- Fedir Shurygin
- Mattia Siccinio
- Abdelaziz Sid
- Anton Sidorov
- Evgeni Sidorov
Bernhard Sieglin
- Author in Assessment of Divertor Heat Load with and without External Magnetic Perturbation
- Author in Assessment of Divertor Heat Load with and without External Magnetic Perturbation & Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Bernhard Sieglin
- Serge Sierra
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
- Varsha Siju
- scott silburn
- Miguel Silva
- A. Silva
- Carlos Silva
- Andrei Simakov
- Michael SIMMONDS
- alain simonin
- James Simpson
- Amit Kumar Singh
- Amit K Singh
- Akhilesh K Singh
- N.P. Singh
- Raghvendra Singh
- Mahendrajit Singh
- Dhananjaykumar Singh
- Raghuraj Singh
- Stanislav Sinitsky
- Hong Sio
- Seppo K Sipilä
Adrianus Sips
- Author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
- Co-author in Recent Results on High-Triangularity H-mode Studies in JET-ILW
- Adrianus Sips
- Marco Siragusa
- Paula Siren
- Alla Sitnikova
- Tatyana Sizyuk
- Valeryi Sizyuk
- Mazhyn Skakov
- Charles Skinner
- Vladislav Sklyarov
- Miloš Škorić
- Dmitry Skovorodin
- V.A. Smalyuk
- Artem Smirnov
- Roman Smirnov
- S.P. Smith
- Håkan Smith
- David Smith
John Smith
- Author in ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication
- Author in ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication
George Smith
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- David Smithe
- Andrei Smolyakov
- Andrei Smolyakov
- Antti Snicker
- Antti Snicker
Joseph Snipes
- Author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios
- Co-author in Generation of the disruption mitigation trigger: developing a preliminary design for ITER
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
Philip B. Snyder
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Nonlinear dynamics of ELMs with Er shear and collisionality trends
- Co-author in Nonlinear extended-MHD modeling by the NIMROD code of broadband-MHD turbulence during DIII-D QH-mode discharges
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Predictions of the baseline operation scenario in Chinese fusion engineering test reactor
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Hyeon Seob So
- Sorin Soare
- Mikhail Sokolov
- Emilia Solano
- Emilia R. Solano
- Ricardo Adolfo Solano Piedra
- Elena Soldatkina
- Bernard Soler
- Vladimir Solokha
- Alexander Solomakhin
- Roman Solomatin
W.M. Solomon
- Author in DIII-D Research Advancing the Scientific Basis for Burning Plasmas and Fusion Energy
- Author in DIII-D Research Advancing the Scientific Basis for Burning Plasmas and Fusion Energy
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Analysis and prediction of momentum transport in spherical tokamaks
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Dimensionless Size Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode pedestal in DIII-D and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- W. Solomon
- Dmitry Solyakov
- Youji Someya (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Youji Someya
- banjerd somjinda
- Cristian Sommariva
- C Sommariva
- Dashrath P Sonara
- Piergiorgio Sonato
- Masateru Sonehara
Yuntao Song
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Recent Progress of ITER Package in ASIPP
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- zhiquan song
- Xianming SONG
- Shaodong Song
- Inwoo Song
- Dipal Soni
- Aaron Sontag
Le Masurier Sophy
- Author in The Nuclear Fusion Prize
Brandon Sorbom
- Author in Determination of Radiation Damage Limits to High-Temperature Superconductors in Reactor-Relevant Conditions to Inform Compact Fusion Reactor Design
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Smaller & Sooner – Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors for a more attractive fusion energy development path
- I.A. Sorokin
- Nina Sorokina
Vsevolod Soukhanovskii
- Author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in Comparison of helium glow and lithium evaporation wall conditioning techniques in achieving high performance H-mode discharges in NSTX
- Co-author in Kinetic profiles and impurity transport response to 3D-field triggered ELMs in NSTX
- Jorge Sousa
- Carl Sovinec
- Carl Sovinec
Carlo Sozzi
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Electron Heat Transport in JET from Ion to Electron scales: Experimental Investigation and Gyro-kinetic Simulations
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- B.K. Spears
- Alexander Spitsyn
- Gianluca Spizzo
Monica Spolaore
- Author in H-mode Achievement and Edge Features in RFX-mod Tokamak Operation
- Co-author in Extended scenarios opened by the upgrades of the RFX-mod experiment
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
D. Spong
- Author in Global gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle-driven instabilities in 3D systems
- Co-author in An island-induced Alfven eigenmode and effects of nonaxisymmetry on fast ions in the RFP
- Co-author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Paul Springer
- Sistla Sree
- G L N Srikanth
R Srinivasan
- Co-author in Design and Analysis of SST-2 Vacuum Vessel
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Upgradation of Aditya Tokamak with Limiter Configuration to Aditya Upgrade Tokamak with Divertor Configuration
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
Ritesh Srivastava
- Co-author in Zero D and 1 ½ D Transport Analysis of SST 2
- Rajesh Srivastava
- Michael Stadermann
Gary M. Staebler
- Author in A Model of The Saturation of Coupled Electron and Ion Scale Gyrokinetic Turbulence
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Crucial role of zonal flows and electromagnetic effects in ITER turbulence simulations near threshold
- Co-author in Development of a First-Principles Self-Consistent Core-Pedestal Model and its Application to ITER
- Co-author in Predictions of the baseline operation scenario in Chinese fusion engineering test reactor
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Studies of Turbulence and Transport in the Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Tokamaks with Phase Contrast Imaging and Gyrokinetic Modeling
- Co-author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
Adam Stahl
- Co-author in Kinetic modelling of runaways in fusion plasmas
- Valery Staltsov
- Mike Stamp
- Mike Stamp
- Torsten Stange
P.C. Stangeby
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas
- Co-author in Robust H-mode Pedestal Compatibility with SOL and Divertor Plasma Constraints
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
Pamela Stanislas
- Author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Nonlinear MHD simulations of Quiescent H-mode pedestal in DIII-D and implications for ITER
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Roman Stankiewicz
- Gediminas Stankunas
- E. Startsev
- Ester Stefanikova
- Estera Stefanikova
- Andreas Stegmeir
- Maarten Steinbuch
- Vasili Stepanov
- Ivan Stepanov
- Hillary Stephens
A. Stephens
- Co-author in ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication
Laurie Stephey
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Laurie Stephey
- Wlodzimierz Stepniewski
- Wlodzimierz Stepniewski
- I. Steudel
- Edward Stevens
Robert Stieglitz
- Co-author in Proposal of the Confinement Strategy for EU DEMO
- Christopher Stoafer
Joerg Stober
- Author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Effect of the EC torque on slow plasma rotation under central ECH/ECCD for NTM onset
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Jan Stockel
- Christian Stoeckl
- roger stoller
- Timothy Stoltzfus-Dueck
Daren Stotler
- Author in Neutral Recycling Effect on Edge ITG Turbulence and Transport
- Co-author in Investigation of Neutral Particle Dynamics in Aditya Tokamak Plasma with DEGAS2 Code
- Co-author in Kinetic Understanding of Neoclassical Scrape-off Layer Physics, Comparison with Fluid Modeling, and Experimental Validation
Jim Strachan
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- E.J. Strait
- Par Strand
Henry Strauss
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Dirk Strauss
- Mikhail Strikhanov
- Ulrich Stroth
Ulrich Stroth
- Co-author in Pedestal and core turbulence dynamics using 1µs sweeping profile reflectometry
- Co-author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Turbulence characteristics of the I-mode confinement regime in ASDEX Upgrade
- David Strozzi
Erika Strumberger
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Leanne Su
- Mikhail Subbotin
- Egor Suchkov
- Anton Sudnikov
- Hideo Sugama
- Hideo Sugama
- Takumichi Sugawara
- Tatsuo Sugie
- Masayoshi Sugimoto
- Masayoshi Sugimoto
Linda Sugiyama
- Author in Solar Coronal Loops as Magnetically Confined Tori with Gravity
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Magneto-thermal Reconnection Processes, Related Angular Momentum Transport issues and Formation of High Energy Particle Populations
- Co-author in The Contribution of Perturbation Coil Geometry Induced Sidebands and MHD Response in KSTAR and DIII-D
- Ivan Sukuba
- Yulij Sulyaev
- Shuhei Sumida
- Baojun Sun
- Aiping Sun
Youwen Sun
- Author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Effect of external magnetic perturbations on the EXTRAP T2R reversed-field pinch plasma
- Co-author in EMC3-EIRENE Simulations for the Impact of External Magnetic Perturbations on EAST Edge Plasma
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Isolation of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity Profile Under Varied Plasma and 3D Field Conditions in Low and Medium Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Hong Juan Sun
X. Sun
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
Atsushi Sunahara
- Co-author in Compression and Electron Beam Heating of Solid Target under the External Magnetic Field for Fast Ignition
- Co-author in Fast heating of an imploded core under counter beam irradiation by using a repetitive IFE driver HAMA
- Co-author in Fast ignition inertial confinement fusion with kilo-tesla magnetic field
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Present Operation Status of Target Injection System
- Co-author in Unified Studies of Fast-ignition Scheme Fusion with Counterbeam Configuration
- Choongki Sung
- Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- Thomas Sunn Pedersen
- Elizabeth Surrey
Alexei Sushkov
- Co-author in Status of Tokamak T-15MD
- Anna Šušnjara,
- Gajendra Suthar
- Derek Sutherland
- Derek Sutherland
Wolfgang Suttrop
- Co-author in Assessment of Divertor Heat Load with and without External Magnetic Perturbation
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- Sujin Suwanna
Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of High-beta Plasma Operation to low collisional Regime
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Plasma Effects in Full-Field MHD-Equilibrium Calculations for W7-X
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Co-author in Simulations of Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Mode and Global Alfven Eigenmode in 3-dimensional LHD Equilibrium
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between plasma rotation and interchange modes
Chihiro Suzuki
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Chihiro Suzuki
- Chihiro Suzuki
Satoshi Suzuki
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Progress of Qualification Testing for Full-Scale Plasma-Facing Unit Prototype of Full Tungsten ITER Divertor in Japan
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
Takahiro Suzuki
- Co-author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Reduction of CS flux consumption during plasma current ramp-up on DEMO reactor
- Mitsuhiro Suzuki
- Yasuhiro Suzuki
- Jacob Svensson
- Jakob Svensson
Alan Sykes
- Author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview and status of construction of ST40
- Elizaveta Sytova
Tamas Szepesi
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Gabor Szepesi
- Francisco Tabares
- Sam Taimourzadeh
- Toshiki Tajima
- Toshiki Tajima
- Ikuji TAKAGI
Noriki Takahashi
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
Hiromi Takahashi
- Author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Improvements of ion energy confinement in helium rich plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Chihiro Takahashi
- Tsutomu Takahashi
- Hiroki Takahashi
Koji Takahashi
- Author in Development of ITER poloidal steering equatorial EC launcher enhancing ECCD performance
- Co-author in Development of Multi-Frequency Mega-Watt Gyrotrons for Fusion Devices in JAEA
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in High Power Testing of Water-cooled Waveguide for ITER ECH Transmission Lines
- Kazumasa Takahashi
- Wataru Takahashi
Kazuya Takahata
- Author in Lessons Learned from the Eighteen-Year Operation of the LHD Poloidal Coils Made from CIC Conductors
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas & Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets & Lessons Learned from the Eighteen-Year Operation of the LHD Poloidal Coils Made from CIC Conductors
- Kyohei Takamatsu
- Shigeyuki Takami
- Shuichi TAKAMURA
Yuichi Takase
- Author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Co-author in Plasma Start-up Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
Haruhiko Takase
- Co-author in Progress of conceptual design study on Japanese DEMO
- Ken Takayama
- Takuya Takayama
- Makoto Takayasu
Manabu Takechi
- Co-author in Active control/stabilization of locked mode in tokamaks at high magnetic Reynolds number
- Co-author in First-Principle Simulations Reproduce Multiple Cycles of Abrupt Large Relaxation Events in Beam-Driven JT-60 Plasmas
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
- Shutaro Takeda
- Yokomine Takehiko
- Author in Extension of Operational Regime of LHD towards Deuterium Experiment
- Author in Extension of Operational Regime of LHD towards Deuterium Experiment
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
Yuki Takemura
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between plasma rotation and interchange modes
- Toshihiro Takeuchi
- Masaki Takeuchi
- Tomonori Takizuka
- Tuomas Tala
Patrick Tamain
- Author in Progress towards self-consistent treatment of turbulence in edge plasma modelling codes
- Co-author in Multiscale modelling of sheath physics in edge transport codes
- Co-author in The role of statistical noise in edge plasma transport codes based on kinetic Monte Carlo solvers for neutrals: an analogy with turbulent fluctuations
Hitoshi Tamura
- Co-author in Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
- Hitoshi TAMURA
- Ryo Tamura
- Naoki Tamura
H. Tan
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
Mingsheng Tan
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Overview of MST Reversed Field Pinch Research in Advancing Fusion Science
- Yi Tan
- Hiroshi Tanabe
Hirohiko Tanaka
- Co-author in Experimental observations and modelling of poloidal asymmetries in radiation profiles during N_2 seeding compared with Ne seeding in LHD
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Hitoshi Tanaka
Teruya Tanaka
- Co-author in Development of dissimilar-metals joint of oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) and non-ODS reduced-activation ferritic steels
- Co-author in Fabrication of Divertor Mock-up with ODS-Cu and W by Improved Brazing Technique
- Co-author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
Kenji Tanaka
- Author in Improvements of ion energy confinement in helium rich plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Extension of High-beta Plasma Operation to low collisional Regime
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Co-author in Observation of the ballooning mode that limits the operation space of the high-density super-dense-core plasma in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Hiroki Tanaka
- Kenji Tanaka
- Victor Tanchuk
- Xianzhu Tang
- William Tang
- Tengfei Tang
- Hisashi Tanigawa
Hiroyasu Tanigawa
- Author in Accomplishment of DEMO R&D Activity of IFERC Project in BA activity and strategy toward DEMO
- Author in Accomplishment of DEMO R&D Activity of IFERC Project in BA activity and strategy toward DEMO & Progress of conceptual design study on Japanese DEMO
- Co-author in Assessment of corrosion behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, F82H in high temperature water
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Small Specimen Test Technology Development Towards Design of Fusion DEMO Reactors and Future Direction Plan
Rakesh Tanna
- Author in Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1 & Overview of Recent Experimental Results from Aditya Tokamak
- Co-author in Observation of large filaments during the disruptive phase of Aditya tokamak plasma
- Co-author in Upgradation of Aditya Tokamak with Limiter Configuration to Aditya Upgrade Tokamak with Divertor Configuration
- Vipulkumar Tanna
- Giovanni Tardini
Giovanni Tardini
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Marco Tardocchi
- Umberto Tartari
- Neill Taylor
- N.Z. Taylor
- Chase Taylor
Gary Taylor
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Irina Tazhibayeva
- W7-X Team
- SST-1 Team
- Daniel Tegnered
Anna Telnova
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Anna Telnova
- Anna Teplukhina
- Otsuka Teppei
- Akihiro Terakado
- Juuso Terävä
- Yoshiro Terazaki
- Alexis Terra
- David Terranova
James Terry
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Assessment of X-point target divertor configuration for power handling and detachment front control
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Paul Terry
- Yuto Terunuma
Laurent Terzolo
- Co-author in Development of a Systematic, Self-consistent Algorithm for K-DEMO Steady-state Operation Scenario
- Co-author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Physics-based integrated modeling of the energy confinement time scaling laws in tokamaks
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Study of toroidal rotation and ion temperature pedestals between ELM bursts on KSTAR H-mode plasmas
- Duccio Testa
- Arvinkumar L Thakur
Prashant Thankey
- Co-author in Overview of SST-1 Up-gradation & Recent Experiments in SST-1
- Co-author in Plasma Facing Components Technologies in SST-1
- Shekar Thatipamula
- \ The EUROfusion MST1 Team
Christian Theiler
- Co-author in Basic studies of blob dynamics in X-point configurations and interaction with suprathermal ions in the TORPEX device
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Co-author in The physics of the heat flux narrow decay length in the TCV scrape-off layer: experiments and simulations
- C. Theiler
- \ The TCV Team
- D. Thomas
- Jinto Thomas
- Kathreen Thome
- Kathreen Thome
- Matthew C. Thompson
- Matt Thompson
Henning Thomsen
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- D.B. Thorn
- Andrew Thornton
- Andrew Thornton
- Didier Thouvenin
- Derek Thuecks
- Manfred Thumm
- Anantanarayanan Thyagaraja
- Andrius Tidikas
Ioannis Tigelis
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Scattering of Radio Frequency Waves by Density Fluctuations in Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in The Development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron for the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating System
- Genadiy Tilinin
- Igor Timofeev
- A. Tinguely
- Alex Tinguely
- Alexey Titarenko
- Yury Titarenko
- James Titus
- Peter Titus
- Hiroyuki Tobari
Benjamin Tobias
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Nonlinear 3D M3D-C1 Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Crossing a MHD Linear Stability Boundary
Kenji Tobita
- Co-author in Overview of DEMO Safety R&D and the Potential Future Role of IEA ESEFP IA
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Progress of conceptual design study on Japanese DEMO
- Co-author in Safety and waste management studies as design feedback for a fusion DEMO reactor in Japan
Yasushi Todo
- Co-author in First-Principle Simulations Reproduce Multiple Cycles of Abrupt Large Relaxation Events in Beam-Driven JT-60 Plasmas
- Co-author in Global gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle-driven instabilities in 3D systems
- Co-author in Simulations of Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Mode and Global Alfven Eigenmode in 3-dimensional LHD Equilibrium
- Co-author in Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interaction between plasma rotation and interchange modes
- Hiro Togashi
- Kazuya Toida
- Vanni Toigo
- Karoly Tőkési
Shigeki Tokita
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in LFEX-Laser: A Multi-Kilojoule, Multi-Petawatt Heating Laser for Fast Ignition
Masayuki Tokitani
- Author in Fabrication of Divertor Mock-up with ODS-Cu and W by Improved Brazing Technique
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Hydrogen Isotope Retention in Tungsten Surface-modified by Heavy Ion Irradiation, Helium bubbles and Tungsten Deposition
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Shinji TOKUDA
- Shinsuke Tokunaga
- Kazutoshi TOKUNAGA
Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Tokihiko Tokuzawa
- Sergey Tolstyakov
Sergei Tolstyakov
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Co-author in Spherical Tokamak Globus-M2: Design, Integration, Construction
- Mitsunori Toma
- Valerio Tomarchio
- Hideo Tomita
- Riccardo Tommasini
- Akira Tonegawa
- Laust Tophøj
- Yuji Torikai
- Alexandre Torre
- H. Torreblanca
- Shota Tosaki
- Shota Tosaki
- Lionel Toulouse
- Ryan Townsend
- Takeshi Toyama
Minh Quang Tran
- Author in EU DEMO Heating and Current Drive: Physics and Technology
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in Conceptual design of the DEMO NBIs: main developments and R&D achievements
- Co-author in DEMO Port Plug Design and Integration Studies
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- Co-author in The Development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron for the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating System
- Jean-Marcel Travere
- A Tremoulu
- Kelsey Tresemer
Wolfgang Treutterer
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
- Co-author in Real-time model-based plasma state estimation, monitoring and integrated control in TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and ITER
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Wolfgang Treutterer
- Joseph Triana
Humberto Trimino-Mora
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Kevin Tritz
- Rajesh Trivedi
- Vladimir Trukhin
- Yuri Trunev
- Yuriy Trunev
Maximos Tsalas
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in Electron Heat Transport in JET from Ion to Electron scales: Experimental Investigation and Gyro-kinetic Simulations
- Co-author in Studies of Alfven eigenmodes in the ITER baseline scenario, sawtoothing JET plasmas, and MAST hydrogen-deuterium plasmas
- Emmanuelle Tsitrone
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Modelling of Prompt Deposition of Tungsten under Fusion Relevant Conditions
- Co-author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
- Koji Tsubakimoto
- Ryosuke Tsuboi
- Hayato Tsuchiya
Hayato Tsuchiya
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Katsuhiko Tsuchiya
- Cedric Tsui
- Cedric Tsui
- Koichi Tsuji
- Naoto Tsujii
Shunji Tsuji-Iio
- Co-author in Overview of Spherical Tokamak Research in Japan
Toru Tsujimura
- Author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Ryo Tsukasaki
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Progress of Experimental Study on Negative Hydrogen Ion Production and Extraction
- Co-author in Synergy of numerical simulations and experimental measurements to improve the interpretation of negative ion beam properties
- Kohei Tsumura
- Mikhail Tsventoukh
Cui Tu
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Angelo A. Tuccillo
- O. Tudisco
- Sergey Tugarinov
- A Tukachinsky
- Alexander Tukachinsky
- Kurt Tummel
Catrinel Turcanu
- Co-author in Social Research on Fusion
Francesca Turco
- Author in Confinement and stability of the ITER Baseline Scenario in DIII-D
- Co-author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Role of MHD dynamo in the formation of 3D equilibria in fusion plasmas
- F. Turco
- Yuriy Turkin
Yuri Turkin
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Andrew Turner
- Mikhail Turnyanskiy
- Simonetta TURTU
- Michel Tuszewski
- George TYNAN
- Masaki Uchida
Yoshio Ueda
- Co-author in Deuterium retention and melting behavior in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Japan-US Joint Research Project PHENIX (2013–2018); Heat Transfer Tests, Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examinations for Development of He-Cooled Tungsten Divertor
- Co-author in Modeling Fuel Retention in Tungsten Plasma-Facing Materials under Realistic Tokamak Operation including Plasma Impurities
- Co-author in Particle simulation of plasma heat-flux dissipation by evaporated wall materials
- Co-author in Physics and Engineering Design Studies on Power Exhaust and Divertor for a 1.5 GW Fusion Power DEMO
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in Recent Progress of Divertor Simulation Research Using the GAMMA 10/PDX Tandem Mirror
- M.V. Ufimtsev
- Davide Uglietti
- Igor Uimanov
- Shigeharu Ukai
- Shino Ulahannan
- Maxim Umansky
- Naotaka Umeda
- Bernhard Unterberg
E.A. Unterberg
- Co-author in Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Ezekial Unterberg
- Dishang V Upadhyay
Hajime Urano
- Author in Global stabilization effect of Shafranov shift on the edge pedestal plasmas in JET and JT-60U
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Diamagnetic MHD equations for plasmas with fast flow and its application to ELM analysis in JT-60U and JET-ILW
- Co-author in Full-f gyrokinetic simulation including kinetic electrons
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Modelling of ELMs and Pedestal Confinement: From Validation to Prediction
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in Studies of the pedestal structure in JET with the ITER-like wall
- Hajime Urano (QST)
- Jakub Urban
- Jan Urban
- Shunsuke Usami
- Tomohiko Ushiki
- Mariia Usoltseva
- Yoshiyuki Usuki
- Hiroyasu Utoh
- Inge Uytdenhouwen
Alessandro Vaccaro
- Co-author in DEMO Port Plug Design and Integration Studies
Prashant Valanju
- Co-author in MHD stability of ITER H-mode confinement with pedestal bootstrap current and diamagnetic effects taken into account
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
- Daniel Valcarcel
- Matteo Valentinuzzi
- Ernest J. Valeo
- Matthieu Valette
Marco Valisa
- Author in The role of ELM’s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET
- Co-author in Extended scenarios opened by the upgrades of the RFX-mod experiment
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in Physics, control and mitigation of disruptions and runaway electrons in the EUROfusion Medium Size Tokamaks science programme
- Co-author in Progress in the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of tungsten transport in tokamaks
- Co-author in Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV
- Pablo Vallejos
- Gonzalo Valles
- Jean Claude Vallet
- Martin Valovic
- Oskars Valtenbergs
- Louwrens T H van Dellen
- Hugo Van den Brand
- Jaap van der Laan
Dirk Van Eester
- Author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Co-author in Electron Heat Transport in JET from Ion to Electron scales: Experimental Investigation and Gyro-kinetic Simulations
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Experimental results from three-ion species heating scenario on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power for DEMO
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating for Tungsten Control in JET H-mode Scenarios
- Co-author in IShTAR: a dedicated facility to characterize the interactions between ICRF waves and plasma
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Paul van Eeten
- Boudewijn van Milligen
- R. G. L. Vann
- Guido Van Oost
- Branka Vanovac
Michael Van Schoor
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
M.A. Van Zeeland
- Author in Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in DIII-D
- Co-author in Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D – A Fully-Noninductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER
- Co-author in Chirping in Plasmas; test of criterion for chirping onset and simulation of explosive chirping
- Co-author in Critical Gradient Behavior of Fast-Ion Transport from Alfvén Eigenmodes Guides Predictive Models for Burning Plasmas
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Improving fast-ion confinement in high-performance discharges by suppressing Alfve´n eigenmodes
- Co-author in The role of plasma response on fast-ion losses induced by edge 3D fields in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks
- A Varadharajulu
- Vladimir Varfolomeev
- Ivan Vargas-Blanco
- D.S. Varia
Jari Varje
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in High fidelity simulations of fast ion power flux driven by 3D field perturbations on ITER
- Co-author in The effect of plasma response on losses of energetic ions in the presence of 3d perturbations in different iter scenarios
- Venugopal Varma
- Pankaj Varmora
Stylianos Varoutis
- Co-author in Assessment of the operational window for JT-60SA divertor pumping under consideration of the effects from neutral-neutral collisions
- Co-author in Effect of divertor performance on the pumping efficiency in DEMO
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Self-Consistent Coupling of DSMC Method and SOLPS Code for Modeling Tokamak Particle Exhaust
- Stephane Vartanian
- Pareshkumar Vasava
- Ivan Vasil'evskii
- Alexander Vasilyev
- Alexander Vasyliev
- George Vayakis
- Jesus Vega
- Marta Velarde
- Jose Luis Velasco
- José Luis Velasco
- Carlos Velasquez
- giuseppe vella
- Maria Auxiliadora F. Veloso
- Pierluigi Veltri
Meera Venkatesh
- Author in Opening remarks
- Marco Veranda
- Geert Verdoolaege
- Antonio Vergara-Fernandez
- Jean-Marc Verger
Kevin Verhaegh
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in On Filamentary Transport in the TCV Tokamak: Addressing the Role of the Parallel Connection Length
- Co-author in TCV Experiments towards the Development of a Plasma Exhaust Solution
- Sriprakash Verma
- Shrikant Verma
- Deepak Verma
- Laure Vermare
- Jordy Vernimmen
- Vladimir Vershkov
Alexey Vertkov
- Author in Corrosion compatibility of capillary-porous system solid base with low melting metals applied as plasma facing materials for tokomak
- Co-author in Liquid metal experiments on FTU
- Co-author in Lithium and Tungsten Limiters for 3 MW of ECR Plasma Heating in Т-10 Tokamak. Design, first results
Michel Vervier
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Irina Veselova
- Evgeny Veshchev
- Nicola Vianello
Komarov Victor
- Co-author in Plasma disruption management in ITER
- Rui Vieira
- T. Vierle
Eleonora Viezzer
- Author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Turbulence characteristics of the I-mode confinement regime in ASDEX Upgrade
- Nicolas Vignal
- Wouter Vijvers
- Wouter Vijvers
- Reinhard Vilbrandt
- Rui Vilela Mendes
- Edgardo Villalobos
Laurent Villard
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Single Null Divertor in Negative Triangularity Tokamak
- Eric Villedieu
Fabio Villone
- Co-author in Disruption study advances in the JET metallic wall
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Securing high beta_N JT-60SA operational space by MHD stability and active control modelling
Benoit Vincent
- Co-author in The Articulated Inspection Arm Development
- Pietro Vincenzi
- Bruno Viola
- Chetan G Virani
- Vincenzo Vitale
- Aigars Vitins
- Gregorio Vlad
- Pavel Vladimirov
- Milos Vlainic
- Miloc Vlainic
- M. Vogel
Irina Voitsekhovitch
- Author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER
Emmanuelle VOLANT
- Co-author in Overview of the Laser Megajoule First Experiments
- Andrew Volodin
- John L. Vomvoridis
- K. von Bovert
- Murtuza M Vora
- Christian Vorpahl
- Sergey Voskoboynikov
- Christophe Vouland
- Trang Vu
- Leonid Vyacheslavov
- Leonid Vyacheslavov
- Team W7-X
- Francois Waelbroeck
Dietmar Wagner
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Julia Wagner
Eiichi Wakai
- Author in Small Specimen Test Technology Development Towards Design of Fusion DEMO Reactors and Future Direction Plan
- Co-author in The Accomplishments of Lithium Target and Test Facility Validation Activities in the IFMIF/EVEDA Phase
- Co-author in Validation of Liquid Lithium Target Stability for Intense Neutron Source
- Takuma Wakatsuki
- Chris Waldon
- John Walk
- John Walk
- John Walk
- Nicholas Walkden
- Nicholas Walkden
Michael Walker
- Co-author in Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D
- Co-author in Measuring and extending vertical stabilization controllability of KSTAR
- Co-author in Overview of the Preliminary Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
- Co-author in Plasma Control Studies Using DIII-D Design Tools in Support of ITER
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
Gregory Wallace
- Author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Michael Walsh
- Ronald E. Waltz
- William R. Wampler
Baonian Wan
- Author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Current Transport and Density Fluctuations at L-H Transition on EAST
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in EMC3-EIRENE Simulations for the Impact of External Magnetic Perturbations on EAST Edge Plasma
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Experimental study of radio-frequency driven spontaneous rotation for high-performance plasmas on EAST
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes
- Yuanxi WAN
Shude Wan
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Jun Wang
- Xin Wang
- Ge Wang
- Xin Wang
- Jongin Wang
H. Wang
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Yongqiang WANG
- Zhirui Wang
- Lei Wang
Hai Wang
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
Liang Wang
- Author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in EMC3-EIRENE Simulations for the Impact of External Magnetic Perturbations on EAST Edge Plasma
- Co-author in Fishtail Divertor: A New Divertor Concept on EAST For Active Control of Heat Load on Divertor Plate
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Yumin Wang
- Huihui Wang
- Mao Wang
- Jie Wang
- Zhengxiong Wang
Xin Wang
- Co-author in Linear and nonlinear dynamics of electron fishbones
- Zhongtian Wang
- Yifeng Wang
- Songke Wang
- Yi-Ming Wang
- Yongshen Wang
- Yingqiao Wang
- Sonjong Wang
- Nunchao Wang
- Q. Wang
X. Wang
- Author in Understanding and Predicting Profile Structure and Parametric Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation
- Co-author in Exploring the Regime of Validity of Global Gyrokinetic Simulations with Spherical Tokamak Plasmas
- Co-author in Validation of Theoretical Models of Intrinsic Torque in DIII-D and Projection to ITER by Dimensionless Scaling
- W. J. Wang
- T. J. Wang
- Feng Wang
- Kun Wang
- Zhengxing WANG
- Pinghuai Wang
- Fudi Wang
- Bo Wang
- G. Wang
- Hao WANG
- Wei Wang
- S.X. Wang
- Xiaoling WANG
- David Ward
David Ward
- Co-author in Social Research on Fusion
Felix Warmer
- Author in Integrated Concept Development of Next-Step Helical-Axis Advanced Stellarators
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Takenori Watanabe
- Kazuhito Watanabe
kiyomasa watanabe
- Co-author in Extension of High-beta Plasma Operation to low collisional Regime
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in Stabilization of the Helically Trapped Energetic Ions driven Resistive Interchange Mode by on-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Heating in a Helical Plasma
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Daisuke Watanabe
- Kiyomasa Watanabe
Tomo-Hiko Watanabe
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic analysis of the effects of electron-scale turbulence on ion-scale micro-instabilities
- Co-author in Multi-Machine Analysis of Turbulent Transport in Helical Systems via Gyrokinetic Simulation
- Co-author in Multi-species ITG-TEM driven turbulent transport of D-T ions and He-ash in ITER burning plasmas
- Kazuhiro Watanabe
- Tetsuo Watari
J.G. Watkins
- Co-author in Advances in Understanding of High-Z Material Erosion and Re-deposition in Low-Z Wall Environment in DIII-D
- Co-author in Edge- and divertor and plasma behavior in high power high performance double-null plasmas
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D
- Co-author in The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D
- Co-author in X-Divertors for Facilitating Detachment Without Degrading the DIII-D H-Mode
Tom Wauters
- Co-author in Application of the ECRH radiation for plasma diagnosis in Wendelstein 7‐X
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Development of Helium Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning on TCV for the operation of JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Co-author in Plasma-wall interaction studies in the full-W ASDEX Upgrade during helium plasma discharges
- Tobin Weber
- Armin Weckmann
- Lutz Wegener
- Tobias Wegener
- William Wehner
- Xishuo Wei
Jing WEI
- Co-author in Recent Progress of ITER Package in ASIPP
- Lai Wei
- X.C. Wei
- Yanling Wei
- Jan Weiland
- Markus Weiland
- Vladimir Weinzettl
- Vladimir Weinzettl
- Gavin Weir
Gavin Weir
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Gavin Weir
Henri Weisen
- Author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Co-author in Density Peaking in JET - Driven by Fuelling or Transport?
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Recent ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments in JET in preparation of a DT campaign
- Co-author in Statistical validation of transport models on baseline discharges in preparation for the extrapolation to JET D-T
Mathias Weisen
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Anders Welander
Xiaohui Wen
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Ronald Wenninger
- Ronald Wenninger
- Ronald Wenninger
- Uwe Wenzel
- Uwe Wenzel
- Andreas Werner
- Christoph Wersal
- Rainer Wesche
- Egbert Westerhof
- Garth Whelan
- Ryan L. White
- Anne White
- Anne White
- Roscoe White
Dennis Whyte
- Author in Smaller & Sooner – Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors for a more attractive fusion energy development path
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Assessment of X-point target divertor configuration for power handling and detachment front control
- Co-author in Determination of Radiation Damage Limits to High-Temperature Superconductors in Reactor-Relevant Conditions to Inform Compact Fusion Reactor Design
- Co-author in Impact of Helium Ion Energy Modulation on Tungsten Surface Morphology and Nano-Tendril Growth
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Hanmin Wi
Anna Widdowson
- Author in Overview of Fuel Inventory in JET with the ITER-Like Wall
- Author in Overview of Fuel Inventory in JET with the ITER-Like Wall
- Co-author in Comprehensive Analysis of Metal Dust Particles in JET-ILW, and Impact on Fusion Reactor
- Co-author in Detailed Survey of Dust Particles from JET with the ITER Like Wall: Origin, Composition and Internal Structure
- Co-author in Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures
- Anna Widdowson
Sven Wiesen
- Author in Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fuelling
- Co-author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in First results from recent JET experiments in Hydrogen and Hydrogen‐ Deuterium plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Progress in the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme and the use and validation of IMAS within the ITER Members
- Co-author in Progress in understanding the role of low-Z impurity in the confinement in JET-ILW and in JET-C plasmas
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
Robert S. Wilcox
- Author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in Elimination of the Non-Axisymmetric inter-ELM Heat Flux Generated by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Detached Divertor Conditions
- Co-author in Optimization of the Plasma Response for the Control of Edge-Localized Modes with 3D Fields
- Co-author in Pedestal-to-Wall 3D Fluid Transport Simulations on DIII-D and NSTX
- Scott Wilks
Matthias Willensdorfer
- Author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in Advances in Neutral Beam Current Drive Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in First Observation of ELM Suppression in ASDEX-Upgrade In A Similarity Experiment With DIII-D
- Co-author in Non-linear modeling of the Edge Localized Mode control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Matthias Willensdorfer
- Zachary Williams
James Randall Wilson
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Large RF field amplitudes in the SOL and far-field RF sheaths: a proposed mechanism for the anomalous loss of RF power to the SOL of NSTX
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Douglas Wilson
- Howard Wilson
- Thomas Windisch
Colin Windsor
- Co-author in Compact Fusion Energy based on the Spherical Tokamak
- Andreas Wingen
- Andreas Wingen
- Axel Winter
- Brian Wirth
- Marius Wirtz
Marco Wischmeier
- Author in Facing the challenge of power exhaust on the way to a future power plant with experiments in the JET and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
- Co-author in Analysis of the impact of nitrogen- & neon-seeding on ASDEX-Upgrade H-Modes with SOLPS simulations
- Co-author in Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fuelling
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Apiwat Wisitsorasak
- Apiwat Wisitsorasak
Robert Wolf
- Author in First plasma operation of Wendelstein 7-X
- Author in First plasma operation of Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Final integration, commissioning and start of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator operation
- Co-author in Integrated Concept Development of Next-Step Helical-Axis Advanced Stellarators
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in Minerva Bayesian Analysis of X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Data for Temperature and Density Profile Inference at Wendelstein 7-X
- Co-author in Physics and applications of ICRH on W7-X
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
Steve Wolfe
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Assessment of the Baseline Scenario at q95~3 for ITER
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
Elisabeth Wolfrum
- Co-author in Ion heat and toroidal momentum transport studies in the H-mode transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport
- Co-author in The role of the density profile location on pedestal stability in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in The Role of the neoclassical E_r for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade
- Kevin Woller
M.H. Woo
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Experimental observations of beam-driven Alfvén eigenmodes in KSTAR
- Co-author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios, providing the specifications for controlled shutdown of ITER discharges
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Paul Wouters
- Graham Wright
- John C. Wright
- William Wright
- John Wright
- Jiming Wu
- Co-author in Recent Progress of ITER Package in ASIPP
- Jie Wu
- Jihong Wu
- Chuanren Wu
- Yican Wu
- Yifan Wu
- Chengrui Wu
- Zhenwei Wu
- Yifan Wu
Stephen Wukitch
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Divertor and Core Plasma Performance Optimization Enabled by Direct Feedback Control of Surface Heat Flux on Alcator C-Mod’s High-Z Vertical Target Plate Divertor
- Co-author in Experimental results from three-ion species heating scenario on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Heating and Confinements by the waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on EAST
- Co-author in Influence of the Scrape Off Layer on RF Actuator Performance
- Co-author in Investigations of radial high-Z transport mechanisms in ICRF-heated Alcator C-Mod H-mode plasmas
- Co-author in Locked-mode avoidance and recovery without external momentum input using ICRH
- Co-author in Novel Reactor Relevant RF Actuator Schemes for the Lower Hybrid and the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Co-author in Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior of the high-field side scrape-off layer in near-double-null configurations: prospect for mitigating plasma-material interactions on RF actuators and first-wall components*
- Dirk Wünderlich
Glen Wurden
- Author in Limiter observations during W7-X first plasmas
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Co-author in Enhancement of W7-X performance by symmetrization of limiter loads with error field correction coils
- Co-author in Error field measurement, correction and heat flux balancing on Wendelstein 7-X
- Pavlos Xanthopoulos
- Vaissearu Xavier
- Pengwei Xi
- Tianyang XIa
- Nong Xiang
- Chijin Xiao
Bingjia Xiao
- Co-author in Developing Disruption Warning Algorithms Using Large Databases on Alcator C-Mod and EAST Tokamaks
- Co-author in Fishtail Divertor: A New Divertor Concept on EAST For Active Control of Heat Load on Divertor Plate
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Co-author in Study of the Effect of Magnetic Expansion in Snowflake Divertor on Impurity Screening for CFETR
- Xiaotao Xiao
- Yong Xiao
Wang Xiaoyu
- Co-author in Design and R&D Progress of Chinese HCCB TBS Program
Jinlin Xie
- Co-author in Current Transport and Density Fluctuations at L-H Transition on EAST
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
Yuanlai Xie
- Co-author in Progress of EAST Neutral Beam Injection System
- C. Y. Xie
huasheng xie
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak edge plasmas
- Anthony Xing
Min Xu
- Author in Direct Measurement of ELM related Momentum Transport in the Edge of HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
Xueqiao Xu
- Author in Nonlinear dynamics of ELMs with Er shear and collisionality trends
- Co-author in Advances in physics and performance of the I-mode regime over an expanded operating space on Alcator C-Mod
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in Divertor heat flux simulations in ELMy H-mode discharges of EAST and other tokamaks
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- Co-author in Tokamak Turbulence Simulations using BOUT++ in Core Region
- Jianqiang Xu
Yuhong Xu
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Study of impurity transport in the HL-2A ECRH plasmas with MHD instabilities
Guosheng Xu
- Author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Author in ELM Pace-making and Long-pulse ELM-stable H-mode operation with LHCD in EAST
- Co-author in Advances in the high bootstrap fraction regime on DIII-D towards the Q=5 mission of ITER steady state
- Co-author in Development of high poloidal beta, steady-state scenario with ITER-like W divertor on EAST
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Jichan Xu
- Qian Xu
- H. Xu
- Zong Xu
- Liuwei Xu
- Liqing Xu
- Zengyu Xu
- Xinyang XU
- Lei Xue
- Kiyohiro Yabuuchi
- Ashish Yadav
Dmitriy Yadykin
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in MHD limits and plasma response in high beta hybrid operations in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support to Computationally Demanding Multi-scale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modelling
Masatoshi Yagi
- Co-author in First-Principle Simulations Reproduce Multiple Cycles of Abrupt Large Relaxation Events in Beam-Driven JT-60 Plasmas
- Co-author in Numerical Diagnostics of Turbulent Transport in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Configurations
- Co-author in Simulation study of interaction between runaway electron generation and resistive MHD modes over avalanche timescale
- Co-author in Simulations of Runaway Electron Generation including Hot-Tail Effect
- Masatoshi Yagi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Rokkasho Fusion Institute)
- Konstantin YAGOTINTSEV
- Junnichi Yagyu
- Miyuki Yajima
- satoru yajima
- Miyuki Yajima
- Yuriyi Yakovenko
- Dmitry Yakovlev
- Takuma Yamada
- Hirokazu Yamada
- Ichihiro Yamada
Hiroshi Yamada
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Ichihiro Yamada
- Hiroyuki Yamaguchi
Satoshi Yamamoto
- Co-author in Fast Ion Generation by Combination Heating of ICRF and NBI in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Isotope Effects on Long Range Correlation and the Nonlinear Coupling with Turbulence in Heliotron J
- Co-author in Role of magnetic topology to form electron internal transport barrier on Heliotron J
- Co-author in Study of H-mode transition triggered by high-intensity gas puffing in NBI plasmas of Heliotron J
- Co-author in Suppression of Alfvén Eigenmodes by ECH/ECCD in Heliotron J
- Takuya Yamamoto
- Haruhiko Yamanaka
- Haruki Yamanaka
- Kenjiro Yamanaka
- toshihiko yamanishi
- Yasushi Yamano
Kohei Yamanoi
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Investigation of lanthanide-doped APLF scintillators for neutron detection
- Co-author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
Miyuri Yamasaki
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- Kotaro Yamasaki
- Yuji Yamauchi
- Hibiki Yamazaki
- Shohei Yamoto
Longwen Yan
- Author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Investigation of mechanisms for the generation of blobs/holes at the boundary of the HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- shilei yan
Z. Yan
- Co-author in Dominant role of turbulence in determining particle transport and confinement
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Ning Yan
Zheng Yan
- Author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- Author in Turbulence and Sheared Flow Structures Behind the Isotopic Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold and H-L Back Transition on DIII-D
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
Nagato Yanagi
- Author in Helical Coil Design and Development with 100-kA HTS STARS Conductor for FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Development of Remountable Joints and Heat Removable Techniques for High-temperature Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in REVOLVER-D: The Ergodic Limiter/Divertor Consisting of Molten Tin Shower Jets Stabilized by Chains
- Co-author in Two Conceptual Designs of Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1A Based on ITER Technologies and Challenging Ideas
- Tomomi Yanagida
- Ryoma Yanai
- Xu Yang
Q. Yang
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Power Challenges and Solutions
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- Co-author in Progresses on WEST Platform Construction towards First Plasmas
Lei Yang
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
Qingwei Yang
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Co-author in Synchronization of GAMs and Magnetic Fluctuations on HL-2A tokamak
- Zhendong Yang
- Zengchen Yang
- Qingwei Yang
- JungHoon Yang
- Y. Yang
- Bo Yang
- Seong Moo Yang
- Wenjun Yang
- Xiaokang Yang
- Qingquan Yang
- Hardalupas Yannis
Yoshihisa Yano
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- ke Yao
- D. M. Yao
- Anna Yaroshevskaya
- Ryo Yasuhara
Eiichi Yatsuka
- Co-author in Effect of wall light reflection in ITER diagnostics
- Yang Ye
- Minyou YE
- Charles Yeamans
- Dmitri Yelisyeyev
- Sumin Yi
- Sunghwan Yi
- Xianghui Yin
- Chengyan Yin
- Lan Yin
- Minami Yoda
Akifumi Yogo
- Author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Author in Laser-driven Ion Acceleration on LFEX for Fast Ignition: State of the Art and Applications
- Co-author in Improvement in the heating efficiency of Fast Ignition inertial confinement fusion by suppressing the preformed plasma
- Co-author in Plasma Mirror implementation on LFEX laser for Ion and Fast Electron Fast Ignition.
- Takehiko Yokomine
- Mitsuhiro Yokota
- Author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Anomalous and Neoclassical Transport of Hydrogen Isotope and Impurity Ions in LHD Plasmas
- Co-author in Development of a Real-time Simulation Tool towards Self-consistent Scenario of Plasma Start-up and Sustainment on Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Co-author in Improvements of ion energy confinement in helium rich plasma of LHD
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Investigation of initial plasma parameters on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Kenji Yokoyama
- Shen Yong
- J. W. Yoo
- Min-Gu Yoo
Si-Woo Yoon
- Author in Extension of operational boundary of high-beta long-pulse operation at KSTAR
- Co-author in Application of Physics-Based Profile Control Approach to KSTAR
- Co-author in Characteristics of magnetic braking depending on 3D field configuration in KSTAR
- Co-author in Comparison of Divertor Heat Flux Splitting by 3D Fields with Field Line Tracing Simulation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Direct Destabilizations of Macro/Micro Edge Instabilities by Magnetic Perturbations
- Co-author in Enhanced understanding of non‐axisymmetric intrinsic and controlled field impacts in tokamaks
- Co-author in Influences of non-axisymmetric field on H-mode power threshold and pedestal rotation in KSTAR
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Shielding and amplification of non-axisymmetric divertor heat flux by plasma response to applied 3-D fields in NSTX and KSTAR
Maiko Yoshida
- Author in Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas
- Co-author in Impact of Kinetic Effects of Energetic Particles on Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High-beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Co-author in Predictions of toroidal rotation and torque sources arising in non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic fields in tokamaks
- Yusuke Yoshida
- Maiko Yoshida (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Atsushi Yoshida
- Co-author in Effect of defect concentration and distribution on hydrogen isotope retention and diffusion in damaged W for fusion first wall
- Co-author in Effects of Modified Surfaces Produced at Plasma-Facing Surface on Hydrogen Isotopes and Helium Release Behavior in the LHD
- Co-author in Global particle balance and its relationship with the plasma wall interaction emerging in long pulse discharges on the Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Hydrogen Isotope Retention in Tungsten Surface-modified by Heavy Ion Irradiation, Helium bubbles and Tungsten Deposition
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Hideki Yoshida
Zensho Yoshida
- Co-author in Ion heating in magnetosphere plasma device RT-1
- Kiyoshi Yoshida
- Masayuki Yoshikawa
- Akira Yoshikawa
Yasuo Yoshimura
- Author in Progress of Steady State Operation Using RF Heating in the LHD
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in Development of Over MW Gyrotrons for Fusion at Frequencis from 14 GHz to Sub-terahertz
- Co-author in Extended Capability of the Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a, for LHD Experiment, and its Impacts on Facilitating Stellarator-Heliotron Research
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Impact of the LHD peripheral region and the magnetic axis shift on optimal on-axis ECRH injection for high-electron-temperature plasmas
- Shinji Yoshimura
Mikirou Yoshinuma
- Co-author in Enhancement of helium exhaust by resonant magnetic perturbation fields
- Co-author in Extension of Operational Regime in High-Temperature Plasmas and Effect of ECRH on Ion Thermal Transport in the LHD
- Co-author in Flow damping due to the stochastization of magnetic field in Large Helical Device
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Integrated Simulation of Deuterium Experiment Plasma in LHD
- Co-author in Magnetic island formation in locked-like mode in helical plasmas
- Co-author in Observations of sustained phase shifted magnetic islands from externally imposed m/n = 1/1 RMP in LHD
- Co-author in The effect of transient density profile shaping on transport in large stellarators and heliotrons
- Mikiro Yoshinuma
- J.-H. You
Wei You
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
- James Young
- Kelly Youngblood
Deliang Yu
- Author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Hong Yu
- Jonathan Yu
- Yaowei Yu
- Liming Yu
- Yi Yu
- Qingquan YU
- C.X. Yu
Q Yuan
- Co-author in Remote Third Shift EAST Operation: A New Paradigm
- Boda Yuan
- Y. Yuan
- Baoshan Yuan
- Xingqiu Yuan
- Shuai Yuan
- Howard Yuh
Yukiya Amano
- Author in Opening Address
Gunsu Yun
- Author in Edge-localized modes on KSTAR: global structure and distinct evolution stages involving quasi-steady state and phase transitions
- Author in Edge-localized modes on KSTAR: global structure and distinct evolution stages involving quasi-steady state and phase transitions
- Co-author in Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak devices
- Co-author in ELM, Edge Turbulence and Their Interaction in the ELM-crash Suppression Phase under the n=1 RMP
- Co-author in Hysteresis and Fast Timescale in Transport Relation of Toroidal Plasmas
- Co-author in Investigation of MHD Stability in KSTAR High Normalized Beta Plasmas
- Co-author in Ion-Scale Turbulence Study in KSTAR L-Mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Long-lived pressure-driven MHD mode in KSTAR plasmas
- Co-author in Multi-machine experimental investigation of ion cyclotron emission
- Co-author in Non-linear MHD modelling of Edge Localized Modes dynamics.
- Co-author in Overview of the KSTAR Research in Support of ITER and DEMO
- Co-author in Study of Nonlinear Phase of the ELMs by Comparison between ECEI ELM Observation and Nonlinear MHD Simulations
- Co-author in Study of the Locked Mode Disruption with the 3-D Imaging Data in KSTAR*
- Co-author in Validation of q(0)≥1.0 in the MHD Quiescent Time after Crash of the Sawtooth Instability in KSTAR
- Sang Won Yun
Baranov Yuriy
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Dmitri Yurov
- Peter Yushmanov
- Luca Zabeo
Georgiy Zadvitskiy
- Co-author in Counter-NBI experiments on Globus-M
- Bertrand Zago
Roman Zagorski
- Author in Numerical analyses of baseline JT-60SA design concepts with the COREDIV code
- Co-author in EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications
- Co-author in Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA
- Co-author in Physics and operation oriented activities in preparation of the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation
- Feodor Zaitsev
- Andrey Zakharov
- Rinad Zalavutdinov
- Anže Založnik
- Alexander Zaluzhnyi
- I. Zammuto
- Paolo Zanca
- paolo Zanca
- Qing Zang
- Louis ZANI
roberto zanino
- Co-author in Evolutions of EU DEMO reactor Magnet System design along the recent years and lessons learned for the future
- Co-author in Self-Consistent Coupling of DSMC Method and SOLPS Code for Modeling Tokamak Particle Exhaust
- Barbara Zaniol
- loris zanotto
- Vincenzo Zanza
- Roberts Zarins
- Arturs Zarins
- David Zarzoso
Klaus-Dieter Zastrow
- Co-author in Neutron yield studies in JET H-modes
- Zhanna Zaurbekova
- Konstantin Zaytsev
Lei Zeng
- Co-author in Bifurcation of Quiescent H-mode to a Wide Pedestal Regime in DIII-D and Advances in the Understanding of Edge Harmonic Oscillations
- Co-author in Dominant role of turbulence in determining particle transport and confinement
- Co-author in Experiments on Helicons in DIII-D – Investigation of the Physics of a Reactor-relevant Non-Inductive Current Drive Technology
- Co-author in Toroidally Localized Turbulence with Applied 3D Fields in the DIII-D Tokamak
- Co-author in Turbulence Evolution and Transport Behavior During Current Ramp-Up in ITER-Like Plasmas on DIII-D
- Co-author in Turbulence-Flow Coupling and Poloidal Main-Ion Flow Acceleration Preceding the L-H Transition
- Long ZENG
- V.N. Zenin
- Vitaly Zenin
- Yuhu Zhai
- Juncheng Zhan
- Han Zhang
- Ling Zhang
- Boyu Zhang
- Xinjun Zhang
- Kai Zhang
- Pengfei Zhang
tao Zhang
- Co-author in Analysis of weakly coherent mode in I-mode with the BOUT++ code
- Co-author in ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbation in EAST
- Co-author in Key Issues Towards Long Pulse High beta-N Operation on EAST Tokamak
- Co-author in Overview of EAST Experiments on the Development of High-performance Steady-State Scenario
- Xiujie Zhang
Daihong Zhang
- Co-author in Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas
- Bin Zhang
- Sheng Zhang
- Fan Zhang
- J Zhang
- S.B. Zhang
- Zhe Zhang
- Neng Zhang
- Wenlu Zhang
- Hongming Zhang
- Yang Zhang
- Wenlu Zhang
- Huasen Zhang
- Bin Zhang
- qiyong zhang
- Wei Zhang
- Yang Zhang
Taige Zhang
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak edge plasmas
- Xiaodong ZHANG
- yan zhao
chen zhao
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak edge plasmas
- Kaijun Zhao
- Kaijun Zhao
- Hailing Zhao
- Deng Zhao
- Aihui Zhao
- Yanping Zhao
- Wei Zhao
- Jinlong Zhao
Linjin Zheng
- Author in MHD stability of ITER H-mode confinement with pedestal bootstrap current and diamagnetic effects taken into account
- Co-author in Steady State Turbulent ITER-like Plasmas with RF drivers
- zhen Zheng
- Guoyao Zheng
- Jinxing ZHENG
- A.I. Zhezhera
- Eugene Zhilin
- Alexey Zhirkin
- Victor Zhogolev
- Victor Zhogolev
- Guang-wu Zhong
Wulu Zhong
- Co-author in Direct Measurement of ELM related Momentum Transport in the Edge of HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Kinetic Alfvén-Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas with Weak Magnetic Shears and Low Pressure Gradients
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Wulv Zhong
- Chu Zhou
Haiyang Zhou
- Co-author in Initial operation results from KTX
- Co-author in Overview of Keda Torus eXperiment Initial Results
Yan Zhou
- Co-author in Experimental investigation of interaction between turbulence and large-scale mode structures in HL-2A
- Co-author in Ion internal transport barrier in neutral beam heated plasmas on HL-2A
- Co-author in Role of SMBI deposition in ELM mitigation and the underlying turbulence characteristics
- Co-author in Technical Preparation for Series Production of ITER Enhance Heat Flux FW Panels
- Yushan Zhou
- Y.B. Zhu
- Xiaobo Zhu
- P. Zhu
- Ge Zhuang
- Nickolay Zhubr
- N Zhubr
- Andreas Zimbal
- Steven Zinkle
Hartmut Zohm
- Co-author in Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Dealing with uncertainties in fusion power plant conceptual development
- Co-author in EU DEMO Heating and Current Drive: Physics and Technology
- Co-author in Phase-space resolved measurements of the influence of RF heating and MHD instabilities on the fast-ion distribution in ASDEX Upgrade
- Co-author in Plasma response of external magnetic perturbations at the edge: Comparisons between measurements and 3D MHD models
- Co-author in Power Handling and Plasma Protection Aspects that affect the Design of the DEMO Divertor and First Wall
- Co-author in The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit
- Tomasz Zok
- S. Zoletnik
Ali Zolfaghari
- Co-author in Recent Advances in Stellarator Optimization
Fulvio Zonca
- Co-author in Gyrokinetic investigation of the nonlinear interplay of Alfvén instabilities and energetic particles in tokamaks.
- Co-author in Linear and nonlinear dynamics of electron fishbones
- Co-author in Nonlinear excitation of fine-structure zonal flow by Alfvén eigenmodes
- Co-author in On Excitation of Zonal Structures by Kinetic Alfv´en Waves
- Co-author in On the structure of wave-particle interactions and nonlinear Alfvénic fluctuation dynamics
- Z.Y. Zou
xiaolan zou
- Co-author in Direct Measurement of ELM related Momentum Transport in the Edge of HL-2A H-mode Plasmas
- Co-author in Evidence and Modelling of 3D Divertor Footprint Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves on EAST with Tungsten Divertor Operations
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
- Co-author in Roles of an inward particle flux inducing quasi-mode in pedestal dynamics on HL-2A tokamak
- Matteo Zuin
Hideki Zushi
- Co-author in Advanced Fueling in Spherical Tokamak by Compact Toroid Injection on QUEST
- Co-author in Investigation of hydrogen recycling property and its control with hot wall in long duration discharges on QUEST
- Co-author in Non-inductive Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive with Dual Frequency (8.2 /28 GHz) Waves in QUEST
- Aleksandr Zvonkov
- Stewart Zweben
- Wolfgang Zwingmann
- Izabella Zychor
- Alex Zylstra