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17–22 Oct 2016
Kyoto International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Magnetic shear effects on plasma transport and turbulence at high electron to ion temperature ratio in DIII-D and JT-60U plasmas

21 Oct 2016, 10:45
Kyoto International Conference Center

Kyoto International Conference Center

Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan
Oral EXC - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Confinement Turbulence & Transport


Dr Maiko Yoshida (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


Negative magnetic shear has been demonstrated to mitigate the confinement degradation typically observed with increasing the electron to ion temperature ratio (Te/Ti), and the mechanisms are now understood in terms of fluctuation measurements and gyrokinetic (GK) simulations in DIII-D steady-state plasmas. The impact of Te/Ti on plasma transport and confinement is a critical issue for ITER and DEMO, where electron heating by alpha particles will be dominant. In the new experiments in DIII-D negative magnetic shear (NS) discharges, the Ti profile was maintained as Te/Ti increased through electron cyclotron range of frequency (ECRF) heating, while in positive magnetic shear (PS) plasmas, a large reduction in Ti was observed at increased Te/Ti. The different transport behavior has been explained by the turbulence measurements and GK simulations; the increase in Te/Ti had less impact on broadband turbulent fluctuations in the NS plasmas compared with that in the PS plasmas. The difference reflects changes in thermal energy confinement; the ion thermal diffusivity remained constant in the NS plasma but increased in the PS plasma when ECRF was applied. The reduced confinement degradation at high Te/Ti with NS has been commonly observed in DIII-D and JT-60U.
Country or International Organization Japan
Paper Number EX/8-1

Primary author

Dr Maiko Yoshida (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


Mr A. M. Garofalo (General Atomics) Mr B.A. Grierson (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr C. Craig Petty (General Atomics) Dr Cami Collins (General Atomics) Mr Choongki Sung (University of California, Los Angeles) Dr Christopher T. Holcomb (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Evan Davis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr Francesca Turco (Columbia University) Dr George R. McKee (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Dr John Ferron (General Atomics) Mr L. Schmitz (University of California-Los Angeles) Mr Makoto Ohno (SOKENDAI) Dr Masanori Murakami (OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY) Dr Motoki Nakata (National Institute for Fusion Science) Dr Terry Rhodes (University of California, Los Angeles) Dr Wayne M. Solomon (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

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