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Leadership and Safety Culture: An INPO Perspective

24 Feb 2016, 14:30
Boardroom B/M1 (IAEA HQ)

Boardroom B/M1


Vienna International Centre, Vienna, AUSTRIA


Deborah J. Williams (INPO)


Conclusions and data related to organizational effectiveness activities and the relationship to nuclear safety culture.


The mission of INPO is to foster a culture of safety and reliability in the nuclear industry and it has been supporting nuclear power plants for over 30 years. Although our industry is characterized by long-term success, plants sometime exhibit performance decline, often slowly, but in some cases, quickly. The link between the presence of effective leadership teams and high levels of sustainable performance is supported by numerous examples throughout our industry’s history. Unfortunately, at times, site and corporate leaders are either unaware of the declines or are slow to react to them.

INPO has identified that weak leadership teams and weak organization cultures have continued to challenge industry performance and have been identified as key drivers of plant declines. After reviewing industry strengths and areas for improvement, interactions with high-performing organizations, and applicable research, nine leadership attributes and five team attributes were commonly associated with high performance. INPO has captured these attributes in the document 'INPO 15-005, Leadership and Team Effectiveness Attributes' to help the industry more quickly identify weak leadership behaviors to help prevent plant performance declines.

This presentation covers the rationale behind the development of INPO 15-005 and the contents of the model. It identifies the standards of effective leadership and teams within the framework of the commercial nuclear industry and describes observable attributes seen in effective organization.

Country or International Agency INPO
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Primary author

Deborah J. Williams (INPO)

Presentation materials