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Leadership and Safety Culture – Leadership for Safety

25 Feb 2016, 13:30
Boardroom B/M1 (IAEA HQ)

Boardroom B/M1


Vienna International Centre, Vienna, AUSTRIA


Erwin Fischer (Germany)


Following the challenge to operate Nuclear Power Plants towards operational excellence a highly skilled and motivated organisation is needed. Therefore Leadership is a valuable success factor.

On the other hand a well-engineered safety orientated design of NPP´s is necessary. Once built a NPP it constantly requires maintenance, ageing management and lifetime modifications. E.ON tries to keep the nuclear units as close as possible to the state of the art of science and technology. Not at least a requirement followed by our German regulation. As a consequence of this we are continuously challenged to improve our units and the working processes using national and international operational experiences too. A lot of modifications are driven by our self and by regulators. That why these institutions – authorities and independent examiners - contribute significantly to the safety success. Not that easy all the day. The relationship between the regulatory body, examiners and the utilities should be challenging but also cooperative and trustful within a permanent dialog. To reach the common goal of highest standards regarding nuclear safety all parties have to secure a living safety culture. Without this attitude there is a higher risk that safety relevant aspects may stay undetected and room for improvement is not used. Nuclear operators should always be sensitized and follow each single deviation.

Leaders in an NPP-organisation are challenged to create a safety-, working- and performance-culture based on clear common values and behaviours, repeated and lived along all of our days to create a least a strong identity in the staffs mind to the value of safety, common culture and overall performance.

Country or International Agency Germany

Primary author

Erwin Fischer (Germany)

Presentation materials