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Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness in Tehran Research Reactor

23 Feb 2016, 13:00
Room M3 (IAEA HQ)

Room M3



Naimeddin Mataji Kojouri (Iran)


Bearing in mind even one simple definition of "organization" as a social unit of structured people working together in a managed manner to achieve some common goal which is the purpose of establishing that organization, we can understand the importance of the matter in achieving goals. Organization of the nuclear complex shall be considered, by all stakeholders not only in national scale but also in international relations and communities, as one of the most important pillars of the effective and reliable, safe and secure use of the nuclear technology. Effectiveness of the nuclear technology is obtained through a good, safe and secure technology, skilled and committed personnel who work well in interaction with technology and a good and established organization which conducts and regulates activities upon whole of the complex system via management and leadership in harmonized manner. Although, Effectiveness of the nuclear complex is a complicate function of the above mentioned affecting factors, but a good organization besides solving its day to day business, can minimize the problems, resolve or eliminate unnecessary challenges and save resources and energies and help to identify issues and difficulties.
Simply any organization has a theoretical base and consists of necessary elements. In order to be effective one organization first of all shall include good theoretical base, then armed with good instruments and then shall be run well. Enhancing the effectiveness of any organization can be achieved by enhancing any of the above mentioned elements individually or collectively in a harmonic way.
For improving the Research Reactors effectiveness as a nuclear complex or facility in order to satisfactorily meet research and production needs, we must work in some different areas in parallel and simultaneously including technical, administrative, organizational and human resource issues. First we should identify and fix the real situation in all interested subjects and areas and to identify gaps and problems, in other words a comprehensive self-assessment. After identifying and fixing the issues we should investigate solutions for each issue and decide about the best recommended solutions. During this period we should determine some necessary requirements for each solution to be able to evaluate and assess each solution individually and in comparison with others and to make decision. After decision and introducing solutions to the system and implementing them for a limited period as a "testing instrument" we should use feedbacks and identifiers in order to evaluate the selected solution.
For enhancing the effectiveness of the organization in relation to human resource activities, we introduced some changes in the following areas: organizational chart, internal working procedures, establishing consultancy committees and some activities in direct relation with human resources including spiritual, training and education programs as well as the job trainings. Currently work is implemented and after that we shall evaluate the results, but up to now briefly we understood that selected way helped us to improve our organization.

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Primary author

Hossein Khalafi (AEOI)


Mrs Elham Sedghgooya (AEOI) Naimeddin Mataji Kojouri (Iran)

Presentation materials