The Indonesia Nuclear Energy Act no. 10 of 1997 clearly stated that Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) is the Nuclear Regulatory Body. This is the legal basis of BAPETEN to perform regulatory functions on the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, including regulation, authorization, inspection and enforcement. The Independent regulatory functions are stipulated in Article 4 and Article 14 of the Nuclear Energy Act no. 10 year 1997 which require the government to establish regulatory body that is reporting directly to the president and has responsibility to control of the use of nuclear energy. BAPETEN has been start fully its functioning on January 4, 1999. In it roles as a regulatory body, the main aspect that continues and always to be developed is the safety culture. One of the objectives of regulatory functions is “ to increase legal awareness of nuclear energy of the user to develop safety culture ( article 15, point d ), while in the elucidation of article 15 it is stipulated that “ safety culture is that of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individual that emphasize the importance of safety”.
In year 2000 the activities related to the safety culture began to be implemented in the form of a simple activites such as training on safety culture Implementation to the radiation protection officer and a dissemination to the licensee, several workshop & seminar on safety culture, and also promote an independent assessment of safety culture implementation to the nuclear installation. In addition, the Implementation of Safety culture in BAPETEN and as decision making process is outlined in the BAPETEN Management System and in the strategic planning.
Associated with the safety culture framework, BAPETEN has prepared a guide for the licensee as set out in BAPETEN Chairman Regulation (BCR) No. 4 year 2010 on Management system for facility and activity, as well as Government Regulation (GR) No. 33 year 2007 on the Safety Ionizing Radiation and the Security of Radioactive Sources, article 7, also in 2006 BAPETEN published Technical Document on Guidance of Safety Culture Implementation. Nuclear Safety Plolicy Statement by Chairman of BAPETEN, june 2000, have purpose to provide the framework for regulatory authority to manage the regulatory control of nuclear energy with due respect to safety, security, healthy of workers, environmental protection and peaceful use and to improve the professionalism in nuclear regulatory activities. The assurance of nuclear safety should be given a first priority in the utilization of nuclear energy, and organization, utilities, companies and individuals engaged in all aspect of nuclear energy utilization should adhere to the safety principles as top priority.
The development and implementation of safety culture within the regulatory body is a concern all of the stakeholders. This is necessary because BAPETEN as regulatory bodies should provide a good example for the licensee related to the Safety culture. Based on recommendations from several international meeting such as Int'l Conference for Regulatory Effectiveness, IAEA Report on Strengthening Nuclear Regulatory Effectiveness in the Light of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and also IRRS mission Recommendation, BAPETEN has set a numbers of things that must be followed in the implementation of safety culture in its own internal BAPETEN. Actions to be taken by BAPETEN include:
• Consider safety culture program within the regulatory body by developing a safety culture policy, and training senior management and staff in their respective roles and responsibilities in its implementation incorporating safety culture in the regulatory processes.
• Conducting safety culture self-assessment under the Integrated Management System continuous improvement program. BAPETEN take into consideration the elements of safety culture into their decision making processes .
• Engage in ongoing dialogue with licensees to enhance the understanding of safety culture aspects and to seek licensees’ commitment to perform self and independent peer assessments of safety culture on a regular basis.
• Regulatory framework for promoting and oversight of safety culture in the operating organizations that is in nuclear installations and radiation facilities and activities.
Ecosystem view is an opportunity for regulator to achive the mission of nuclear safety culture within the national nuclear program, and Regulator is responsible and acountable for nuclear system. One of the BAPETEN mission related to safety culture program is to realize the national safety and security culture in accordance with the personality and character of the nation, so that BAPETEN has important role to fostering Nuclear Safety culture in the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia.
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