The conference will provide a forum for networking and exchange of information and experiences, and will promote effective preparedness as a key to efficient response. In particular, it will bring together officials responsible for EPR, experts in nuclear safety and nuclear security, emergency responders as well as relevant stakeholders in order to achieve the following:
- Present contemporary EPR solutions;
- Exchange information on national EPR arrangements and capabilities;
- Share experiences and good practices in EPR; and
- Discuss challenges and priorities in further strengthening readiness to respond to any nuclear or radiological incident or emergency.
It will also provide opportunities to refresh and update knowledge in specific areas of EPR, discuss challenges and priorities in EPR in round table discussions and to visit the IAEA’s Incident and Emergency Centre.
Conference Topics
The following areas have been identified based on recent experience as being particularly relevant, and, while not exhaustively covering all aspects of EPR, they will form the backbone of this conference: emergency management, protection strategies, communications, public health and medical response, waste, international cooperation, education and training, and past experiences.
Synopses are invited on the following topics falling into the above-mentioned areas:
- Emergency Management: ‘all hazards and threats approach’, decision making processes, information management systems and databases, nuclear security–safety interfaces and integration in emergency response, peer reviews of EPR, international emergency assistance, non-radiological consequences;
- Protection Strategies: assessment and prognosis in an emergency, emergency radiation monitoring, modelling systems, protective and other actions, criteria, planning areas and distances, protection of emergency workers and helpers, protection of food and agricultural products, termination of a radiation emergency, transition phase and recovery;
- Communications: notification and information exchange processes at national and international levels, public/media communication (in preparedness, during an emergency and in post-emergency phase);
- Public Health and Medical Response: medical triage, individual exposure assessment (including biodosimetry), diagnosis and treatment of radiation injuries, practical aspects of thyroid blocking, public health and ethical considerations of response, psychological impact management, medical surveillance of overexposed individuals and long term follow-up of exposed populations;
- Waste: management of contaminated waste (during an emergency, in recovery phase);
- International Cooperation: cooperation among States, inter-agency cooperation, framework for sharing of decisions, international harmonization;
- Education and Training: training strategies, programmes, exercises and simulation tools, e learning; and
- Past Experiences: past incidents and emergencies, lessons, impacts on EPR.
Guidelines for Synopses
Synopses covering areas of emergency preparedness and response to nuclear or radiological emergency are welcome, and may be requested for an oral or poster presentation, and in a specific conference session. All synopses submitted – other than invited keynote papers – must present original work and should not have been published elsewhere.
Any participant wishing to present a paper (or poster) during the conference must submit synopsis in MS Word directly to the IAEA using the IAEA-INDICO file submission system. The synopsis must be submitted through this system no later than 12 May 2015.
The maximum length of synopsis is 4 pages including figures and tables. Minimum length is 500 words.
The electronically received synopsis will be considered by the International Conference Programme Committee. Authors will be notified via email by 26 June 2015 as to whether their contributions have been accepted for oral or poster presentation.
Important: The electronically received synopsis will be considered by the International Conference Programme Committee only if Participation Form (Form A) and Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) have been received by the IAEA through the established official channels.
Where the number of oral requests will exceed slots available, the International Conference Programme Committee will assign papers to an appropriate poster session.
A Book of Synopses of accepted contributions will be provided electronically and free of charge upon registration at the conference.
Important: Authors need to provide the release right on the Form B ‘Form for Submission of a Paper’.
Submission of Grant Applications (Forms A and C): 17 April 2015
Submission of synopsis (including Forms A and B): 12 May 2015
Submission of synopsis (including Forms A and B): 12 May 2015
Notification of acceptance of synopsis: 26 June 2015
Submission of presentation/ poster: 16 October 2015
Submission of presentation/ poster: 16 October 2015