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19–23 Oct 2015
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Conference Topics

  • Emergency Management


    All hazards and threats approach’, decision making processes, information management systems and databases, nuclear security–safety interfaces and integration in emergency response, peer reviews of EPR, international emergency assistance.

  • Protection Strategies


    Assessment and prognosis in an emergency, emergency radiation monitoring, modelling systems, protective and other actions, criteria, planning areas and distances, protection of emergency workers and helpers, protection of food and agricultural products, termination of a radiation emergency, transition phase and recovery.

  • Communications


    Notification and information exchange processes at national and international levels, public/media communication (in preparedness, during an emergency and in post-emergency phase).

  • Public Health and Medical Response


    Medical triage, individual exposure assessment (including biodosimetry), diagnosis and treatment of radiation injuries, practical aspects of thyroid blocking, public health and ethical considerations of response, psychological impact management, medical surveillance of overexposed individuals and long term follow-up of exposed populations.

  • International Cooperation


    Cooperation among States, inter-agency cooperation, framework for sharing of decisions, international harmonization.

  • Education and Training


    Training strategies, programmes, exercises and simulation tools,e-learning.

  • Past Experiences


    Past incidents and emergencies, lessons, impacts on EPR.