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1–4 Apr 2025
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

The dates of the Technical Meeting have been postponed and will be updated accordingly. Please note that the dates listed below are no longer valid.

03 February 2025

Deadline for submission of abstracts through IAEA-INDICO for regular contributions

03 February 2025

Deadline for submission of Participation Form (Form A), Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and Grant Application Form (Form C) (if applicable) through the official channels

03 March 2025

Notification of acceptance of abstracts and of assigned awards

01 April 2025

Event begins

04 April 2025

Event ends

For their economical viability, fusion power plants based on a D-T fuel cycle will have to breed their own tritium in-situ. Yet, tritium breeding blankets are one of the most important and novel technical components in any planned next step devices to follow ITER. Many nations are embarking on dedicated R&D programmes to select tritum breeding blanket concepts which overcome issues, such as feasibility and attractiveness. 

Against this backdrop, the IAEA is launching a series of Technical Meetings on the topic of tritium breeding blankets and associated neutronics.

The objectives of the first Technical Meeting in the series are threefold: 

  • Provide a forum for exchanging and discussing technical issues associated to the development and nuclear qualification of tritium breeding blanket technologies;

  • Contribute to the establishment of specific guidelines for the qualification of tritium breeding blankets as part of fusion nuclear installations;

  • Contribute to harvesting the return on experience from the ITER TBM Program to inform and support the development of breeding blankets for next step fusion facilities. 



IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

IAEA Contacts

Scientific Secretaries:

Mr Vladimir Artisiuk

Nuclear Power Technology Development Section | Division of Nuclear Power
Department of Nuclear Energy | International Atomic Energy Agency


Tel: +43 1 2600 23313

Mr Ryan Wagner

Nuclear Power Technology Development Section | Division of Nuclear Power
Department of Nuclear Energy | International Atomic Energy Agency


Tel: +43 1 2600 22825

Administrative Secretary:

Ms M. Nicole Cordova Jurak

Nuclear Power Technology Development Section | Division of Nuclear Power
Department of Nuclear Energy | International Atomic Energy Agency


Tel: +43 1 2600 22815


Programme Committee

Mr Richard Kamendje (Chair)

Mr Hiroyasu Tanigawa

Mr Francisco Hernandez

Mr Mu-Young Ahn

Mr Luciano Giancarli

Mr Songlin Liu

Mr Giacomo Aiello

Mr Long Zhang

Mr Salvatore D’Amico

Ms Francesca Fantini

Mr Mike Gorley

Mr Richard Pearson

Mr Paul Humrickhouse

Alessandro Spagnuolo

Kalle Henola

Lee Parker

EUROfusion, Germany

QST, Japan

KIT, Germany

KFE, Korea

ITER, France

ASIPP, China

EUROfusion, Germany

SWIP, China

EUROfusion, Germany

F4E, Germany


Kyoto Fusioneering, UK


ENI, Italy




The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.