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13–18 Oct 2025
Europe/Vienna timezone
Accepting Post Deadline submissions (see guidelines, until 15 September) and Conference Manuscripts (mandatory requirement, until 20 September)


10 February 2023 Opening of synopsis synopses submission through IAEA-INDICO

16 March 2023 Deadline for submitting synopses through IAEA-INDICO

28 March 2023 Deadline for submitting Form B and/or Form C (together with Form A); no deadline if only Form A is submitted

15 June 2023 Authors notified about the acceptance of their contributions and in which categories (specifications and instructions for the layout of the full manuscripts, as well as for the preparation of posters, will be posted on the IAEA web site for the conference) and opening of post-deadline submission through IAEA-INDICO

15 June 2023 Opening of manuscript submission through IAEA-INDICO

15 September 2023 Deadline for submitting synopses for post-deadline acceptance through IAEA-INDICO (PDF files only)

20 September 2023 Deadline for submitting manuscripts through IAEA INDICO



Conference Secretariat

Scientific Secretaries:

Matteo Barbarino

Danas Ridikas

Physics Section | Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications

International Atomic Energy Agency

Ryan Wagner

Nuclear Power Technology Development Section | Division of Nuclear Power

Department of Nuclear Energy

International Atomic Energy Agency

Administration and Organization:

Sanjai Padmanabhan

Nancy Herter

Conference Services Section | Division of Conference and Document Services

Department of Management

International Atomic Energy Agency

Host Government Official:

Ian T. Chapman

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

Culham Science Centre, UK





Before submitting a synopsis, please read the guidelines under 'Call for Synopses'