Opening day
Submission deadline
- The synopses should be a maximum of two pages (A4 PDF) including figures, tables, and references.
- The synopses are the main material used by the Programme Committee (PC) for selection.
- The evaluation criteria are Impact, Novelty and Quality.
- An active title that communicates the main achievements is helpful.
- The synopsis should clearly emphasize how the work described meets the criteria. It is recommended that there is a clear focus on results obtained, conclusions, and impact in the field.
- Results obtained should be described and clearly stated at the beginning to assist the evaluation. Note that the PC work is conducted under strict confidentiality agreement.
- Methodology and motivational statements are important but should not dominate the content of the synopsis.
- The use of 2-3 figures in the synopsis can be very helpful in clearly communicating principal results.
- The synopsis for overview contributions should provide a coherent analysis of a specific subject area, clearly showing cross references in the same FEC. Overview submissions will only be considered within this contribution category, i.e., overview oral or overview poster.
- Plans to undertake future productive analysis are welcome but cannot substitute for evidence of completed work.
- Synopses must be uploaded in PDF format through IAEA-INDICO.
- File name should be in format: Author-Category-Subcategory.pdf (e.g., Smith-EX-C.pdf)
- Conference manuscripts are not peer reviewed publications and will be made available as Conference Material.
- The Conference manuscript should be identified as a preprint, for example in its header or with a watermark – see https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0029-5515/page/conference-policy