Following please find guidelines with regard to your presentation. Please note we need two presentations from you: Your pre-recorded virtual e-poster as well as the static e-poster. Unfortunately, if your static e-poster(s) is not uploaded by 26 September 2024 23:59, your abstract will be withdrawn.
Keep your presentation to a maximum of 4 minutes.
Prepare your virtual e-poster presentation in PowerPoint (PPT) using this template. Here are some handy links on how to prepare a pre-recorded e-poster:
Recording on a PC
Recording on a Mac
Additionally, to guarantee full visibility of your presentation on the conference app, we also need the static e-poster. The template for the static e-poster can be found here: E-poster template
Upload here both of your complete presentations, using the PPT templates, no later than September 26, 2024. Please name your presentations with your abstract ID number and your family name (ID#000PPT_virtual_Familyname.ppt)
You will receive a Webex link for the time of your virtual e-poster presentation to allow for 1 minute of questions and answers if needed.
Your abstracts will be made available in both the book of abstracts and in the conference app.