In France, deep geological disposal has been chosen as the reference solution for the management of high-level waste and intermediate level long-lived waste (HLW&LLW). With this in mind, the National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (Andra) is developing a project for an industrial geological disposal center (Cigéo).
Taking into account the high technical and societal challenges of this project, the National Association of Local Information Committees (Anccli), the Local Information and Oversight Committee (Clis) of the Bure research laboratory, and the Institute for Radiation protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) have set up a technical dialogue since 2012. This dialogue allows:
i) civil society to increase its technical skills in the objective to participate in public decision-making
ii) and IRSN to make its expertise more robust by integrating the concerns and questions of civil society.
The paper will present the objectives, the actions implemented, the lessons learned and the main results of this technical dialogue.