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Attaining Sustainable Development through the Application of Radioactive Sources and Safe Management of the Waste Therefrom

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
ORAL Track 4 - Integrating the views of society into decision-making considering technical, environmental, social, and economic factors


Dr Abdallah Munir Abdallah Dawood (Radiation Protection Institute)


Health, industry, and agriculture are three key areas of the Ghanaian economy where applications of nuclear/radiation technology have the potential to turn around the fortunes of the country. Effective applications reduce reliance on carbon-emitted technologies and thereby establish trajectory for sustainable development and greener environment. Attainment of the IAEA’s Milestone-1 of the nuclear power installation framework demonstrates Ghana’s commitment to the programme which promises to yield sustainable power generation, enhanced radioactive waste management facility, a robust gamma irradiation facility etc. In spite of these potential benefits, significant public acceptability of the programme is key to its success. As a result, the Ghana Nuclear Power Programme Organisation (GNPPO) is charged with the responsibility of engaging and taking the views and insights of the stakeholders of which, the public is an integral part for decision-making. Prevailing views and concerns of the Ghanaian society borders on waste management, safety, and sustainable environment which are being addressed and released to the public through the GNPPO’s Quarterly Newsletter. In this regard, the Radioactive Waste Management Centre is strategically enhancing its logistical and human resources to ensure the safe and secure management of radioactive waste generated in Ghana from all sources of radioactive/ nuclear applications.

Primary author

Dr Abdallah Munir Abdallah Dawood (Radiation Protection Institute)


Dr Oscar Adukpo (Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)

Presentation materials

