The Republic of Armenia has been using the nuclear energy and technology for peaceful purposes in power generation, agriculture, medicine, industry, and research, for over five decades. However, despite its benefits, the management of generated radioactive waste poses a significant challenge that require a comprehensive approach to ensure both safety and sustainability. The radioactive waste from both historical and current periods, including the waste expected from the decommissioning of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, needs effective management to avoid long-term environmental risks without imposing an unnecessary burden on future generations.
This article examines the interrelationships between policy, strategy, legislation, and regulation in ensuring the safe management of radioactive waste in Armenia. It discusses the challenges in achieving a balance between safety and sustainability while creating or improving the regulatory framework.
Additionally, the article discusses the use of international best practices and the application of the International Safety Standards, along with the selected Directives of the European Commission, to establish a safe and sustainable framework for managing the radioactive waste.