Introduction: At Nuclear Waste Services, our purpose is clear: to make nuclear waste permanently safer, sooner. And we want to become the ‘one-stop shop’ for nuclear waste management and disposal solutions in the UK. As an organisation, we want to deliver this in the most sustainable way possible. We have created a sustainability policy that outlines six key principles to ensure we deliver this ambition.
The challenge: We need to create a sustainability strategy that enables us to act as a sustainable organisation while maintaining our core nuclear safety and security principles. We need to be able to focus on key sustainability topics that are the most significant to our organisation and deliver them in a coordinated way.
Our approach: We need to make sure that our strategy represents the views of our stakeholders, and when we focus on areas, we know that we are focusing on the areas that matter. We have developed our understanding through materiality assessments with various stakeholders, such as our workforce, communities, leadership, and the waste community.
The output: By completing these materiality assessments, we can shape our sustainability strategy to ensure we focus on the key topics. The output of these assessments showed that our stakeholders think safety and security are key to sustainability, and by working with our colleagues in safety, we have been able to shape a sustainability strategy that can deliver on our sustainability priorities while ensuring nuclear safety is at the core of our strategy.
Summary: This paper will describe the output of the sustainability materiality assessments completed. It will highlight the key topics that have emerged from each stakeholder group and how these topics will be developed into the Nuclear Waste Services sustainability strategy.