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Safety Assessment on TENORM Waste Management

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
POSTER Track 2 - Managing the interrelationships in policy, strategy, legislation, and regulation


Mr Tino Sawaldi Adi Nugroho (Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency)


The issuance of Government Regulation No. 52 Year 2022 on Safety and Security of Nuclear Ore Mining provided regulatory basis for TENORM management in Indonesia. The regulation provided safety and security requirements that needs to be fulfilled by TENORM producers. Henceforth, TENORM producers shall acquire license to storage or license to process. Afterward when TENORM producers would no longer store or process TENORM, they shall carry out permanent disposal.

However, the Government Regulation only consist of general requirements, therefore derivative regulations are urgently needed to provide detailed requirements in order to ensure the safety of workers, public, and environment while at the same time able to provide certain benefit to TENORM producers. This should apply not only for TENORM that might still generate economical benefit through reprocesses or reuse, but also for TENORM waste en route to permanent disposal.

Safety assessment are carried out to implement graded approach taking into account wide range type of TENORM identified in Indonesia. Regulatory practices by countries and specific associations on TENORM waste management are compiled and its corresponded requirements are identified. Finally, appropriate strategy and policy on TENORM waste management which will be written down as requirements in derivative regulations will be develop.

Primary author

Mr Tino Sawaldi Adi Nugroho (Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency)


Mr Decky Dendy Dharmaperwira (Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency) Mr Petit Wiringgalih (Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency)

Presentation materials